Results 1–20 of 1330 for speaker:Lord Harrison

Female Entrepreneurship - Question ( 3 Apr 2019)

Lord Harrison: To ask Her Majesty’s Government how they intend to implement the recommendations of The Alison Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship, published on 8 March.

Female Entrepreneurship - Question ( 3 Apr 2019)

Lord Harrison: My Lords, women run businesses better than men. The Rose report, in which that is mentioned, shows that some £250 billion would be added to the UK Exchequer were it to be followed rigorously. Given that, what is being done to help women with childcare, and with increasing business networks? Finally, given that women have extreme prowess in speaking languages, what is being done in this...

Small Business Index - Question (18 Feb 2019)

Lord Harrison: To ask Her Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of the findings of the Federation of Small Businesses’ Small Business Index, published on 21 January.

Small Business Index - Question (18 Feb 2019)

Lord Harrison: My Lords, I have been reading the wrong report. As I understand it, the FSB acknowledges that things have got worse, to the extent that it now complains, understandably, that the economy has declined in the last 10 years. Could the Minister address some of the domestic problems that confront small businesses, such as the late payment of commercial debt—which I have been standing here...

Written Answers — Treasury: VAT: Electronic Government ( 6 Dec 2018)

Lord Harrison: To ask Her Majesty's Government what guidance they intend to provide to small and medium-sized enterprises about the move to the online VAT returns system.

Written Answers — Treasury: VAT: Electronic Government ( 6 Dec 2018)

Lord Harrison: To ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the impact on small and medium-sized enterprises of the move to the online VAT returns system.

Humanist Marriage Ceremonies - Question (22 Nov 2018)

Lord Harrison: To ask Her Majesty’s Government what plans they have to enable humanist marriage ceremonies.

Humanist Marriage Ceremonies - Question (22 Nov 2018)

Lord Harrison: My Lords, given that some 1,900 of the respondents to the Government’s consultation were in favour of humanist marriage, and given that in Scotland more marriages are now humanist in kind than religious, might the Government go one step further than they did earlier this month when they allowed humanists to represent those in the Armed Forces to attend at the Cenotaph as part of the...

Brexit: Northern Cyprus - Question (14 Sep 2017)

Lord Harrison: My Lords, does the Minister agree that the people of Northern Cyprus are part of the European Union but that they are not enjoying the full rights and opportunities of so being?

Small Businesses: Late Payments - Question (11 Sep 2017)

Lord Harrison: To ask Her Majesty’s Government what action they have taken to assist small businesses in accessing finance by tackling the issue of late payment of commercial debt.

Small Businesses: Late Payments - Question (11 Sep 2017)

Lord Harrison: My Lords, there is an abject and continuing failure from this Government to outlaw late payment on commercial debt. The Federation of Small Businesses says that we lose 50,000 viable businesses every year, and we lose some £2.5 billion to the Exchequer, because of the failure to act on that effectively. Would the Minister write me a short but elegant essay on the question of how, given...

Written Answers — Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport: *No heading* (19 Jul 2017)

Lord Harrison: Her Majesty's Government whether they intend to recognise chess and bridge as sports for the purpose of applying for funds provided by national sports organisations.

Written Answers — Department of Health: *No heading* (14 Jul 2017)

Lord Harrison: Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the benefit of playing chess and bridge for (1) older people, (2) those with mental health problems and (3) children.

Rural Areas: Superfast Broadband - Question (11 Jul 2017)

Lord Harrison: My Lords, the Minister knows rural Cheshire well. Will he ensure that superfast broadband will aid and abet small businesses to establish themselves in the countryside so that they can strengthen the countryside for the benefit of all those who live there?

Brexit: EU Institution Relocations - Question ( 6 Jul 2017)

Lord Harrison: To ask Her Majesty’s Government, in the light of Brexit, what assessment they have made of the impact on jobs and the economy of any relocations away from the United Kingdom of European Union institutions based in this country, such as the European Banking Authority.

Brexit: EU Institution Relocations - Question ( 6 Jul 2017)

Lord Harrison: My Lords, according to the briefing paper from the House of Commons, the hard Brexit expulsion of the European Medicines Agency and the European Banking Authority will cost us jobs, tax revenues and personnel with deep knowledge of banking and medicines, and will incur the costs of this relocation to another country. Could the Minister detail the bright, sunlit uplands for opportunity...

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