Changes to the Register of Members' Interests
Allan Dorans
List all MPs and Register editions
This page shows how Allan Dorans's entry in the Register of Members' Interests has changed over time, starting at the most recent and working back to the earliest we have managed to parse.
Please be aware that changes in typography/styling at the source might mean something is marked as changed (ie. removed and added) when it hasn't; sorry about that, but we do our best with the source material.
Removed | Added |
8. Miscellaneous |
- I accepted a badge/token from Scottish Racing Ltd allowing me complimentary access to any race meeting held at any of the five Racecourses in Scotland (Ayr, Hamilton Park, Kelso, Musselburgh and Perth) whilst I am the MP for Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock. The potential annual value of this benefit is below the registrable threshold.
Date interest arose: 12 January 2022
- (Registered 31 January 2022; updated 16 January 2023)
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8. Miscellaneous |
- On 12 January 2022, I accepted a badge/token from Scottish Racing Ltd allowing me complimentary access to any race meeting held at any of the five Racecourses in Scotland (Ayr, Hamilton Park, Kelso, Musselburgh and Perth) whilst I am the MP for Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock. The potential annual value of this benefit is below the registrable threshold. (Registered 31 January 2022; updated 16 January 2023)
| - I accepted a badge/token from Scottish Racing Ltd allowing me complimentary access to any race meeting held at any of the five Racecourses in Scotland (Ayr, Hamilton Park, Kelso, Musselburgh and Perth) whilst I am the MP for Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock. The potential annual value of this benefit is below the registrable threshold.
Date interest arose: 12 January 2022
- (Registered 31 January 2022; updated 16 January 2023)
8. Miscellaneous |
- On 5 November 2022, I accepted three tickets with hospitality for from Ayr United Football Club for their game against Greenock Morton FC at Somerset Park. Approximate value £100. (Registered 10 November 2022)
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20 March 2023 (first entry we have) |
8. Miscellaneous |
- On 12 January 2022, I accepted a badge/token from Scottish Racing Ltd allowing me complimentary access to any race meeting held at any of the five Racecourses in Scotland (Ayr, Hamilton Park, Kelso, Musselburgh and Perth) whilst I am the MP for Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock. The potential annual value of this benefit is below the registrable threshold. (Registered 31 January 2022; updated 16 January 2023)
- On 5 November 2022, I accepted three tickets with hospitality for from Ayr United Football Club for their game against Greenock Morton FC at Somerset Park. Approximate value £100. (Registered 10 November 2022)