Changes to the Register of Members' Interests
Lindsay Roy
List all MPs and Register editions
This page shows how Lindsay Roy's entry in the Register of Members' Interests has changed over time, starting at the most recent and working back to the earliest we have managed to parse.
Please be aware that changes in typography/styling at the source might mean something is marked as changed (ie. removed and added) when it hasn't; sorry about that, but we do our best with the source material.
Removed | Added |
11. Miscellaneous |
- Member of McLellan Commission on Safeguarding in Catholic Church in Scotland Jan 2014-2015. (Registered 19 May 2014)
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11. Miscellaneous |
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11. Miscellaneous |
| - Member of McLellan Commission on Safeguarding in Catholic Church in Scotland Jan 2014-2015. (Registered 19 May 2014)
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
- Payments from Populus, 10 Northburgh Street, London EC1V 0AT, for opinion surveys:
- 16 December 2010, payment of £50 Hours: 15 mins. Payment donated to local organisation. (Registered 25 January 2011)I
- 18 March 2011, payment of £75. Hours: 15 mins. Payment donated to charity. (Registered 29 March 2011)
- Payments from ComRes, Four Millbank, London SW1P 3JA, for opinion surveys:
- May 2010, payment of £75. Hours: 15 mins. Payment donated to local organisation. (Registered 5 April 2011)
- September 2010, payment of £75. Hours: 15 mins. Payment donated to local organisation. (Registered 5 April 2011)
- October 2010, payment of £75. Hours: 15 mins. Payment donated to local organisation. (Registered 5 April 2011)
- February-March 2011, payment of £75. Hours: 15 mins. Payment donated to local organisation. (Registered 5 April 2011)
- March-April 2010, payment of £75. Hours: 15 mins. Payment donated to local organisation. (Registered 5 April 2011)
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8. Land and Property |
- Flat in Portugal.
- Flat in London, from which rental income is received.
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2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| - Payments from Populus, 10 Northburgh Street, London EC1V 0AT, for opinion surveys:
- 16 December 2010, payment of £50 Hours: 15 mins. Payment donated to local organisation. (Registered 25 January 2011)I
- 18 March 2011, payment of £75. Hours: 15 mins. Payment donated to charity. (Registered 29 March 2011)
- Payments from ComRes, Four Millbank, London SW1P 3JA, for opinion surveys:
- May 2010, payment of £75. Hours: 15 mins. Payment donated to local organisation. (Registered 5 April 2011)
- September 2010, payment of £75. Hours: 15 mins. Payment donated to local organisation. (Registered 5 April 2011)
- October 2010, payment of £75. Hours: 15 mins. Payment donated to local organisation. (Registered 5 April 2011)
- February-March 2011, payment of £75. Hours: 15 mins. Payment donated to local organisation. (Registered 5 April 2011)
- March-April 2010, payment of £75. Hours: 15 mins. Payment donated to local organisation. (Registered 5 April 2011)
8. Land and Property |
| - Flat in Portugal.
- Flat in London, from which rental income is received.
6. Overseas visits |
- Name of donor: Total E&P UK.
- Address of donor: 40 Clarendon Road, Watford, Herts WD17 1TQ
- Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £1,077
- Destination of visit: Lacq, southwest France
- Date of visit: 16-17 July 2009
- Purpose of visit: to visit Total's Carbon and Storage (CCS) demonstration plant in Lacq as a member of the British Offshore Oil and Gas Industry All Party Parliamentary Group.
- (Registered 20 July 2009 )
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6. Overseas visits |
| - Address of donor: 40 Clarendon Road, Watford, Herts WD17 1TQ
6. Overseas visits |
| - Name of donor: Total E&P UK.
- Address of donor:
- Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £1,077
- Destination of visit: Lacq, southwest France
- Date of visit: 16-17 July 2009
- Purpose of visit: to visit Total's Carbon and Storage (CCS) demonstration plant in Lacq as a member of the British Offshore Oil and Gas Industry All Party Parliamentary Group.
- (Registered 20 July 2009 )
11 February 2009 (first entry we have) |
Nothing |