Changes to the Register of Members' Interests
Malcolm Rifkind

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This page shows how Malcolm Rifkind's entry in the Register of Members' Interests has changed over time, starting at the most recent and working back to the earliest we have managed to parse. Please be aware that changes in typography/styling at the source might mean something is marked as changed (ie. removed and added) when it hasn't; sorry about that, but we do our best with the source material.


8 June 2015 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Adam Smith International (including Amphion Group Ltd and Adam Smith Services Ltd) (non-executive), 3 Albert Embankment, London; consultancy and project implementation overseas. Monthly board meeting in central London lasting 2 hours approximately. Occasional e-mail exchanges between meetings. (Updated 11 June 2014)
  • Monthly ongoing payment of £2,916.66 gross. (Registered 8 September 2009)
  • 1 June 2014, additional payment of £5,512.50 in non-executive fees, in recognition of success of the company during the past year. (Registered 5 June 2014)
  • Unilever plc (non-executive), 100 Victoria Embankment London. Approximately eight board meetings a year each lasting a morning and afternoon with a dinner the previous evening. Most meetings in London, two or three in The Netherlands and one elsewhere. Also member of Board Committee, three hours the day before each board meeting. Attendance may be by video conference.
  • Monthly ongoing payment of £7,166 gross from May 2013. (Updated 24 July 2013)
  • Alliance Medical Group (non-executive), Princes House, 38 Jermyn Street, London SW1Y 6DN.  Approximately 10 board meetings a year, mainly in London, each lasting around 2-3 hours.  Occasional ad hoc meeting.
  • Monthly ongoing payment of £5,000 gross, from January 2014. (Registered 10 April 2014)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Since 1 July 2012, Chairman of LEK Advisory Board. Consulting LLP, 40 Grosvenor Place, London. Advisory Board meeting 4 times a year. Each meeting 4 hours approximately. Occasional advice by e-mail. Occasional speeches and chairing of meetings. (Updated 24 July 2013)
  • Quarterly payment of £12,500 gross; 4 hours approximately.
  • Senior Counsellor, Dragoman, Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia, specialist advisory firm. No regular meetings, communication by email and occasional meetings in London as might be required. Retainer of Australian $12,500 paid every three months.
  • Received fee of £5,000 from United Jewish Israel Appeal, 37 Kentish Town Road, London NW1 8NX for speech at event on 6 May 2014 at Savoy Hotel, London. Hours 1 hr. (Registered 5 June 2014).
  • 28 November 2014, received fee of £1,000 from University of Buckingham, Hunter Street, MK18 1EG for speech to NA Diplomacy and Global Affairs Students at Duke’s Hotel, London on 22 October 2014. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 19 December 2014)
  • Payments from London Evening Standard, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT:  
  • £500 received for article published 16 June 2014. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 19 December 2014)
  • £500 received for article published 12 August 2014. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 19 December 2014)
  • Payments from The Telegraph, 111 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0DT: 6 July 2014, £500 received for article. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 19 December 2014) 1 September 2014, £350 received for article. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 19 December 2014) 30 September 2014, £250 received for article. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 19 December 2014) 10 December, 2014, received £270 for article published on 26 November 2014. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 6 March 2015) 24 December 2014, received £210 for article published on 14 December 2014. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 6 March 2015)
  • Payment of £250 received from the Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT for article published on 2 June 2014. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 19 December 2014)
  • Payment of £462.20 received from Time Magazine, PO Box 20500, 1001 NM Amsterdam, The Netherlands for article published 3 September 2014. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 19 December 2014)
  • Payment of £285 from The Guardian. Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU for article published on 5 March 2014. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 24 December 2014) 
  • Payment of £8,000 received from RBS, 280 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4RB, via Chartwell Worldwide Speakers Bureau, 5-11 Westbourne Grove, London W2 4UA, for a panel conversation on 2 December 2014 at the Savoy Hotel, London. Hours: 4.5 hrs. (Registered 3 March 2015)
  • Payment of £4,000 received from J.P. Morgan Cazenove, 60 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0JP, for speaking at the Best of British Conference on 13 November 2014. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 3 March 2015)

