Changes to the Register of Members' Interests
Paul Maynard

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This page shows how Paul Maynard's entry in the Register of Members' Interests has changed over time, starting at the most recent and working back to the earliest we have managed to parse. Please be aware that changes in typography/styling at the source might mean something is marked as changed (ie. removed and added) when it hasn't; sorry about that, but we do our best with the source material.


4 August 2024 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • Role, work or services: Consultant, as part of LINK's independent Consumer Council
    From: 9 November 2020.
    Payer: LINK Scheme Ltd, RSM Central Square, 5th Floor, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL
  • Remuneration: £6,250 a year paid biannually and directly to charity
    From: 9 November 2020. Until: 1 April 2022.
    Hours: 32 hrs a year
    Paid directly to: a charity
  • (Registered 9 November 2020; updated 22 August 2023)

2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation

  • Name of donor: John James
    Address of donor: private
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000
    Donor status: individual
  • (Registered 26 July 2023)

8. Miscellaneous

  • A member of the Blackpool Town Board. This is an unpaid role.
    Date interest arose: 28 February 2020
  • (Registered 28 February 2020)

15 April 2024 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • From 9 November 2020, Consultant to LINK Scheme Ltd (ATM network) as part of LINK's independent Consumer Council. Address: RSM Central Square, 5th Floor, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL. Until the final payment for this role in April 2022, £6,250 a year was paid biannually and direct to charity. Hours: 32 hrs a year (min. 4 days a year). (Registered 16 November 2020; updated 22 August 2023)
  • Role, work or services: Consultant, as part of LINK's independent Consumer Council
    From: 9 November 2020.
    Payer: LINK Scheme Ltd, RSM Central Square, 5th Floor, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL
  • Remuneration: £6,250 a year paid biannually and directly to charity
    From: 9 November 2020. Until: 1 April 2022.
    Hours: 32 hrs a year
    Paid directly to: a charity
  • (Registered 9 November 2020; updated 22 August 2023)

2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation

  • Name of donor: John James
    Address of donor: private
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000
    Donor status: individual
    (Registered 26 July 2023)
  • Name of donor: John James
    Address of donor: private
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000
    Donor status: individual
  • (Registered 26 July 2023)

8. Miscellaneous

  • From 28 February 2020, a member of the Blackpool Town Board. This is an unpaid role. (Registered 28 February 2020)
  • A member of the Blackpool Town Board. This is an unpaid role.
    Date interest arose: 28 February 2020
  • (Registered 28 February 2020)

4 September 2023 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • From 9 November 2020 until further notice, Consultant to LINK Scheme Ltd (ATM network) as part of LINK's independent Consumer Council. Address: RSM Central Square, 5th Floor, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL. I will receive £6,250 a year, to be paid biannually and direct to charity. Hours: 32 hrs a year (min. 4 days a year). (Registered 16 November 2020)
  • From 9 November 2020, Consultant to LINK Scheme Ltd (ATM network) as part of LINK's independent Consumer Council. Address: RSM Central Square, 5th Floor, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL. Until the final payment for this role in April 2022, £6,250 a year was paid biannually and direct to charity. Hours: 32 hrs a year (min. 4 days a year). (Registered 16 November 2020; updated 22 August 2023)

7 August 2023 - View full entry

2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation

  • Name of donor: John James
    Address of donor: private
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000
    Donor status: individual
    (Registered 26 July 2023)

10 July 2023 - View full entry

2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation

  • Name of donor: Tratos Ltd
    Address of donor: Baird House, 15-17 St Cross Street, Farringdon, London EC1N 8UW
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Sponsorship of an event for members and supporters of my local association, value £4,800
    Donor status: company, registration 01524815
    (Registered 01 June 2022)

20 March 2023 (first entry we have)

1. Employment and earnings

  • From 9 November 2020 until further notice, Consultant to LINK Scheme Ltd (ATM network) as part of LINK's independent Consumer Council. Address: RSM Central Square, 5th Floor, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL. I will receive £6,250 a year, to be paid biannually and direct to charity. Hours: 32 hrs a year (min. 4 days a year). (Registered 16 November 2020)

2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation

  • Name of donor: Tratos Ltd
    Address of donor: Baird House, 15-17 St Cross Street, Farringdon, London EC1N 8UW
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Sponsorship of an event for members and supporters of my local association, value £4,800
    Donor status: company, registration 01524815
    (Registered 01 June 2022)

8. Miscellaneous

  • From 28 February 2020, a member of the Blackpool Town Board. This is an unpaid role. (Registered 28 February 2020)