It is a well documented fact, that the only reason for UK governments, past and present, to uprate pensions in countries where they are frozen, is their unwillingness to do so. Baroness Altmann knows this. She was very supportive of frozen pensioners prior to her elevation to the H.O.L.and appointment to the position of pensions minister, so I wish to ask her, Why the sudden about face?
Dennis Purvis
Posted on 7 Apr 2016 4:14 pm
It is a well documented fact, that the only reason for UK governments, past and present, to uprate pensions in countries where they are frozen, is their unwillingness to do so. Baroness Altmann knows this. She was very supportive of frozen pensioners prior to her elevation to the H.O.L.and appointment to the position of pensions minister, so I wish to ask her, Why the sudden about face?