6. Overseas visits

    Name of donor: (1) MSC (2) Global Zero Operations Address of donor: (1) Prinzregentenstraße 7, D-80538 Munich (2) 1779 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 615, Washington DC 20036
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): (1) Return flights to Munich, value flights £676 (2) hotel 3 nights approx £1,000
  • Destination of visit: Munich Security Conference
  • Date of visit:  30 January - 2 February 2014
  • Purpose of visit: To attend Munich Security Conference (Registered 10 April 2014) Name of donor: Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) (Board Member), Address of donor: 1747 Pennsylvania Ave NW 7th Floor, Washington DC 20006 Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Flight £1,986, hotel £1032, total £3,018 Destination of visit: Washington DC, USA
  • Date of visit: 6-8 April 2014
  • Purpose of visit: Attended Board Meeting in Washington. (Registered 10 April 2014)
  • Name of donor: Government of United Arab Emirates
  • Address of donor:  PO Box 31966, Abu Dhabi, UAE
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Flights £5,105; hotel costs (two nights) £1,260; total £6,365 Destination of visit: Dubai
  • Date of visit:  8-10 November 2014
    Purpose of visit:  Participation in summit of World Economic Forum and chairing sessions
  • (Registered 19 December 2014)

30 March 2015 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    10 December, 2014 , received £270 for article published on 26 November 2014.  Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 6 March 2015 ) 24 December 2014 , received £210 for article published on 14 December 2014 . Hours: 1 hr.
    10 December, 2014, received £270 for article published on 26 November 2014. Hours: 1 hr. 24 December 2014, received £210 for article published on 14 December 2014. Hours: 1 hr.

9 March 2015 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 28 November 2014, received fee of £1,000 from University of Buckingham, Hunter Street, MK18 1EG for speech to NA Diplomacy and Global Affairs
  • Students at Duke’s Hotel, London on 22 October 2014. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 19 December 2014)
  • 28 November 2014, received fee of £1,000 from University of Buckingham, Hunter Street, MK18 1EG for speech to NA Diplomacy and Global Affairs Students at Duke’s Hotel, London on 22 October 2014. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 19 December 2014)
  • 10 December, 2014 , received £270 for article published on 26 November 2014.  Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 6 March 2015 ) 24 December 2014 , received £210 for article published on 14 December 2014 . Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 6 March 2015)
  • Payment of £8,000 received from RBS, 280 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4RB, via Chartwell Worldwide Speakers Bureau, 5-11 Westbourne Grove, London W2 4UA, for a panel conversation on 2 December 2014 at the Savoy Hotel, London. Hours: 4.5 hrs. (Registered 3 March 2015)
  • Payment of £4,000 received from J.P. Morgan Cazenove, 60 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0JP, for speaking at the Best of British Conference on 13 November 2014. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 3 March 2015)

23 February 2015 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Continental Farmers Group plc (non-executive), 33 Athol St, Douglas Isle of Man; farming in Eastern Europe. Approximately 6 board meetings per year, each lasting around 4 hours. Occasional ad hoc meetings. Travel time to Douglas or Dublin to be added.
  • Monthly ongoing payment of £4,580 gross, July 2011 (Registered 12 July 2011)
  • Discontinued July 2013. Last payment received 15 July 2013. (Updated 24 July 2013)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Payment of £250 received from the Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT for article published on 2 June 2014. Hours: 1.5 hrs. . (Registered 19 December 2014)
  • Payment of £250 received from the Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT for article published on 2 June 2014. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 19 December 2014)

26 January 2015 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships


2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    6 July 2014, £500 received for article. Hours: 1 hr. 1 September 2014, £350 received for article. Hours: 1 hr. 30 September 2014, £250 re ceived for article. Hours: 1 hr.
    6 July 2014, £500 received for article. Hours: 1 hr. 1 September 2014, £350 received for article. Hours: 1 hr. 30 September 2014, £250 received for article. Hours: 1 hr.

6. Overseas visits

    Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Flight s £5,105; hotel costs (two nights) £1,260 ; total £6,365 Destination of visit: D ubai
    Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Flights £5,105; hotel costs (two nights) £1,260; total £6,365 Destination of visit: Dubai

6 January 2015 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 28 November 2014, received fee of £1,000 from University of Buckingham, Hunter Street, MK18 1EG for speech to NA Diplomacy and Global Affairs
  • Students at Duke’s Hotel, London on 22 October 2014. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 19 December 2014)
  • Payments from London Evening Standard, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT:  
  • £500 received for article published 16 June 2014. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 19 December 2014)
  • £500 received for article published 12 August 2014. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 19 December 2014)
  • Payments from The Telegraph, 111 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0DT: 6 July 2014, £500 received for article. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 19 December 2014) 1 September 2014, £350 received for article. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 19 December 2014) 30 September 2014, £250 re ceived for article. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 19 December 2014)
  • Payment of £250 received from the Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT for article published on 2 June 2014. Hours: 1.5 hrs. . (Registered 19 December 2014)
  • Payment of £462.20 received from Time Magazine, PO Box 20500, 1001 NM Amsterdam, The Netherlands for article published 3 September 2014. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 19 December 2014)
  • Payment of £285 from The Guardian. Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU for article published on 5 March 2014. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 24 December 2014) 

