Results 1–20 of 441 for speaker:Mr Charles White

Oral Answers to Questions — Ex-Service Men.: Office of Works (Unemployment Contributions). ( 9 May 1923)

Mr Charles White: 39. asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that a number of men employed in the Engineering Department of the Office of Works, who have now been transferred to the Supplies Department, have a considerable amount owing to them as refund of contributions under the Unemployment Insurance Acts which was inadvertently levied under the said Acts; and whether, as this refund has been...

Oral Answers to Questions — Ex-Service Men.: Office of Works (Unemployment Contributions). ( 9 May 1923)

Mr Charles White: Is the hon. Baronet aware that it is not a question of it being deducted since they were in the Supply Department, but when they were in the Engineering Department of the Office of Works?

Oral Answers to Questions — Ex-Service Men.: Office of Works (Unemployment Contributions). ( 9 May 1923)

Mr Charles White: Why have they been promised a refund?

Oral Answers to Questions — Ex-Service Men.: Office of Works (Unemployment Contributions). ( 9 May 1923)

Mr Charles White: May I submit the names of the men who have been promised?

Oral Answers to Questions — Naval and Military Pensions and Grants.: Sherwood Foresters (C. May). (26 Apr 1923)

Mr Charles White: 35. asked the Minister of Pensions, seeing that the loss of two fingers from wounds entitles a pensioner to 20 per cent. pension, as is provided for in the Royal Warrant, why the pension of ex-Sergeant C. May, No. 202,605, of Matlock, late of the Sherwood Foresters, who is a married man, has been reduced below 20 per cent. and a final pension and gratuity awarded him?

Oral Answers to Questions — Naval and Military Pensions and Grants.: Commutation. (26 Apr 1923)

Mr Charles White: 36. asked the Minister of Pensions if he will issue a scale of pensions of officers, men, and dependants who are eligible for commutation, providing all circumstances justifying commutation warrant such a course being taken; and, if such scale or regulations do not exist, will he give instructions that such shall be issued immediately?

Oral Answers to Questions — Naval and Military Pensions and Grants.: Commutation. (26 Apr 1923)

Mr Charles White: 37. also asked the Minister of Pensions whether pensions can be commuted which are less than 2s. a day; whether he is aware that many partially-disabled men receiving less than 2s. a day are desirous of commuting their pensions with a view to purchasing a house or a business; and whether, if the Regulations do not now allow this to be done, he will make such alteration as is necessary to meet...

Oral Answers to Questions — Housing: Shortage, Hathenage. (18 Apr 1923)

Mr Charles White: 40. asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been called to the shortage of houses in the Bakewell rural district area, especially in the Hathenage district; whether he has inquired into the case of Mrs. J. T. Wiggett, who was ejected from her house on an order of the Bakewell magistrates at the instance of the Bake-well Rural District. Council; whether he is aware that Mrs....

Oral Answers to Questions — Housing: Shortage, Hathenage. (18 Apr 1923)

Mr Charles White: Will the right hon. Gentleman make representations to the rural district council, inasmuch as this was before this House 18 months ago, on my question, and nothing has been done?

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Position (18 Apr 1923)

Mr Charles White: 51. asked the Prime Minister, in view of the grave position of agriculture and the dispute in Norfolk, when he will be able to give a day to debate the position?

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Position (18 Apr 1923)

Mr Charles White: As this is only the Agriculture Estimates, shall we be able to discuss the findings of the Interim Report of the Tribunal, and also questions of policy?

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Position (18 Apr 1923)

Mr Charles White: Is it not fair that we should ask for a full opportunity, as we were denied a day last week, through circumstances known to the House?

Oral Answers to Questions — Education.: School, Atlow (Closing). (18 Apr 1923)

Mr Charles White: 111. asked the President of the Board of Education whether he is aware of the great inconvenience and detriment to the education of the children caused by the closing of the school at Atlow, near Ashborne; and that the school is a modern building which the villagers did much by voluntary effort to erect; and whether he can reopen the school in the interests of the children of the district?

Oral Answers to Questions — Education.: School, Atlow (Closing). (18 Apr 1923)

Mr Charles White: Does the Noble Lord know how far these children have to go to neighbouring schools, and is he aware that it is upon a requisition from the parents of these children that I am bringing this matter up to-day?

Ral Answers to Questions.: Members of Parliament (Salary). (17 Apr 1923)

Mr Charles White: 61. asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury how many hon. Members of the House of Commons refuse to accept the salaries which they are entitled to receive as Members of Parliament?

Ral Answers to Questions.: Members of Parliament (Salary). (17 Apr 1923)

Mr Charles White: Will the hon. Gentleman be good enough to give the House the names of these altruistic heroes, so that we may identify them when they come into our constituencies and condemn these payments?

Oral Answers to Questions — Unemployment.: Home Rule (Scotland). (11 Dec 1922)

Mr Charles White: 73. asked the Prime Minister whether he will introduce and pass into law in the next Session of Parliament a Scottish Home Rule Bill with an entirely separate Parliament for Scotland?

Oral Answers to Questions — Naval and Military Pensions and Grants.: Widows' Pensions. ( 7 Dec 1922)

Mr Charles White: 17. asked the Minister of Pensions whether he will do all that is possible to facilitate a decision being arrived at in the case of Mrs. Lucy Tomlinson, of 476, Broomhill, Glossop Road, Sheffield (late of Pilsley, near Bakewell), widow of the late Kenneth H. Tomlinson, No. 71806, Sherwood Foresters, who died on the 27th September last of tuberculosis contracted while on military service; and...

Oral Answers to Questions — Naval and Military Pensions and Grants.: Widows' Pensions. ( 7 Dec 1922)

Mr Charles White: Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this woman is dependent on charity at present, and will he hasten up a decision?

Oral Answers to Questions — Naval and Military Pensions and Grants.: Dependants' Pensions. ( 7 Dec 1922)

Mr Charles White: 18. asked the Minister of Pensions if he is aware that notice is being sent out to dependants receiving pensions in respect of the death of a son or other relative that the War bonus hitherto paid to them is to cease on the 31st March, 1923; what is the reason for such decision; and, seeing that it is contravening the spirit, if not the letter, of the decision he has recently announced in the...

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