Results 1–20 of 178 for speaker:Mr Allan Chapman

Oral Answers to Questions — Scotland: Loch Sloy Hydro-Electric Scheme ( 5 Jun 1945)

Mr Allan Chapman: My Noble Friend is informed that discussions between the North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board and the County Council of Dunbarton are still proceeding, and I am not in a position to make any statement.

Oral Answers to Questions — Scotland: Loch Sloy Hydro-Electric Scheme ( 5 Jun 1945)

Mr Allan Chapman: That is another question. Discussions are proceeding on the details now.

Orders of the Day — Housing (Temporary Accommodation) Bill ( 5 Jun 1945)

Mr Allan Chapman: I wonder whether if it will be for the convenience of the House, if I answer the right hon. and gallant Gentleman briefly at once. No representations have been received from local authorities in Scotland for powers such as are set out in the Bill. We have actually no current need for them. We have taken these powers because they were to be debated in the House and we thought it might be...

Orders of the Day — Housing (Temporary Accommodation) Bill ( 5 Jun 1945)

Mr Allan Chapman: I would require notice of that question. I will communicate with my right hon. and gallant Friend.

Bill Presented: Prestwick Airport (29 Mar 1945)

Mr Allan Chapman: I am sure my hon. Friend does not desire to do any injustice to the Secretary of State. As he knows the Secretary of State carries a very heavy load, and he will realise that it is only the most important and urgent circumstances which prevent him being here to-day.

Bill Presented: Prestwick Airport (29 Mar 1945)

Mr Allan Chapman: He does not do so.

Orders of the Day — Compensation of Displaced Officers (War Service) Bill ( 9 Feb 1945)

Mr Allan Chapman: On behalf of my right hon. and learned Friend I thank the House and particularly hon. Members who have spoken, for their generous welcome to this Bill. If all my winding-up speeches are made in such a happy atmosphere my tasks in future will, indeed, be simple. Certainly, this Bill will hearten those who have left local authorities to serve their country in the field, and those who may be...

Orders of the Day — Compensation of Displaced Officers (War Service) Bill ( 9 Feb 1945)

Mr Allan Chapman: I have not forgotten them; I was saving them until the last. I am coming back from Scotland almost immediately. The House will have observed that there are certain Statutes referred to which will be covered by the term "special Acts." They include English Acts which were passed last year and which of course do not apply to Scotland. We may have legislation in Scotland in future, and there...

Orders of the Day — Police (His Majesty's Inspectors of Constabulary) Bill ( 8 Feb 1945)

Mr Allan Chapman: My hon. Friend the Member for South Bristol (Mr. A. Walkden), in a characteristically generous and informed speech, welcomed the Bill and made, as usual, one or two shrewd points. He paid a tribute to the police and the public in which the whole House will join and drew attention to the kind of problem that is likely to arise and increase in the future. Closer supervision of problems and...

Orders of the Day — Police (His Majesty's Inspectors of Constabulary) Bill ( 8 Feb 1945)

Mr Allan Chapman: That is so obvious an interjection that I did not think my hon. Friend would make it. My hon. Friend the Member for Westhoughton will appreciate that the whole Bill must stand on the question of organisation and numbers. In some parts there are very small police forces and in other parts big forces, and if the inspectorate is to be used to the best advantage it must be used in relation to the...

Oral Answers to Questions — Scotland: White Fish (Prices) (30 Jan 1945)

Mr Allan Chapman: My right hon. Friend has received a copy of the representations regarding white fish prices which have recently been submitted on behalf of inshore fishermen in Scotland, and he is in consultation with my right hon. Friend the Minister of Food on the subject. My right hon. Friend will let the hon. Member know the result in due course.

Oral Answers to Questions — Scotland: White Fish (Prices) (30 Jan 1945)

Mr Allan Chapman: Yes, Sir, my right hon. Friend has that very much in mind.

Oral Answers to Questions — Scotland: Loch Sloy Hydro-electric Scheme (30 Jan 1945)

Mr Allan Chapman: The answer to the first part of the Question is in the affirmative. My right hon. Friend is considering the Report, and hopes to present it to Parliament at an early date.

Orders of the Day — Department of Agriculture for Scotland (30 Jan 1945)

Mr Allan Chapman: May I briefly explain to the Committee one or two points about this Supplementary Estimate? Under sub-head F £645 is asked for in consequence of loss incurred on land settlement in relation to the Department's small holdings and arises from the fact that, after five years of postponed maintenance, expenditure on upkeep has been higher than anticipated. Income, on the other hand, as...

Oral Answers to Questions — Scotland: Married Women Teachers (Fife) (25 Jul 1944)

Mr Allan Chapman: I propose, with my hon. Friend's permission, to answer Questions 30 and 31 together. My right hon. Friend is informed that of 42 married women teachers temporarily employed by Fife Education Authority whose engagements were, in accordance with practice, formally terminated at the end of the session, seven were released at their own request, eight have been already re-engaged and the...

Clause 6. — (Extension of 21 & 22 Geo. 5. c. 43 to pigs, and minor correc tions of that Act.) (18 Jul 1944)

Mr Allan Chapman: May I reply to the specific points put to me by my hon. Friend the Member for West Perth (Mr. Snadden) and my hon. Friend the Member for Linlithgow (Mr. Mathers)? We are anxious to have these powers in Scotland. We only desire them in order to upgrade still further the already high standard of our cattle. I would like to say this to my hon. Friends, which I think covers both the general point...

Orders of the Day — Civil Estimates, 1944.: Department of Agriculture for Scotland ( 4 Jul 1944)

Mr Allan Chapman: Did my hon. Friend say "frogs"?

Orders of the Day — Civil Estimates, 1944.: Department of Agriculture for Scotland ( 4 Jul 1944)

Mr Allan Chapman: I thought my hon. Friend said "dehydrated bugs."

Orders of the Day — Civil Estimates, 1944.: Department of Agriculture for Scotland ( 4 Jul 1944)

Mr Allan Chapman: I think it is very clear from the tenor of the day's Debate that the Committee warmly approves and congratulates the farmers and farm workers of Scotland on their splendid agricultural war effort, which has been second to none. I thank hon. Members who have been good enough to refer to any part played by the Scottish Office in that effort. The statistics given by my right hon. Friend, as the...

Orders of the Day — Civil Estimates, 1944.: Department of Agriculture for Scotland ( 4 Jul 1944)

Mr Allan Chapman: It was requisitioned under the Defence Regulations.

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