6. Overseas visits

  • Name of donor: Government of United Arab Emirates
  • Address of donor:  PO Box 31966, Abu Dhabi, UAE
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Flight s £5,105; hotel costs (two nights) £1,260 ; total £6,365 Destination of visit: D ubai
  • Date of visit:  8-10 November 2014
    Purpose of visit:  Participation in summit of World Economic Forum and chairing sessions
  • (Registered 19 December 2014)

26 August 2014 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • One-off payment of £3,500, received 31 May 2013. (Registered 7 June 2013)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    Payment from Guardian News and Media, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1P 2AP: 11 July 2013, received £285 for article. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 24 July 2013) Payment from Evening Standard, Northcliffe House, 2 Derry St, London W8 5EE: 2 July 2013, received £500 for article. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 24 July 2013) Received fee of £1,000 in March 2014, for speech in London on 28th November 2013 to University of Buckingham, Hunter Street, Buckingham MK18 1EG. Hours:  3 hrs. (Registered 10 April 2014)
  • Payment from Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street London:
  • 2 June 2014, received £250 for article. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 5 June 2014)

6. Overseas visits

  • Name of donor: Aspen Institute
  • Address of donor: One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-1133, USA
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value):  Return flights to Marrakesh, value £863, and three nights’ accommodation , value £1,191; total £2,054
  • Destination of visit: Morocco
  • Dates of visit: 8  – 10 March 2013
  • Purpose of visit:  To attend 15th gathering of the Aspen Ministers Forum (a group of former Foreign Secretaries from around the world).
  • (Registered 15 July 2013)

14 July 2014 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    Received fee of £15,000 from LGT Bank for speech at the 12 th Alternative Investment Conference in Lucerne on 23 May 2013.  Flights and overnight hotel accommodation were the responsibility of LGT.  Address of payer: 35 Dover Street London W1S 4NQ. Hours: 3-4 hrs. (Registered 18 June 2013)

30 June 2014 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 2 June 2014, received £250 for article. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 5 June 2014)
  • 2 June 2014, received £250 for article. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 5 June 2014)

16 June 2014 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Adam Smith International (including Amphion Group Ltd and Adam Smith Services Ltd) (non-executive), 3 Albert Embankment, London; consultancy and project implementation overseas.
  • Adam Smith International (including Amphion Group Ltd and Adam Smith Services Ltd) (non-executive), 3 Albert Embankment, London; consultancy and project implementation overseas. Monthly board meeting in central London lasting 2 hours approximately. Occasional e-mail exchanges between meetings. (Updated 11 June 2014)
  • 1 June 2014, additional payment of £5,512.50 in non-executive fees, in recognition of success of the company during the past year. (Registered 5 June 2014)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Payment from Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street London:
  • 2 June 2014, received £250 for article. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 5 June 2014)
  • Received fee of £5,000 from United Jewish Israel Appeal, 37 Kentish Town Road, London NW1 8NX for speech at event on 6 May 2014 at Savoy Hotel, London. Hours 1 hr. (Registered 5 June 2014).

12 May 2014 - View full entry

6. Overseas visits

    Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Flight £1,986, hotel £1032, total £3,018 Destination of visit: Washington DC, USA
    Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Flight £1,986, hotel £1032, total £3,018 Destination of visit: Washington DC, USA

28 April 2014 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

    Alliance Medical Group (non-executive), Princes House, 38 Jermyn Street, London SW1Y 6DN.  Approximately 10 board meetings a year, mainly in London, each lasting around 2-3 hours.  Occasional ad hoc meeting.
  • Monthly ongoing payment of £5,000 gross, from January 2014. (Registered 10 April 2014)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    Received fee of £1,000 in March 2014, for speech in London on 28th November 2013 to University of Buckingham, Hunter Street, Buckingham MK18 1EG. Hours:  3 hrs. (Registered 10 April 2014)

