Results 1–20 of 1934 for speaker:Sam Galbraith

Scottish Parliament written answers — Bursaries: Bursaries (20 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: The Executive corresponded on this subject with the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) in December last year. The payment of discretionary bursaries remains a matter for each local authority. Although COSLA offered to re-issue its existing guidance on discretionary bursaries, it did not propose to strengthen it and explained that the approach to discretionary bursaries by...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Planning: Planning (20 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: The most recent analysis of information held by the Executive relating to section 75 agreements was published in the Report of the Targets Working Group in October 1999. A copy of the report is available in the Parliaments Reference Centre. The Executive commissioned research into The Use and Effectiveness of Planning Agreements in July 2000. Output from this research should be available...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Sport: Sport (20 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: The Scottish Executive has had a series of discussions with sportscotland about levels of funding for shinty.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Water Charges: Water Charges (20 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: Extensive consultations with these sectors have taken place over a number of years. During July and August 1998, the East of Scotland Water Authority (ESWA) undertook a consultation exercise covering proposals for a new approach to charging non-domestic customers. This involved the issue of a booklet to a wide range of customers and representative bodies, including the Scottish Council for...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Culture: Culture (19 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: The Scottish Arts Council is working, with other members of the Highland Arts Partnership, to develop sustainable programmes of support for the traditional arts. I have therefore asked the Director of the Arts Council to write to the member with the requested information and to make it available to the Parliament’s Information Centre.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Culture: Culture (19 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: None. The main channel for public funding of the arts in Scotland is the Scottish Arts Council. I have therefore asked the Director of the Arts Council to write to the member with the requested information and to make it available in the Parliaments Reference Centre.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Planning: Planning (19 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: Section 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (formerly section 18A of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1972) requires that where, in making any determination under the planning Acts, regard is to be had to the development plan, the determination shall be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The House of...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Telecommunications: Telecommunications (19 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: Mobile phone operators have a duty under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 to ensure that the public are not exposed to risks to their health and safety from mobile phone masts. In the case of radiofrequency radiation, the Health and Safety Executive expects operators to carry out that duty by complying with guidelines produced by the National Radiological Protection Board designed...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Conservation: Conservation (16 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: The report on the first stage of the financial, management and policy review of the JNCC has been published today and copies will be placed in the Parliament’s Reference Centre. Copies of the report can also be obtained on the JNCC’s website at Interested parties are invited to offer their considered views on the report within three months.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Environment: Environment (16 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: The Executive is in regular contact with the Ministry of Defence on a range of issues, including noise pollution from aircraft.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Environment: Environment (16 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: The Directive concerns the placing of biocidal products in the market. It brings in an approval system for four categories of biocidal product – disinfectants and general biocides, preservatives, pest control agents and other biocides, such as anti-fouling agents and embalming fluids. It aims to provide a high level of protection for humans, animals and the environment and to harmonise the...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Scottish Opera: Scottish Opera (16 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: Scottish Opera has proved in recent years that it is capable of a standard of performance of international class. The productions of Das Rheingold at the Edinburgh Festival last year and of Madame Butterfly have been enthusiastically received by critics and public alike. In addition, its educational and outreach work has proved it capable of reaching out to a the widest possible audience. We...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Water Charges: Water Charges (16 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: The Scottish Executive’s initial assessment is that the efficiencies gained through merging the activities of the three water authorities should offset the increases that will fall on customers in the East of Scotland Water area from averaging charges across Scotland.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Water Charges: Water Charges (16 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: The Scottish Executive’s initial assessment is that the efficiencies gained through merging the activities of the three water authorities should offset the increases that will fall on customers in the East of Scotland Water area from averaging charges across Scotland.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Planning: Planning (15 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: Yes. We will consult during 2001 on proposals to modernise the planning system including: the overall planning framework; more public involvement in the planning process, and getting better quality development in urban and rural Scotland. Any legislative changes that are necessary to give effect to changes made to the planning system will follow.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Waste Management: Waste Management (15 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: The water quality of the River Clyde has been improving year-on-year since the 1970s. The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) continuously monitors river water quality and sets discharge limits into watercourses. There is a multi-million pound programme of improvements to combined sewer overflows (CSOs) and sewage treatment works throughout the Clyde and its tributaries, and SEPA is...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Environment: Environment (14 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: No untreated sewage is discharged into the River Clyde down to the Erskine Bridge except through combined sewer overflows (CSOs) which discharge dilute screened sewage at times of high rainfall. It is not possible to accurately quantify the volume of these intermittent discharges.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Waste Management: Waste Management (14 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: The licensing of facilities for the disposal of clinical and other wastes is a matter for the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. The information requested is held on the agency’s public register.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Waste Management: Waste Management (14 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: We have no plans at present to introduce grants for upgrading septic tanks.

Scottish Parliament written answers — Waste Management: Waste Management (14 Mar 2001)

Sam Galbraith: We have no plans at present to introduce grants for alternative sewerage schemes in rural areas.

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