Changes to the Register of Members' Interests
Seema Kennedy

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This page shows how Seema Kennedy's entry in the Register of Members' Interests has changed over time, starting at the most recent and working back to the earliest we have managed to parse. Please be aware that changes in typography/styling at the source might mean something is marked as changed (ie. removed and added) when it hasn't; sorry about that, but we do our best with the source material.


11 January 2020 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • Tustin Developments Ltd, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE. Until further notice, paid £624 per month for management duties, with the benefit of a car valued at £2,764 per annum, and two phones with an approximate total value of £500 per annum. Hours: 4 hrs per month. (Registered 3 June 2015; updated 9 December 2015)

2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)

  • Name of donor: Tustin Developments Ltd
    Address of donor: Tustin House, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £3,500 notional value of rent per annum, starting from 1 August 2014 and expected to continue until 2020.

    Date received: 1 August 2014

    Date accepted: 1 August 2014

    Donor status: company, registration 01894292

    (Registered 03 June 2015)

6. Land and property portfolio: (i) value over £100,000 and/or (ii) giving rental income of over £10,000 a year

  • House in Hertfordshire, owned jointly with a family member: (i). (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • House in Lancashire, owned jointly with a family member: (i). (Registered 03 June 2015)

7. (ii) Other shareholdings, valued at more than £70,000

  • From 6 December 2016, Tustin Developments Ltd; property development and investment. (Registered 30 March 2017)

2 July 2018 - View full entry

2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)

  • Name of donor: Thomas Kyriakoudis
    Address of donor: private

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,500

    Date received: 25 April 2017

    Date accepted: 25 April 2017

    Donor status: individual

    (Registered 21 June 2017)
  • Name of donor: Nazenin Moshiri
    Address of donor: private

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,000

    Date received: 9 May 2017

    Date accepted: 9 May 2017

    Donor status: individual

    (Registered 21 June 2017)

30 April 2018 - View full entry

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: Saudi Arabia Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Address of donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PO Box 55937, Riyadh 11544

    Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Travel and accommodation with a value of £3,187

    Destination of visit: Saudi Arabia

    Dates of visit: 2-5 April 2017

    Purpose of visit: Parliamentary fact finding.

    (Registered 28 April 2017)

7 July 2017 - View full entry

2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)

  • Name of donor: Thomas Kyriakoudis
    Address of donor: private

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,500

    Date received: 25 April 2017

    Date accepted: 25 April 2017

    Donor status: individual

    (Registered 21 June 2017)
  • Name of donor: Nazenin Moshiri
    Address of donor: private

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,000

    Date received: 9 May 2017

    Date accepted: 9 May 2017

    Donor status: individual

    (Registered 21 June 2017)

2 May 2017 - View full entry

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: Saudi Arabia Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Address of donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PO Box 55937, Riyadh 11544

    Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Travel and accommodation with a value of £3,187

    Destination of visit: Saudi Arabia

    Dates of visit: 2-5 April 2017

    Purpose of visit: Parliamentary fact finding.

    (Registered 28 April 2017)

10 April 2017 - View full entry

7. (ii) Other shareholdings, valued at more than £70,000

  • From 6 December 2016, Tustin Developments Ltd; property development and investment. (Registered 30 March 2017)

5 December 2016 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • Tustin Developments Ltd, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE. Until further notice, paid £624 per month for management duties, with the benefit of a car valued at £2,764 per annum, and two phones with an approximate total value of £500 per annum. Hours: 4 hrs per month. (Registered 3 June 2015; updated 9 December 2015)
  • Tustin Developments Ltd, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE. Until further notice, paid £624 per month for management duties, with the benefit of a car valued at £2,764 per annum, and two phones with an approximate total value of £500 per annum. Hours: 4 hrs per month. (Registered 3 June 2015; updated 9 December 2015)

2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)

  • Name of donor: Tustin Developments Ltd
    Address of donor: Tustin House, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £3,500 notional value of rent per annum, starting from 1 August 2014 and expected to continue until 2020.

    Date received: 1 August 2014

    Date accepted: 1 August 2014

    Donor status: company, registration 01894292

    (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • Name of donor: Tustin Developments Ltd
    Address of donor: Tustin House, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £3,500 notional value of rent per annum, starting from 1 August 2014 and expected to continue until 2020.

