Results 1–20 of 1375 for speaker:Janet Daby

Written Answers — Department for Education: Qualifications (19 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: In July 2024, my right hon. Friend, the Secretary of State for Education announced a short pause to the defunding of qualifications to enable a review of 16-19 qualification reforms at Level 3 and below. This ensured that 95 qualifications set to lose funding this summer continue to be available to students, in accordance with the decisions of awarding organisations. This was followed by a...

Written Answers — Department for Education: Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023 (19 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: The decision to pause the implementation of the Higher Education (Free Speech) Act 2023 took account of views from across the higher education (HE) sector, including universities and academics, who felt that the Act is disproportionate, burdensome and damaging to the welfare of students and that it would expose HE providers to costly legal action, and that the fear of sanction could push...

Written Answers — Department for Education: Children in Care: Standards (19 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: Reforming children’s social care is critical to deliver the government’s Opportunity Mission, to ensure that no child or young person’s background limits their ambition or life chances. The department recognises that children in care and care leavers have poorer outcomes than their peers across all aspects of their lives, and wants all those who are in care or leaving care to have...

Written Answers — Department for Education: Vocational Education: Finance (18 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: This government is determined to ensure all young people have high quality education and training pathways post-16. To help secure this, my right hon. Friend, the Secretary of State for Education, announced that the department would pause and review the defunding of qualifications in July 2024. The department will conclude and communicate the outcomes of this internal review of post-16...

Written Answers — Department for Education: Further Education: Pay (18 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: The government does not set or recommend pay in further education (FE), and the FE sector does not have a Pay Review Body (PRB). Colleges are not bound by the national pay and conditions framework for school teachers and are free to implement their own pay arrangements. The department will continue with its plans to invest in FE teachers, as part of approximately £600 million funding...

Written Answers — Department for Education: Department for Education: Equality (18 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: The department does not routinely collate information on specific words and collating this information would come at a disproportionate cost. Information on spending and staffing can be found in the department’s annual report and accounts.

Written Answers — Department for Education: Qualifications (18 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: In July 2024, my Right hon. Friend, the Secretary of State for Education announced a short pause to the defunding of qualifications to enable a review of post-16 qualification reforms at level 3 and below. This was followed by a Written Ministerial Statement by my noble Friend, the Minister for Skills, on 25 July. This statement is available here:...

Written Answers — Department for Education: Students: Loans (18 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: As education is a devolved issue, the following response outlines the student finance system in England only. Interest rates on student loans do not affect monthly repayments made by borrowers. Repayments are based on earnings above the applicable repayment threshold, not on amount borrowed or the rate of interest. As such, some borrowers will see their balance increasing at certain times...

Written Answers — Department for Education: Tom Crick (18 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: The role of the Senior Adviser to the Curriculum and Assessment Review is to support the Review Group and its Chair, Professor Becky Francis, in their engagement with the education sector to develop proposals on how best to refresh the curriculum to ensure it is cutting edge, fit for purpose and meeting the needs of children and young people to support their future life and work. The role was...

Written Answers — Department for Education: Children: Protection (18 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: Nothing is more important than keeping children safe and the government is committed to protecting children experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, significant harm as well as tackling the underlying factors driving this. The department is interested in all reports, evidence and recommendations which can help it drive forward better outcomes for children and young people, and to that end,...

Written Answers — Department for Education: Social Workers: Training (18 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: The regulator for the social work profession, Social Work England, sets the professional standards which all social workers must meet. The professional standards include that social workers must be able recognise the risk indicators of different forms of abuse and neglect and their impact on people, their families and their support networks. Social workers complete initial education and...

Written Answers — Department for Education: Overseas Students: British Overseas Territories (17 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: Since 2007, persons who have settled status in the United Kingdom (UK), and who come to the UK from specified British Overseas Territories, have been eligible for home fee status if they meet the requirement of three years’ ordinary residence in the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and/or specified British Overseas Territories. Since 2022/23, those starting designated full-time and...

Written Answers — Department for Education: Special Educational Needs: Mid Cheshire (17 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: Data for 16 to 24 year olds not in education employment or training (NEET) is not available by constituency nor by special educational needs. National figures for overall proportions of 16 to 24 year olds NEET in England are sourced from the Office for National Statistics Labour Force Survey, which is available here:

Written Answers — Department for Education: Carers (16 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: The government recognises the vital role that kinship carers play in caring for some of the most vulnerable children. The government’s manifesto committed to working with local government to support children in care, including through kinship arrangements. The department is considering how to most effectively transform the children’s social care system to deliver better outcomes for...

Written Answers — Department for Education: Children in Care: Education (16 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: This government will champion the ambitions of all children and ensure that background is not a barrier to success. In the department’s Children’s Wellbeing Bill, we will set out our plans to raise standards for all children in social care and will ensure that they are supported to thrive.

Written Answers — Department for Education: Apprentices (13 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: This government is transforming the Apprenticeship Levy into a new Growth and Skills Levy to create opportunities for learners of all ages, including young people at the start of their careers, and to give employers greater flexibility to train and upskill their workforce. The department is working across government to develop the design of the Growth and Skills Levy and will set out more...

Written Answers — Department for Education: Young People: Employment (13 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: This government aims to create a clear, flexible, high quality skills system that supports all young people, thereby breaking down the barriers to opportunity and driving economic growth. The department has already taken steps to reform the skills system. Firstly, the department has established Skills England, which is a new organisation that will ensure we have the highly trained workforce...

Written Answers — Department for Education: Universities: Applications (13 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: Education is a devolved matter, and the response outlines the information for England only. The majority of students who applied for places at universities in 2024 will have done so before the change of government in July 2024. Final applications, acceptances and confirmations of these places will continue to be finalised until the end of October 2024. The department will continue to...

Written Answers — Department for Education: Overseas Students (13 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: The government recognises that international students enrich our university campuses, forge lifelong friendships with our domestic students and become global ambassadors for the UK, as well as making a significant economic contribution to the higher education (HE) sector and our country as a whole. The government expects the UK to remain a highly attractive study destination. The UK has...

Written Answers — Department for Education: Department for Education: Redundancy Pay (13 Sep 2024)

Janet Daby: The provision of severance payments for Ministers is set out in legislation. Details of the severance payments made to ministers when leaving office are published in the Departments’ Annual Reports and Accounts.

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