Changes to the Register of Members' Interests
Conor Murphy

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This page shows how Conor Murphy's entry in the Register of Members' Interests has changed over time, starting at the most recent and working back to the earliest we have managed to parse. Please be aware that changes in typography/styling at the source might mean something is marked as changed (ie. removed and added) when it hasn't; sorry about that, but we do our best with the source material.


7 April 2014 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly. Hours: 130 hours per month. The hours are difficult to calculate as the roles of MP and MLA are often combined. (Resigned from NI Assembly on 1 July 2012.)
  • February 2012, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 10 March 2013)
  • March 2012, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 10 March 2013)
  • April 2012, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 10 March 2013)
  • May 2012, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 10 March 2013)
  • June 2012, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 10 March 2013)

11 March 2013 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly. Hours: 130 hours per month. The hours are difficult to calculate as the roles of MP and MLA are often combined.
  • 26 August 2011, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 14 February 2012)
  • 28 September 2011, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 14 February 2012)
  • 27 October 2011, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 14 February 2012)
  • 28 November 2011, gross monthly salary of £4636 (Registered 14 February 2012)
  • 21 December 2011, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 14 February 2012)
  • 27 January 2012, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 14 February 2012)
  • Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly. Hours: 130 hours per month. The hours are difficult to calculate as the roles of MP and MLA are often combined. (Resigned from NI Assembly on 1 July 2012.)
  • February 2012, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 10 March 2013)
  • March 2012, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 10 March 2013)
  • April 2012, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 10 March 2013)
  • May 2012, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 10 March 2013)
  • June 2012, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 10 March 2013)

3 September 2012 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 18 December 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 27 January 2011, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 24 February 2011, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 29 March 2011, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 28 April 2011, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 26 May 2011, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 25 June 2011, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 28 July 2011, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • Minister in the Northern Ireland Assembly. Hours: 170 hours per month. Ministerial role ceased at the beginning of May 2011. Since then works approximately 300 hours per month in the combined roles of MP and MLA.
  • 18 December 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 27 January 2011, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 24 February 2011, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 29 March 2011, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 28 April 2011, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 23 August 2011)

20 February 2012 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 26 August 2011, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 14 February 2012)
  • 28 September 2011, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 14 February 2012)
  • 27 October 2011, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 14 February 2012)
  • 28 November 2011, gross monthly salary of £4636 (Registered 14 February 2012)
  • 21 December 2011, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 14 February 2012)
  • 27 January 2012, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 14 February 2012)

30 January 2012 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 25 June 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 28 July 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 26 August 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 26 September 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 27 October 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 26 November 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 25 June 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 28 July 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 26 August 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 26 September 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 27 October 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 26 November 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 December 2010)

30 August 2011 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly. Hours: 155 hours per month. The hours are difficult to calculate as the roles of MP and MLA are often combined.
  • Minister in the Northern Ireland Assembly. Hours: 170 hours per month.
  • Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly. Hours: 130 hours per month. The hours are difficult to calculate as the roles of MP and MLA are often combined.
  • 18 December 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 27 January 2011, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 24 February 2011, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 29 March 2011, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 28 April 2011, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 26 May 2011, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 25 June 2011, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 28 July 2011, gross monthly salary of £4536 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • Minister in the Northern Ireland Assembly. Hours: 170 hours per month. Ministerial role ceased at the beginning of May 2011. Since then works approximately 300 hours per month in the combined roles of MP and MLA.
  • 18 December 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 27 January 2011, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 24 February 2011, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 29 March 2011, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 23 August 2011)
  • 28 April 2011, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 23 August 2011)

6 July 2011 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 24 February 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 21 June 2010)
  • 29 March 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 21 June 2010)
  • 28 April 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 21 June 2010)
  • 28 May 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 21 June 2010)
  • 24 February 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 21 June 2010)
  • 29 March 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 21 June 2010)
  • 28 April 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 21 June 2010)
  • 29 May 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 21 June 2010)

14 March 2011 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 29 July 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 26 August 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 28 September 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 28 October 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 26 November 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 18 December 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 27 January 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 29 July 2009, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 26 August 2009, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 28 September 2009, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 28 October 2009, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 26 November 2009, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 18 December 2009, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 27 January 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 February 2010)

6 December 2010 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 25 June 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 28 July 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 26 August 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 26 September 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 27 October 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 26 November 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 25 June 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 28 July 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 26 August 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 26 September 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 27 October 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 December 2010)
  • 26 November 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 December 2010)

6 September 2010 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 24 February 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 21 June 2010)
  • 29 March 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 21 June 2010)
  • 28 April 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 21 June 2010)
  • 28 May 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 21 June 2010)
  • 24 February 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 21 June 2010)
  • 29 March 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 21 June 2010)
  • 28 April 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 21 June 2010)
  • 29 May 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 21 June 2010)

3 February 2010 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly.
  • Minister in the Northern Ireland Assembly.
  • Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly. Hours: 155 hours per month. The hours are difficult to calculate as the roles of MP and MLA are often combined.
  • 29 July 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 26 August 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 28 September 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 28 October 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 26 November 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 18 December 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 27 January 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • Minister in the Northern Ireland Assembly. Hours: 170 hours per month.
  • 29 July 2009, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 26 August 2009, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 28 September 2009, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 28 October 2009, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 26 November 2009, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 18 December 2009, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 February 2010)
  • 27 January 2010, gross monthly salary of £3150.09 (Registered 2 February 2010)

16 June 2008 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Minister in the Northern Ireland Assembly.

1 November 2005 (first entry we have)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly.