Results 1881–1889 of 1889 for speaker:Mr Anthony Hurd

Oral Answers to Questions — B.B.C. (Ministerial Statements) (27 Nov 1945)

Mr Anthony Hurd: Is the House to understand that this change in the advertised programme of the B.B.C. was made entirely by the free choke of the B.B.C.?

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture: War Prisoners (Employment Charges) (26 Nov 1945)

Mr Anthony Hurd: asked the Minister of Agriculture the hourly charges made to farmers in Berkshire and Wiltshire for the services of prisoners of war; whether these charges cover transport to the farm; what instructions he has now given the W.A.E.C.s;. on a uniform inclusive charge; and how this inclusive rate charged for prisoners of war compares with the hourly rate earned by British farm workers.

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture: War Prisoners (Employment Charges) (26 Nov 1945)

Mr Anthony Hurd: Where charges in excess of that uniform rate have been paid, will the amount be refunded?

Oral Answers to Questions — Royal Air Force: Demobilisation (21 Nov 1945)

Mr Anthony Hurd: asked the Under secretary of State for Air why, in calculating the period of service in the R.A.F. of those men or women formerly serving as civilians in the meteorological office, a distinction is drawn between those who were given commissions in the R.A.F. and their former assistants who hold non commissioned rank.

Oral Answers to Questions — Royal Air Force: Demobilisation (21 Nov 1945)

Mr Anthony Hurd: asked the Undersecretary of State for Air when he expects that the reallocation of manpower in the R.A.F. will allow complete parity in demobilisation between the different trades.

Orders of the Day — Agriculture (Artificial Insemination) Bill (14 Nov 1945)

Mr Anthony Hurd: The hon. Member for Chorley (Mr. Kenyon) has put forward some valuable suggestions and with particular force, because he comes from an area where there is great scope for the benefits which artificial insemination can bring. I do not want to add to the good advice and the warnings to the Minister on the Bill, but there is one point I want to make. We are a long way behind other countries in...

Orders of the Day — Agriculture (Artificial Insemination) Bill (14 Nov 1945)

Mr Anthony Hurd: Will the Minister review some schemes already in an advanced state of preparation, because it does appear that they are perhaps on rather extravagant lines?

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture: Grey Squirrels (Destruction) (12 Nov 1945)

Mr Anthony Hurd: asked the Minister of Agriculture if action is being taken to destroy grey squirrels in every county where their numbers are increasing; how many grey squirrel clubs have been formed by W.A.E.C.s and with what results.

Orders of the Day — Supplies and Services (Transitional Powers) Bill ( 9 Oct 1945)

Mr Anthony Hurd: I want to put to the House one or two points that occur to a countryman on studying this Bill, and I hope that I may have the kindly tolerance that the House always shows to a Member who is making his first speech. In moving the Second Reading, the Home Secretary told us that there were about a dozen regulations affecting food production which would be continued for five years under this...

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