Results 1–20 of 972 for speaker:Irene McGugan

Scottish Parliament written answers — Central Heating: Central Heating (28 Mar 2003)

Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive how many houses in Dundee are now centrally heated as a result of its Central Heating Installation Programme.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Central Heating: Central Heating (28 Mar 2003)

Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive how many houses owned by Dundee City Council had no central heating in each year since 1999.

Scottish Parliament: Commissioner for Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill (26 Mar 2003)

Irene McGugan: Anyone who needs to be convinced of the varied nature of the legislation that the Parliament is passing could do worse than look at our business programme for this afternoon. In the space of an hour or two, we have considered the Council of the Law Society of Scotland Bill, the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries (Consolidation) (Scotland) Bill, the National Galleries of Scotland Bill and the...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Central Heating: Central Heating (26 Mar 2003)

Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-30388 by Hugh Henry on 22 October 2002, why the information on Eaga Partnership Scotland's website on central heating, insulation and survey waiting times is shown on maps of England and Wales only.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Residential Care: Residential Care (25 Mar 2003)

Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will undertake a review of the role and value of children's homes in order to ensure that the most effective action is being taken to deliver a high quality service that best meets the needs of looked after children in residential care, in the light of the findings of the article by G Heron and M Chakrabarti, "Examining the perceptions and attitudes of...

Scottish Parliament: Question Time — Scottish Executive: School Buildings (20 Mar 2003)

Irene McGugan: Does the minister agree that children in Roman Catholic schools also deserve to receive their education in new and refurbished premises? If so, why has the Scottish Executive reneged on assurances of additional funding for a new Roman Catholic school in Dundee via the PPP allocation? Is it acceptable that most of the extra £20 million that is needed will now have to be found from Dundee City...

Scottish Parliament written answers — National Lottery Funding: National Lottery Funding (19 Mar 2003)

Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking in the light of the on-going review of the national lottery to ensure that the distribution of lottery money in Scotland meets Scottish needs and priorities.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Children with Disabilities: Children with Disabilities (17 Mar 2003)

Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive how the £600,000 recently announced by the Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sport for improved opportunities to participate in sports for children and young people with special needs will be allocated.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Children with Disabilities: Children with Disabilities (17 Mar 2003)

Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive what percentage of any existing funding, or of the £600,000 recently announced by the Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sport, for improved opportunities to participate in sports for children and young people with special needs will be allocated to local authority and independent specialist schools run by charitable organisations.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Central Heating: Central Heating (12 Mar 2003)

Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive what the average length of time has been between receipt of an application and completion of installation under its Central Heating Installation Programme in Dundee.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Union of the Crowns: Union of the Crowns (12 Mar 2003)

Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive what the membership is of the advisory group set up to provide advice to the Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sport on plans to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Union of the Crowns; what stage the celebration preparations have reached, and how much money will be allocated to celebrate the event.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Schools: Schools (11 Mar 2003)

Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-31441 by Nicol Stephen on 21 November 2002, how much funding is currently available to local authorities under capital allocation arrangements to assist in the schools rebuilding and refurbishment programme.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Child Welfare: Child Welfare (10 Mar 2003)

Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive what action is being taken and what additional resources are being provided to improve access to qualifications, training and support for residential child care staff, in the light of the findings of the article by G Heron and M Chakrabarti, "Examining the perceptions and attitudes of staff working in community based children's homes: are their needs being met?",...

Scottish Parliament: Gaelic Language (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1 ( 6 Mar 2003)

Irene McGugan: It is with pleasure that I speak in support of Michael Russell's Gaelic Language (Scotland) Bill. The Gaelic language is in an extremely precarious position. That fact was confirmed—although we did not need it to be—by the recent census figures. The policy memorandum for the bill pre-empted that bleak assessment by stating that "The use of the Gaelic language has been shown to be...

Scottish Parliament: Food Supplements (European Directive) ( 5 Mar 2003)

Irene McGugan: It has been said that the legislation is all about consumer safety, but members who have spoken in the debate do not seem to accept that. There is no evidence that the vitamins and minerals covered by the directive, or the doses at which they are taken, are harmful. To follow up John McAllion's comments, there have been no reports of death or serious injury from the intake of supplements....

Scottish Parliament: Food Supplements (European Directive) ( 5 Mar 2003)

Irene McGugan: That is without doubt the case. Alex Fergusson mentioned some illnesses for which relief or a cure has been provided. Children's behavioural difficulties are another relevant condition. For some children, the simple addition of omega 3 and omega 6 fish oils into the diet has meant the possibility of coming off Ritalin, which is a major concern for many of us. We are all responsible for our...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Scots Language: Scots Language ( 3 Mar 2003)

Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-33444 by Mike Watson on 5 February 2003, which specific policies and practice give due regard to the objectives and principles in Part II of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in respect of the Scots language.

Scottish Parliament: Looked-after Children (Education) (26 Feb 2003)

Irene McGugan: As the minister reminded the chamber, it was more than a year ago that she made a statement to Parliament announcing plans and setting out the minimal requirement that all looked-after children should receive full-time education and have a care plan that addresses their educational needs. Those are the same plans and requirement that are reiterated in the Executive motion today. The deadline...

Scottish Parliament: Looked-after Children (Education) (26 Feb 2003)

Irene McGugan: To the best of my knowledge, they have not improved. Most 16 and 17-year-old care leavers have experience of truancy and exclusion. Less than 1 per cent of them go to university.

Scottish Parliament: Looked-after Children (Education) (26 Feb 2003)

Irene McGugan: But one year later, are they satisfactory? We must focus on the problem. We heard almost the same thing a year ago—we discussed the same issues and the same problems that looked-after children face. Why do we need to hear the minister restating plans with add-on bits and new initiatives that have so little result?

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