    Date received: 1 August 2014

    Date accepted: 1 August 2014

    Donor status: company, registration 01894292

    (Registered 03 June 2015)

11 July 2016 - View full entry

2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)

  • Name of donor: Tustin Developments Ltd
    Address of donor: Tustin House, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £7,000 notional value of office furniture and computers depreciated over 5 years

    Date received: 1 August 2014

    Date accepted: 1 August 2014

    Donor status: company, registration 01894292

    (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • Name of donor: Jonathan Dye
    Address of donor: private

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,000

    Date received: 1 September 2014

    Date accepted: 9 September 2014

    Donor status: individual

    (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • Name of donor: Tustin Developments Ltd
    Address of donor: Tustin House, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,000

    Date received: 4 November 2014

    Date accepted: 7 November 2014

    Donor status: company, registration 01894292

    (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • Name of donor: Park Hall Properties
    Address of donor: 295 Buxton Road, Great Moor, Stockport, Cheshire SK2 7NR

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,000

    Date received: 12 November 2014

    Date accepted: 4 December 2014

    Donor status: unincorporated association

    (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • Name of donor: adVANtage Digital Outdoor Media Ltd
    Address of donor: Alex House, 260-268 Chapel Street, Salford M3 5JZ

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £1,750 notional donation of an ad van

    Date received: 3 December 2014

    Date accepted: 4 December 2014

    Donor status: company, registration 04624000

    (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • Name of donor: Tustin Developments Ltd
    Address of donor: Tustin House, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,000

    Date received: 29 January 2015

    Date accepted: 6 February 2015

    Donor status: company, registration 01894292

    (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • Name of donor: Tustin Developments Ltd
    Address of donor: Tustin House, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £1,537.05 notional value of publicity materials and labour

    Date received: 11 May 2015

    Date accepted: 11 May 2015

    Donor status: company, registration 01894292

    (Registered 03 June 2015)

21 March 2016 - View full entry

6. Land and property: (i) value over £100,000 (ii) rental income of over £10,000 a year

  • House in Hertfordshire, owned jointly with a family member: (i) (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • House in Lancashire, owned jointly with a family member: (i) (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • House in Hertfordshire, owned jointly with a family member: (i). (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • House in Lancashire, owned jointly with a family member: (i). (Registered 03 June 2015)

14 December 2015 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • Tustin Developments Ltd, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE. Paid £624 per month for management duties, with the benefit of a car valued at £2,764 per annum, until further notice. Hours: 4 hrs per month. (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • Tustin Developments Ltd, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE. Until further notice, paid £624 per month for management duties, with the benefit of a car valued at £2,764 per annum, and two phones with an approximate total value of £500 per annum. Hours: 4 hrs per month. (Registered 3 June 2015; updated 9 December 2015)

8 June 2015 (first entry we have)

1. Employment and earnings

  • Tustin Developments Ltd, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE. Paid £624 per month for management duties, with the benefit of a car valued at £2,764 per annum, until further notice. Hours: 4 hrs per month. (Registered 03 June 2015)

2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)

  • Name of donor: Tustin Developments Ltd
    Address of donor: Tustin House, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £3,500 notional value of rent per annum, starting from 1 August 2014 and expected to continue until 2020.

    Date received: 1 August 2014

    Date accepted: 1 August 2014

    Donor status: company, registration 01894292

    (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • Name of donor: Tustin Developments Ltd
    Address of donor: Tustin House, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £7,000 notional value of office furniture and computers depreciated over 5 years

    Date received: 1 August 2014

    Date accepted: 1 August 2014

    Donor status: company, registration 01894292

    (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • Name of donor: Jonathan Dye
    Address of donor: private

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,000

    Date received: 1 September 2014

    Date accepted: 9 September 2014

    Donor status: individual

    (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • Name of donor: Tustin Developments Ltd
    Address of donor: Tustin House, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,000

    Date received: 4 November 2014

    Date accepted: 7 November 2014

    Donor status: company, registration 01894292

    (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • Name of donor: Park Hall Properties
    Address of donor: 295 Buxton Road, Great Moor, Stockport, Cheshire SK2 7NR

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,000

    Date received: 12 November 2014

    Date accepted: 4 December 2014

    Donor status: unincorporated association

    (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • Name of donor: adVANtage Digital Outdoor Media Ltd
    Address of donor: Alex House, 260-268 Chapel Street, Salford M3 5JZ

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £1,750 notional donation of an ad van

    Date received: 3 December 2014

    Date accepted: 4 December 2014

    Donor status: company, registration 04624000

    (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • Name of donor: Tustin Developments Ltd
    Address of donor: Tustin House, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,000

    Date received: 29 January 2015

    Date accepted: 6 February 2015

    Donor status: company, registration 01894292

    (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • Name of donor: Tustin Developments Ltd
    Address of donor: Tustin House, Red Scar Business Park, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5NE

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £1,537.05 notional value of publicity materials and labour

    Date received: 11 May 2015

    Date accepted: 11 May 2015

    Donor status: company, registration 01894292

    (Registered 03 June 2015)

6. Land and property: (i) value over £100,000 (ii) rental income of over £10,000 a year

  • House in Hertfordshire, owned jointly with a family member: (i) (Registered 03 June 2015)
  • House in Lancashire, owned jointly with a family member: (i) (Registered 03 June 2015)