Changes to the Register of Members' Interests
Aidan Burley

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This page shows how Aidan Burley's entry in the Register of Members' Interests has changed over time, starting at the most recent and working back to the earliest we have managed to parse. Please be aware that changes in typography/styling at the source might mean something is marked as changed (ie. removed and added) when it hasn't; sorry about that, but we do our best with the source material.


8 June 2015 - View full entry

5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

  • Name of donor: Imperial Tobacco
  • Address of donor: PO Box 525, Winterstoke road, Bristol BS99 1LQ
  • Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets for the men’s final at Wimbledon on 6 July 2014, and associated hospitality; total value abut £1,600
  • Date of receipt of donation: 6 July 2014
  • Date of acceptance of donation: 6 July 2014
  • Donor status: company, 1860181
  • (Registered 15 July 2014)

8. Land and Property

  • Joint owner (with my father) of a leasehold flat in London, from which rental income is received. (Registered 13 June 2011)

26 January 2015 - View full entry

5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)


    8. Land and Property


      8 December 2014 - View full entry

      4. Sponsorships

      • (a) Donations to my constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by my party to the Electoral Commission:
      • (a) Name of donor: United and Cecil Club
      • (a) Address of donor: 18 Thorney Lane North, Iver, Buckinghamshire SL0 95Y
      • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,500
      • (a) Donor status: Members’ Association
      • (a) (Registered 20 November 2013)

      10 November 2014 - View full entry

      4. Sponsorships

      • (a) Name of donor: Midland Chilled Foods
      • (a) Address of donor: Stringes Lane, Willenhall, West Midlands WV13 1LX
      • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,000
      • (a) Donor status: company
      • (a) (Registered 16 October 2013)

      13 October 2014 - View full entry

      4. Sponsorships

      • (a) Address of donor:18 Thorney Lane North, Iver, Buckinghamshire SL0 95Y
      • (a) Address of donor: 18 Thorney Lane North, Iver, Buckinghamshire SL0 95Y

      5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

      • Address of donor : PO Box 525, Winterstoke road, Bristol BS99 1LQ
      • (Registered 15 July 2014 )
      • Address of donor: PO Box 525, Winterstoke road, Bristol BS99 1LQ
      • (Registered 15 July 2014)

      28 July 2014 - View full entry

      5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

      • Name of donor: Imperial Tobacco
      • Address of donor : PO Box 525, Winterstoke road, Bristol BS99 1LQ
      • Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets for the men’s final at Wimbledon on 6 July 2014, and associated hospitality; total value abut £1,600
      • Date of receipt of donation: 6 July 2014
      • Date of acceptance of donation: 6 July 2014
      • Donor status: company, 1860181
      • (Registered 15 July 2014 )

      14 July 2014 - View full entry

      6. Overseas visits

      • Name of donor: Sri Lankan High Commission
      • Address of donor: 13 Hyde Park Gardens, London, W2 2LU
      • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): flights, hotels, transport and food to the value of £5,800
      • Destination of visit: Sri Lanka
      • Date of visit: 22-29 May 2013
      • Purpose of visit: To meet Government Ministers, Opposition MPs, business figures and the Sri Lankan High Commission in advance of the Commonwealth Heads of Government conference (CHOGM) later this year. (Registered 12 June 2013)
      • Name of donor: High Commission of the Maldives
      • Address of donor: 22 Nottingham Pace, London W1U 5NJ
      • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): flights, hotel and food with a value of £2,400, plus £1,200 contribution from my own resources
      • Destination of visit: Maldives
      • Date of visit: 29 May to 2 June 2013
      • Purpose of visit: to meet with President and Vice President of the Maldives to discuss human rights issues in the Maldives, and to meet with local MPs and councillors to discuss elections and electoral reform.
      • (Registered 12 June 2013)

      10 March 2014 - View full entry

      4. Sponsorships

      • (a) Name of donor: JCB Research
      • (a) Address of donor: Lakeside Works, Rocester, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 5JP
      • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £15,000
      • (a) Donor status: Company
      • (a) (Registered 27 February 2013)

      6 January 2014 - View full entry

      6. Overseas visits

      • Purpose of visit: to meet with President and Vice President of the Maldives to discuss human rights issues in the Maldives, and to meet with local MPs and councillors to discuss elections and electoral reform
      • Purpose of visit: to meet with President and Vice President of the Maldives to discuss human rights issues in the Maldives, and to meet with local MPs and councillors to discuss elections and electoral reform.

