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John Leeson
Posted on 25 Jun 2005 7:01 pm

This is another example of the ignorance that pervades our MPs and the use of Prohibition in the control of drugs.

The affect of this law will not stop people taking magic mushrooms just as the prohibtion of other drugs has not.It wll just push the users of these drugs into the hands of organised crime and maybe into adulterated drugs that they would have otherwise avoided.

As the law stands now the trade in magic mushrooms provides taxes to the goverment and the safest source of these drugs available.It is not without doubt that these drugs may cause problems to a very small minority of people with a predispostion to such conditons.We know that peanut butter can be fatal to a minority but we do not ban that.

Magic mushrooms are part of our heritage whose use predates written history and to ban them just makes me realise how far we are going from a state based on freedom and individual responibility

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