All 4 results for speaker:Mr Henry Drummond-Wolff

Oral Answers to Questions — Housing.: Demolition Orders. (15 Nov 1934)

Mr Henry Drummond-Wolff: 19. asked the Minister of Health if he can state how many cases have been brought to his notice where a local authority has sent workmen to demolish a private house without notice and without compensation, and to sell the rubble on the site to pay for the expenses of demolition?

Oral Answers to Questions — Malaya (Wild Life Commission). (15 Nov 1934)

Mr Henry Drummond-Wolff: 40. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what progress has been made in the matter of preservation of game in Malaya, in view of the recommendations made in the Wild Life Commission which reported in 1931?

Oral Answers to Questions — Trade and Commerce.: German Loans. (12 Jul 1934)

Mr Henry Drummond-Wolff: 27. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he has considered the position of foreign investors resident abroad under the German debt agreement signed on 4th July, 1934, which discriminates between bonds of the German International 5½ per cent. Loan, 1930 (the Young Loan), held by British nationals or foreigners domiciled in Great Britain on the one hand and bonds held by foreign...

Oral Answers to Questions — Royal Navy.: Oil Fuel Reserves. ( 4 Jul 1934)

Mr Henry Drummond-Wolff: 4. asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what are the total fuel reserves available in the United Kingdom for the use of the Royal Navy in an emergency; and will he consider the advisability of increasing these reserves?

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