      1. Directorships

        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road, London SW6 7UJ.

      3. Clients

      • Of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd:
      • Clever Together LLP, 5A Maltings Place, 169 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3JB. £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days. (Registered 28 November 2012)

      9. Shareholdings

      • Director and sole shareholder of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd. (Registered 28 November 2012)

      25 November 2013 - View full entry

      4. Sponsorships

      • (a) Name of donor: United and Cecil Club
      • (a) Address of donor:18 Thorney Lane North, Iver, Buckinghamshire SL0 95Y
      • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,500
      • (a) Donor status: Members’ Association
      • (a) (Registered 20 November 2013)

      28 October 2013 - View full entry

      4. Sponsorships

      • (a) Name of donor: Midland Chilled Foods
      • (a) Address of donor: Stringes Lane, Willenhall, West Midlands WV13 1LX
      • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,000
      • (a) Donor status: company
      • (a) (Registered 16 October 2013)

      14 October 2013 - View full entry

      4. Sponsorships

      • (a) Name of donor: J C B Research
      • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,000
      • (a) Donor status: company, number 00682651
      • (a) (Registered 12 September 2012)

      6. Overseas visits

      • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): flights, hotels, transport and food to the value of £3,200
      • Date of visit: 30 July 2012 to 5 August 2012
      • Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna, Kilinochi and Trincomalee. (Registered 3 September 2012)

      29 July 2013 - View full entry

      1. Directorships

        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road , London SW6 7UJ .
        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road, London SW6 7UJ.

      3. Clients

        5A Maltings Place , 169 Tower Bridge Road , London , SE1 3JB . £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days.
        5A Maltings Place, 169 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3JB. £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days.

      6. Overseas visits

        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna , Kilinochi and Trincomalee.
        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna, Kilinochi and Trincomalee.

      24 June 2013 - View full entry

      1. Directorships

        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road, London SW6 7UJ.
        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road , London SW6 7UJ .

      3. Clients

        5A Maltings Place, 169 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3JB. £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days.
        5A Maltings Place , 169 Tower Bridge Road , London , SE1 3JB . £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days.

      6. Overseas visits

        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna, Kilinochi and Trincomalee.
        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna , Kilinochi and Trincomalee.
      • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): flights, hotels, transport and food to the value of £5,800
      • Date of visit: 22-29 May 2013
      • Purpose of visit: To meet Government Ministers, Opposition MPs, business figures and the Sri Lankan High Commission in advance of the Commonwealth Heads of Government conference (CHOGM) later this year. (Registered 12 June 2013)
      • Name of donor: High Commission of the Maldives
      • Address of donor: 22 Nottingham Pace, London W1U 5NJ
      • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): flights, hotel and food with a value of £2,400, plus £1,200 contribution from my own resources
      • Destination of visit: Maldives
      • Date of visit: 29 May to 2 June 2013
      • Purpose of visit: to meet with President and Vice President of the Maldives to discuss human rights issues in the Maldives, and to meet with local MPs and councillors to discuss elections and electoral reform
      • (Registered 12 June 2013)

      10 June 2013 - View full entry

      1. Directorships

        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road , London SW6 7UJ .
        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road, London SW6 7UJ.

      3. Clients

        5A Maltings Place , 169 Tower Bridge Road , London , SE1 3JB . £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days.
        5A Maltings Place, 169 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3JB. £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days.

      6. Overseas visits

        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna , Kilinochi and Trincomalee.
        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna, Kilinochi and Trincomalee.

      7 May 2013 - View full entry

      1. Directorships

        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road, London SW6 7UJ.
        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road , London SW6 7UJ .

      3. Clients

        5A Maltings Place, 169 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3JB. £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days.
        5A Maltings Place , 169 Tower Bridge Road , London , SE1 3JB . £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days.

