Results 1–20 of 4288 for speaker:Sylvia Heal

Business of the House: Finance Bill ( 7 Apr 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. The hon. Member must now focus his remarks on the Finance Bill that is currently before the House and on the measures contained in that Bill.

Business of the House: Finance Bill ( 7 Apr 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. I have allowed the hon. Gentleman some latitude, because this is a Second Reading, but it is of the Finance Bill rather than the economy in general. Perhaps his remarks in future could bear some relation to the Bill before the House.

Business of the House: Finance Bill ( 7 Apr 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. I remind all hon. Members of my earlier comments about the fact that we are discussing the Finance Bill.

Business of the House: Digital Economy Bill [ Lords] ( 6 Apr 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. I remind the House that Mr. Speaker had imposed a time limit of 12 minutes on Back Benchers' contributions. In the past half hour or so, a number of Members have decided to withdraw from the debate. I am therefore using the powers under Standing Order No. 47(1), which allows for the variation of speaking time, so, if Back-Bench Members now wish to, they may speak for up to 15 minutes....

Business of the House: Digital Economy Bill [ Lords] ( 6 Apr 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. I remind all right hon. and hon. Members that Mr. Speaker has imposed a 12-minute limit on Back-Bench contributions.

Amendment of the Law (30 Mar 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. The right hon. and learned Gentleman has not indicated that he will give way. Members must contain themselves.

Amendment of the Law (30 Mar 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. As interesting and entertaining as this dialogue has been, it is important that we now return to the fourth day of the Budget debate.

Amendment of the Law (30 Mar 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. That is not a point of order for the Chair. May I remind all-

Amendment of the Law (30 Mar 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. May I please remind the House that a considerable number of Back Benchers are waiting to contribute to the debate? Their speeches will be time-limited, and I therefore ask for some consideration from other Members who are making their contributions.

Amendment of the Law (30 Mar 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. I am quite sure that the Secretary of State is now going to concentrate on aspects of the Budget relating to public services.

Amendment of the Law (30 Mar 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. I am well capable of determining whether or not that is a point of order. The hon. Lady herself has indicated that it was really a point of information, so there is no need whatever for me to comment on it. Let the debate continue.

Amendment of the Law (30 Mar 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. Can we now get back to the debate on the Budget?

Amendment of the Law (30 Mar 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. I have already made a ruling, and there is no need for that debate to continue. The ruling was that we must get on with the debate before us, which is the fourth day of the Budget debate.

Amendment of the Law (30 Mar 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. I call the Secretary of State.

Amendment of the Law (30 Mar 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. Is the hon. Gentleman making an intervention? Please continue.

Amendment of the Law (30 Mar 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. The right hon. Member for West Derbyshire (Mr. McLoughlin) is correct. It is certainly usual to see in the Chamber-the occupant of the Chair would expect this-the people who are making the winding-up speeches on behalf of both the Government and the Opposition. Clearly, if those Members are not present, it is entirely their responsibility as far as the House is concerned, but it would...

Petitions: Policing (Croydon) (29 Mar 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. Will Members leaving the Chamber please do so as quickly and as quietly as possible?

Amendment of the Law (29 Mar 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order.

Amendment of the Law (29 Mar 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. I am afraid that the hon. Gentleman's time is up.

Amendment of the Law (29 Mar 2010)

Sylvia Heal: Order. I remind Members that Mr. Speaker has imposed a 12-minute limit on Back-Bench contributions.

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