6. Overseas visits

    Name of donor: (1) MSC (2) Global Zero Operations Address of donor: (1) Prinzregentenstraße 7, D-80538 Munich (2) 1779 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 615, Washington DC 20036
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): (1) Return flights to Munich, value flights £676 (2) hotel 3 nights approx £1,000
  • Destination of visit: Munich Security Conference
  • Date of visit:  30 January - 2 February 2014
  • Purpose of visit: To attend Munich Security Conference (Registered 10 April 2014) Name of donor: Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) (Board Member), Address of donor: 1747 Pennsylvania Ave NW 7th Floor, Washington DC 20006 Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Flight £1,986, hotel £1032, total £3,018 Destination of visit: Washington DC, USA
  • Date of visit: 6-8 April 2014
  • Purpose of visit: Attended Board Meeting in Washington. (Registered 10 April 2014)

7 April 2014 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc


9 December 2013 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Monthly ongoing payment of £7,999 gross (Registered 7 February 2012)
  • Monthly ongoing payment reduced to £7,166 gross from May 2013. (Updated 24 July 2013)
  • Monthly ongoing payment of £7,166 gross from May 2013. (Updated 24 July 2013)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Quarterly payment of £6,250 gross; 4 hours approximately.
  • Total remuneration increased to quarterly payment of £12,500. (Updated 22 November 2012)
  • Received fee of £20,000 for speech and associated activities at Conference of LGT Bank in Vienna, 24 September 2012. Address of payer: 35 Dover Street London W1S 4NQ . Hours: 3-4 hrs, plus flight to Vienna on the previous day. (Registered 12 November 2012)
  • Quarterly payment of £12,500 gross; 4 hours approximately.

27 August 2013 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    Payment from Evenin g Standard, North c liffe House, 2 Derry St, London W8 5EE:
    Payment from Evening Standard, Northcliffe House, 2 Derry St, London W8 5EE:

29 July 2013 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Discontinued July 2013. Last payment received 15 July 2013. (Updated 24 July 2013)
  • Monthly ongoing payment reduced to £7,166 gross from May 2013. (Updated 24 July 2013)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Since 1 July 2012, Chairman of LEK Advisory Board. Consulting LLP, 40 Grosvenor Place, London. Advisory Board meeting 4 times a year. Each meeting 4 hours approximately. Occasional advice by e-mail.
  • Since 1 July 2012, Chairman of LEK Advisory Board. Consulting LLP, 40 Grosvenor Place, London. Advisory Board meeting 4 times a year. Each meeting 4 hours approximately. Occasional advice by e-mail. Occasional speeches and chairing of meetings. (Updated 24 July 2013)
  • Payment from Guardian News and Media, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1P 2AP: 11 July 2013, received £285 for article. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 24 July 2013) Payment from Evenin g Standard, North c liffe House, 2 Derry St, London W8 5EE: 2 July 2013, received £500 for article. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 24 July 2013)

6. Overseas visits

  • Name of donor: Aspen Institute
  • Address of donor: One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-1133, USA
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value):  Return flights to Marrakesh, value £863, and three nights’ accommodation , value £1,191; total £2,054
  • Destination of visit: Morocco
  • Dates of visit: 8  – 10 March 2013
  • Purpose of visit:  To attend 15th gathering of the Aspen Ministers Forum (a group of former Foreign Secretaries from around the world).
  • (Registered 15 July 2013)

24 June 2013 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    Received fee of £15,000 from LGT Bank for speech at the 12 th Alternative Investment Conference in Lucerne on 23 May 2013.  Flights and overnight hotel accommodation were the responsibility of LGT.  Address of payer: 35 Dover Street London W1S 4NQ. Hours: 3-4 hrs. (Registered 18 June 2013)

10 June 2013 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Unilever plc (non-executive), 100 Victoria Embankment London. Approximately eight board meetings a year each lasting a morning and afternoon with a dinner the previous evening. Most meetings in London, two or three in The Netherlands and one elsewhere . Also member of Board Committee, three hours the day before each board meeting. Attendance may be by video conference.
  • One-off payment of £3,500, received 31 May 2013. (Registered 7 June 2013)
  • Unilever plc (non-executive), 100 Victoria Embankment London. Approximately eight board meetings a year each lasting a morning and afternoon with a dinner the previous evening. Most meetings in London, two or three in The Netherlands and one elsewhere. Also member of Board Committee, three hours the day before each board meeting. Attendance may be by video conference.