      6. Overseas visits

        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna, Kilinochi and Trincomalee.
        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna , Kilinochi and Trincomalee.

      8 April 2013 - View full entry

      1. Directorships

        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road , London SW6 7UJ .
        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road, London SW6 7UJ.

      3. Clients

        5A Maltings Place , 169 Tower Bridge Road , London , SE1 3JB . £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days.
        5A Maltings Place, 169 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3JB. £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days.

      6. Overseas visits

        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna , Kilinochi and Trincomalee.
        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna, Kilinochi and Trincomalee.

      11 March 2013 - View full entry

      1. Directorships

        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road, London SW6 7UJ.
        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road , London SW6 7UJ .

      3. Clients

        5A Maltings Place, 169 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3JB. £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days.
        5A Maltings Place , 169 Tower Bridge Road , London , SE1 3JB . £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days.

      4. Sponsorships

      • (a) Name of donor: JCB Research
      • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £15,000
      • (a) Donor status: Company
      • (a) (Registered 27 February 2013)

      6. Overseas visits

        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna, Kilinochi and Trincomalee.
        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna , Kilinochi and Trincomalee.

      25 February 2013 - View full entry

      1. Directorships

        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road , London SW6 7UJ .
        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road, London SW6 7UJ.

      3. Clients

        5A Maltings Place , 169 Tower Bridge Road , London , SE1 3JB . £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days.
        5A Maltings Place, 169 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3JB. £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days.

      6. Overseas visits

        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna , Kilinochi and Trincomalee.
        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna, Kilinochi and Trincomalee.

      19 December 2012 - View full entry

      1. Directorships

        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road, London SW6 7UJ
        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road , London SW6 7UJ

      3. Clients

        5A Maltings Place, 169 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3JB. £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days.
        5A Maltings Place , 169 Tower Bridge Road , London , SE1 3JB . £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days.

      6. Overseas visits

        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna, Kilinochi and Trincomalee.
        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna , Kilinochi and Trincomalee.

      3 December 2012 - View full entry

      1. Directorships

        Director of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd, Flat 1, 1 Epirus Road, London SW6 7UJ .

      3. Clients

      • Of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd:
      • Clever Together LLP, 5A Maltings Place, 169 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3JB. £1,800 paid, November 2012. Hours: 4.5 days. (Registered 28 November 2012)

      9. Shareholdings

      • Director and sole shareholder of Aidan Burley Consulting Ltd. (Registered 28 November 2012)

      19 November 2012 - View full entry

      6. Overseas visits

        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna, Kilinochi and Trincomalee.
        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna, Kilinochi and Trincomalee.

      5 November 2012 - View full entry

      6. Overseas visits

        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna, Kilinochi and Trincomalee.
        Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna, Kilinochi and Trincomalee.

      1 October 2012 - View full entry

      4. Sponsorships

      • (a) Donations to my constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by my party to the Electoral Commission:
      • (a) Name of donor: J C B Research
      • (a) Address of donor: Lakeside Works, Rocester, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 5JP
      • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,000
      • (a) Donor status: company, number 00682651
      • (a) (Registered 12 September 2012)

      6. Overseas visits

        (Registered 3 September 2012)
        (Registered 3 September 2012)

      3 September 2012 - View full entry

      6. Overseas visits

      • Name of donor: Sri Lankan High Commission
      • Address of donor: 13 Hyde Park Gardens, London, W2 2LU
      • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): flights, hotels, transport and food to the value of £3,200
      • Destination of visit: Sri Lanka
      • Date of visit: 30 July 2012 to 5 August 2012
      • Purpose of visit: Delegation to Sri Lanka to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in Jaffna, Kilinochi and Trincomalee. (Registered 3 September 2012)

      5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

      • Name of donor: Japan Tobacco International
      • Address of donor : Members Hill, Brooklands Road, Weybridge Surrey KT13 0QU
      • Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Hospitality at Test Match Cricket at the Oval, value £579 plus VAT
      • Date of receipt of donation: July 2011
      • Date of acceptance of donation: 19 August 2011
      • Donor status: company; registration 01501573
      • (Registered 19 August 2011)

      9 July 2012 - View full entry

      6. Overseas visits

      • Name of donor: Conservative Friends of Israel
      • Address of donor: 45B Westbourne Terrace, London W2 3UR and Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Israel
      • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £974 from CFI; £574 from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Meals provided by other hosts below registrable threshold.
      • Destination of visit: Israel
      • Date of visit: 29 May-3 June 2011
      • Purpose of visit: fact-finding political delegation to Israel and the West Bank.
      • (Registered 8 June 2011)

      16 April 2012 - View full entry

      2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

      • I received six bottles of wine, totalling approximately £84 in value, from Hitachi Consulting UK, 2 More London Riverside, London SE1 2AP, in respect of a short speech I gave to a group of consultants on 11 March 2011. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 23 March 2011)

      30 August 2011 - View full entry

      5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

      • Name of donor: Japan Tobacco International
      • Address of donor : Members Hill, Brooklands Road, Weybridge Surrey KT13 0QU
      • Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Hospitality at Test Match Cricket at the Oval, value £579 plus VAT
      • Date of receipt of donation: July 2011
      • Date of acceptance of donation: 19 August 2011
      • Donor status: company; registration 01501573
      • (Registered 19 August 2011)

      6 July 2011 - View full entry

      2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

      • Payment of £5,464.84 (gross) from Mouchel Parkman PLC; management consulting, 4 Matthew Parker Street, London SW1H 9NP. This employment ended on 31 May 2010. (Registered 21 June 2010)

      4. Sponsorships

      • (a) Donations to my constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by my party to the Electoral Commission:
      • (a) Name of donor: Chisholm Wallace
      • (a) Address of donor: private
      • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,500
      • (a) Donor status: individual
      • (a) (Registered 21 June 2010)
      • (a) Name of donor: Andrew Kent
      • (a) Address of donor: private
      • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000
      • (a) Donor status: individual
      • (a) (Registered 21 June 2010)
      • (a) Name of donor: Cannock Unionist Club
      • (a) Address of donor: 90 High Green, Cannock, WS11 1BE
      • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000
      • (a) Donor status: members’ club
      • (a) (Registered 21 June 2010)

      20 June 2011 - View full entry

      6. Overseas visits

      • Name of donor: Conservative Friends of Israel
      • Address of donor: 45B Westbourne Terrace, London W2 3UR and Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Israel
      • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £974 from CFI; £574 from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Meals provided by other hosts below registrable threshold.
      • Destination of visit: Israel
      • Date of visit: 29 May-3 June 2011
      • Purpose of visit: fact-finding political delegation to Israel and the West Bank.
      • (Registered 8 June 2011)

      8. Land and Property

      • Joint owner (with my father) of a leasehold flat in London, from which rental income is received. (Registered 13 June 2011)

      28 March 2011 - View full entry

      2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

      • I received six bottles of wine, totalling approximately £84 in value, from Hitachi Consulting UK, 2 More London Riverside, London SE1 2AP, in respect of a short speech I gave to a group of consultants on 11 March 2011. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 23 March 2011)

      6 September 2010 (first entry we have)

      2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

      • Payment of £5,464.84 (gross) from Mouchel Parkman PLC; management consulting, 4 Matthew Parker Street, London SW1H 9NP. This employment ended on 31 May 2010. (Registered 21 June 2010)

      4. Sponsorships

      • (a) Donations to my constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by my party to the Electoral Commission:
      • (a) Name of donor: Chisholm Wallace
      • (a) Address of donor: private
      • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,500
      • (a) Donor status: individual
      • (a) (Registered 21 June 2010)
      • (a) Name of donor: Andrew Kent
      • (a) Address of donor: private
      • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000
      • (a) Donor status: individual
      • (a) (Registered 21 June 2010)
      • (a) Name of donor: Cannock Unionist Club
      • (a) Address of donor: 90 High Green, Cannock, WS11 1BE
      • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000
      • (a) Donor status: members’ club
      • (a) (Registered 21 June 2010)