All 5 results for speaker:the Bishop of Lichfield

Anti-Muslim Prejudice and Hate Crime - Question ( 9 Sep 2024)

the Bishop of Lichfield: My Lords, some of the most valuable and effective work that is being done to improve community relations, and so to counter religious hate crime and prejudice, is at a local and grass-roots level; for example, in Walsall we have community iftars, church-mosque twinnings, multifaith drama groups, and so on. Can the Minister tell us what the Government are providing in funding and support for...

Written Answers — Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities: Community Relations: Religion (24 May 2024)

the Bishop of Lichfield: To ask His Majesty's Government what is their response to the recommendation of Colin Bloom in his report Does government ‘do God?’ An independent review into how government engages with faith, published on 26 April 2023, regarding the appointment of an independent faith champion.

Written Answers — Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities: Public Sector: Religion (24 May 2024)

the Bishop of Lichfield: To ask His Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to improve the faith literacy of those on the public payroll, including (1) civil servants, (2) the police, (3) NHS staff, and (4) HM Prison and Probation Service staff.

Written Answers — Ministry of Defence: Armed Forces: Recruitment (23 May 2024)

the Bishop of Lichfield: To ask His Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to ensure that more people from minority faith groups are recruited and retained by the UK armed forces.

Parliamentary Democracy in the United Kingdom - Question for Short Debate (25 Apr 2023)

the Bishop of Lichfield: My Lords, I am very grateful for the opportunity to speak in this House for the first time. I promise that I will be brief. I thank all noble Lords for their warm welcome and all the parliamentary staff and officers for their kindness and patience in explaining to me the procedures, traditions and geography of this extraordinary place. Throughout my ministry I have had the joy of living and...

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