All 7 results for speaker:Mr Henry Gregory


Mr Henry Gregory: Personally, I have no interest in Jarrow, but having listened to this Debate and having glanced at the Bill and some of the literature that has been circulated during the last few days, I think that we shall make a mistake if we; do not consider the position of Jarrow. As I understand the speeches delivered so far, their chief point is that Jarrow to-day is in a bad condition, and ought to...


Mr Henry Gregory: I will deal with that in a moment. The House has to face this position. You have a borough which has not had an extension since 1884. It is a borough with a dense and growing population, and on the face of it it seems that some extension ought to be granted. I understand from the hon. Member who spoke last that there is more or less an admission that some extension ought to be permitted, and...

Clause 6. — (Power to make Orders in Council.) ( 9 May 1922)

Mr Henry Gregory: For the past 35 years I have taken a very active part in the administration of justice in this country. It is a curious thing that during the whole of that period I personally have never heard a juryman complain of not having his fees paid. It is curious, too, that my hon. Friend the Member for Cardigan (Mr. E. Evans) has been raising the point in regard to juries in civil cases, because...

Clause 6. — (Power to make Orders in Council.) ( 9 May 1922)

Mr Henry Gregory: It is not a question of his not being paid. The point before the House is that he should be paid only his travelling expenses and subsistence.

Workmen's Compensation. ( 3 May 1922)

Mr Henry Gregory: As the Member of this House who presided over the Committee which considered the subject under discussion a year or two ago, it is fitting that I should take a small part in this Debate. My sympathies are entirely with the Motion. There is no question that it is time that the law relating to workmen's compensation should be reviewed. It is an interesting fact that when the subject was first...

Clause 1. — Provisions for giving the force of law to and currying into effect Irish Agreement. ( 6 Mar 1922)

Mr Henry Gregory: I venture to make a few observations upon the position, at I understand it, with regard to this matter. By Section 49 of the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, it is provided that there shall be a common Court of Appeal for Northern and Southern Ireland. The portion of the Act dealing with that matter, however, has not functioned, because a government in Southern Ireland has not come into...

Private Business.: METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD (CHARGES) BILL. (By Order.) ( 7 Apr 1921)

Mr Henry Gregory: The position is a very peculiar one. The hon. Member who proposed a Motion that the Second Reading to be taken on this day six months, so far as I can gather, adduced no reason whatever in favour of this Motion, and nobody who has spoken since has anything against the Second Reading. Most of the Members have spoke strongly in favour, and for very good reasons. There can be no question that...

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