All 9 results for speaker:Josh Babarinde

Justice: Rape and Sexual Violence: Victim Support (10 Sep 2024)

Josh Babarinde: From my own experience, I know that independent sexual violence advisers provided by amazing charities such as SurvivorsUK are critical guides to help survivors navigate their path to justice and peace. Could the Minister commit to redoubling her support for ISVAs and the organisations that make them available to the survivors who need them?

Education: SEND Provision ( 9 Sep 2024)

Josh Babarinde: Too many Eastbourne parents, my mum included, are forced to relentlessly fight to get their children into the school that can best meet their children’s special educational needs. That is so often down to a lack of funding, so will the Secretary of State commit to meeting Eastbourne families, Eastbourne school leaders and me to hear about the SEND landscape locally, and provide the funding...

Business and Trade: High Street Businesses ( 5 Sep 2024)

Josh Babarinde: To grow, high street businesses in Eastbourne are relying on Government investment through initiatives such as the towns fund, of which my town was selected to be a beneficiary. Our towns fund board is fired up and ready to go, but still awaiting further instructions from Government on how to proceed. Will the Secretary of State, working with his Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local...

Business and Trade: High Street Businesses ( 5 Sep 2024)

Josh Babarinde: To grow, high street businesses in Eastbourne are relying on Government investment through initiatives such as the towns fund, of which my town was selected to be a beneficiary. Our towns fund board is fired up and ready to go, but still awaiting further instructions from Government on how to proceed. Will the Secretary of State, working with his Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local...

Fly-tipping ( 3 Sep 2024)

Josh Babarinde: Thank you, Mr Efford, for your chairmanship this afternoon. This is my first Westminster Hall debate, and I am very pleased to be able to use it to congratulate the hon. Member for Ealing Southall (Deirdre Costigan) on securing such an important debate on an issue that blights so many communities, including mine in the sunniest town in the UK, Eastbourne. With a million incidents a year...

Treasury: Economic Stability ( 3 Sep 2024)

Josh Babarinde: The cost of temporary accommodation is spiralling out of control, and it is a source of economic instability for local government. Eastbourne borough council leader Stephen Holt, together with 118 cross-party council leaders, wrote to the last Government to ask for urgent support and to propose a number of solutions, but they were completely ignored. Will this Chancellor meet me and local...

Treasury: Economic Stability ( 3 Sep 2024)

Josh Babarinde: The cost of temporary accommodation is spiralling out of control, and it is a source of economic instability for local government. Eastbourne borough council leader Stephen Holt, together with 118 cross-party council leaders, wrote to the last Government to ask for urgent support and to propose a number of solutions, but they were completely ignored. Will this Chancellor meet me and local...

Public Spending: Inheritance (29 Jul 2024)

Josh Babarinde: Residents of Eastbourne will be outraged to learn that the Conservatives’ promise of a brand-new hospital for our town was not worth the paper it was written on. Eastbourne deserves better. Under-investment has consequences and, at the moment, Eastbourne district general hospital is closed for births due to that under-investment, and it has been since December. It needs investment. Will the...

Immigration and Home Affairs (23 Jul 2024)

Josh Babarinde: It was inspirational to listen to the story of the hon. Member for Bassetlaw (Jo White) and her determination to never stop dreaming. It was also inspirational and fantastic to hear maiden speeches from many others. I was interested to hear the competition among some Members about the length of piers in seaside towns. I hail from the great town of Eastbourne. While some hon. Members might...

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