Results 1–20 of 57 for speaker:Sir David Lightbown

Ways and Means: Local Government (Wales) Bill [Lords] (16 Mar 1994)

Sir David Lightbown: That was far too long.

European Community: Bomb Damage (Newtownbreda) ( 1 Feb 1993)

Sir David Lightbown: On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker. The right hon. Member for Strangford (Mr. Taylor) used the word "treason".

Clause 1: Treaty on European Union (19 Jan 1993)

Sir David Lightbown: rose in his place and claimed to move, That the Question be now put.

Orders of the Day — Opposition Day: Rail Privatisation (12 Jan 1993)

Sir David Lightbown: It was a private discussion.

Nationalisation ( 7 Jun 1991)

Sir David Lightbown: What about the rest of the letter?

Arts and Heritage ( 4 Jul 1990)

Sir David Lightbown: On this important day.

Opposition Day: Eye Tests ( 6 Jun 1990)

Sir David Lightbown: indicated dissent.

Orders of the Day — Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation (26 Mar 1990)

Sir David Lightbown: This is depressing.

Shootings (west Belfast) (15 Jan 1990)

Sir David Lightbown: Not moved.

Prayers: Drug and Alcohol Abuse (21 Jul 1989)

Sir David Lightbown: Not those that are properly run.

Opposition Day: Airport Congestion (18 Jul 1989)

Sir David Lightbown: The same applies to Detroit.

Orders of the Day — Antarctic Minerals Bill [Lords]: Appointment of Inspectors (17 Jul 1989)

Sir David Lightbown: Where have you been?

Public Expenditure ( 9 Feb 1989)

Sir David Lightbown: Even Russia. Mr. Major: "Even Russia," says my hon. Friend. Even the Politburo is ahead of the Opposition in learning that lesson. Purely by chance I want to quote to the Opposition from Tass: Bearing in mind the great difficulties in financing public expenditure, and the growing budget deficit, which leads to unbalancing the country's economy, the Government requires drastic measures to...

Elected Authorities (Northern Ireland) Bill ( 5 Dec 1988)

Sir David Lightbown: It is too vague.

Education and Industry (21 Oct 1988)

Sir David Lightbown: Oh!

Orders of the Day — Northern Ireland (Economy) (28 Jul 1988)

Sir David Lightbown: That is not a point of order.

Northern Ireland (Appropriation) (29 Jun 1988)

Sir David Lightbown: Rubbish.

Clause 1: Permitted Hours (27 Apr 1988)

Sir David Lightbown: Never.

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