Results 1–20 of 1253 for speaker:Carolyn Leckie

Scottish Parliament written answers — Scottish Executive Finance: Scottish Executive Finance ( 7 Mar 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-31693 by Tavish Scott on 19 February 2007, whether the six per cent discount referred to in the answer was itself an index-linked figure.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Carers: Carers ( 6 Mar 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether, in light of the findings published in the Care 21 report, The Future of Unpaid Care in Scotland , it will ensure that all local authorities (a) inform all eligible carers of their right to a carers’ assessment, (b) ensure that all carers receive an individual assessment within a reasonable timescale and (c) improve the quality of carers’ assessments...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Carers: Carers ( 6 Mar 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive what information it has on the number of public bodies that have implemented employment policies for carers.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Carers: Carers ( 6 Mar 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive what representations it has made to the UK Government to ensure that every public and private employer implements employment policies for carers.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Skye Bridge: Skye Bridge ( 5 Mar 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-31693 by Tavish Scott on 19 February 2007, how long the toll period would have lasted if the Skye Bridge concession had not been bought out.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Skye Bridge: Skye Bridge ( 5 Mar 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-31693 by Tavish Scott on 19 February 2007, how the public and the Highland Regional Council were informed of the length of toll period represented by the arrangement referred to in the answer.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Skye Bridge: Skye Bridge ( 2 Mar 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-31693 by Tavish Scott on 19 February 2007, how long the toll period would have lasted if the Skye Bridge concession had not been bought out.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Skye Bridge: Skye Bridge ( 2 Mar 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-31693 by Tavish Scott on 19 February 2007, how the public and the Highland Regional Council were informed of the length of toll period represented by the arrangement referred to in the answer.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Bridges: Bridges ( 1 Mar 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-15739 by Nicol Stephen on 26 April 2005, whether the name of any minister was included on the statutory statement and, if so, which minister.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Bridges: Bridges ( 1 Mar 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-15739 by Nicol Stephen on 26 April 2005, whether the answer indicates that a mandatory ministerial statement can be made anonymously.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Bridges: Bridges ( 1 Mar 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S2W-23221 by Tavish Scott on 13 March 2006, whether the provision of the Invergarry-Kyle of Lochalsh Trunk Road (A87) Extension (Skye Bridge Crossing) Special Road Scheme Order 1992 (SI 1992/1499) which prescribes use by all classes of traffic, and which is not addressed in the 1995 Regulations, still applies following...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Bridges: Bridges ( 1 Mar 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive what the estimated cost was of the A87 Skye Crossing special road scheme as outlined in Schedule 1(7) of the Special Roads and Trunk Roads (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 1985 (SI 1985/1165 (S.92)).

Scottish Parliament written answers — NHS Staff: NHS Staff (27 Feb 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive what the average length of service in the NHS has been of existing (a) executive directors, (b) senior managers, (c) middle managers, (d) consultant medical staff and (e) nurses.

Scottish Parliament written answers — NHS Staff: NHS Staff (26 Feb 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive how long on average existing (a) executive directors, (b) senior managers, (c) middle managers, (d) consultant medical staff and (e) nurses have been in their current posts in the NHS.

Scottish Parliament: Point of Order (22 Feb 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: On a point of order, Presiding Officer. I notified your office of this point of order, and I thank you for taking it. At First Minister's questions today, in response to my question about blood products and the independent inquiry that has been announced, the First Minister asserted that no information had been withheld at the time of the proactive release of documents in relation to...

Scottish Parliament: First Minister's Question Time: Blood Products (Public Inquiry) (22 Feb 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: Although I know that the Executive has already ruled out a public inquiry in Scotland, I wish to place on record my conviction that that stance is untenable. If there is a case to answer in England, there is a case to answer in Scotland. I want to press the First Minister on the documents that he will release. Is he aware that the documents already obtained by me under the Freedom of...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Ambulance Service: Ambulance Service (22 Feb 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive what commitments it has made since 1999 in respect of the ambulance service, with specific reference to the staffing of ambulances by paramedics.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Ambulance Service: Ambulance Service (22 Feb 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive when it will guarantee that every ambulance will be staffed by at least one paramedic.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Ambulance Service: Ambulance Service (22 Feb 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it considers it appropriate that the Scottish Ambulance Service does not collate statistics on the balance of staffing in ambulances between paramedics and technicians and what effect this has on the Executive’s ability to deliver on the key health commitments in its Delivering for Health programme.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Ambulance Service: Ambulance Service (22 Feb 2007)

Carolyn Leckie: To ask the Scottish Executive how quality of service is assessed in the Scottish Ambulance Service, given that information on the balance of staffing in ambulances between paramedics and technicians is not collated.

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