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Payments for articles for Daily Telegraph, 111 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 0DT:
  • Payment of £340. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 4 May 2012)
  • Payments for articles in the Evening Standard, Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5EE:
  • Payment of £200. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 4 May 2012)

8 April 2013 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Payment of £350. Hours: 1.5hrs. (Registered 6 March 2012)

4 February 2013 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Aberdeen Asset Management plc (non-executive), 10 Queens Terrace, Aberdeen; global fund management. Non-executive member of board, board committees and related activities. Approximately 10 board meetings a year each lasting up to 4 hours. Three involve travel abroad. Similar number of committee meetings plus preparation for meetings.
  • Monthly ongoing payment of £4,666.66 effective from 1 February 2011. (Registered 14 February 2011)
  • I ceased to be a Director and have received no further fees as of January 2012. (Registered 24 January 2012)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • November 2011, fee of £700 for advice and analysis. Hours: 2-3 hrs. (Registered 24 January 2012)
  • Payments from Rathbone Brothers Plc, 159 New Bond Street, London W1S 2UD:
  • Payment of £750 received for article in professional magazine. Hours: 2-3 hrs. (Registered 24 January 2012)

3 December 2012 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Member of Advisory Board, L.E.K. Consulting LLP, 40 Grosvenor Place, London. Advisory Board meeting 4 times a year. Each meeting 4 hours approximately. Occasional advice by e-mail.
  • . Hours: 3-4 hrs, plus flight to Vienna on the previous day. (Registered 12 November 2012)
  • Since 1 July 2012, Chairman of LEK Advisory Board. Consulting LLP, 40 Grosvenor Place, London. Advisory Board meeting 4 times a year. Each meeting 4 hours approximately. Occasional advice by e-mail.
  • Total remuneration increased to quarterly payment of £12,500. (Updated 22 November 2012)
  • . Hours: 3-4 hrs, plus flight to Vienna on the previous day. (Registered 12 November 2012)

19 November 2012 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    Received fee of £20,000 for speech and associated activities at Conference of LGT Bank in Vienna, 24 September 2012. Address of payer: 35 Dover Street London W1S 4NQ . Hours: 3-4 hrs, plus flight to Vienna on the previous day. (Registered 12 November 2012)

3 September 2012 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Monthly ongoing payment of £3,750 gross (July 2009) (Registered 8 September 2009)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Fees for articles published by the Times, News International Group, 1 Virginia Street, London E98 1XY
  • Payments of £600, £500 and £500 for three articles. Hours: 2 hrs each. (Registered 30 August 2011)
  • Payments of £500, £475 and £588 for three articles. Hours: 2 hrs each. (Registered 30 August 2011)
  • Payments for articles for the Guardian, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU:
  • Payment of £285. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 30 August 2011)
  • Payment of £500. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 30 August 2011)
  • July 2011: one hour meeting in London. (Updated 30 August 2011)
  • Payments from UBS Investment Bank, 1 Finsbury Avenue, London EC2M 2PP for presentations in London, Edinburgh and New York
  • Series of four 8 hour presentations on international affairs for during recess and on Friday. Fee £25,000. (Updated 30 August 2011)
  • Payment of £3,000.Hours: 1.5 hrs (Updated 30 August 2011)

14 May 2012 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Payment of £340. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 4 May 2012)
  • Payment of £200. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 4 May 2012)

19 March 2012 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Payments of £500, £475 and £588 for three articles. Hours: 2 hrs each. (Registered 30 August 2011)
  • Payments of £500, £475 and £588 for three articles. Hours: 2 hrs each. (Registered 30 August 2011)
  • Payment of £350. Hours: 1.5hrs. (Registered 6 March 2012)

20 February 2012 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Monthly ongoing payment of £2,719 gross plus 4,167 euros gross (Registered 10 June 2010)
  • Monthly ongoing payment of £7,999 gross (Registered 7 February 2012)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Fees for articles published by:
  • International Herald Tribune £200-£300 (Up to £5,000)
  • Independent on Sunday £300-£500(Up to £5,000)
  • Observer £210 (Up to £5,000)
  • Scotsman £300 (Up to £5,000)
  • Spectator £250(Up to £5,000)
  • Sunday Times £750 (Up to £5,000)
  • Washington Post £455(Up to £5,000)
  • The Times £300(Up to £5,000)
  • Sunday and Daily Telegraph £400-£800 (Up to £5,000)
  • Financial Times, Number One Southwark Bridge , London SE1 9HL . £300 (Up to £5,000)
  • The Times, News International Group, 1 Virginia Street, London E98 1XY
  • Payment of £1,000 for two articles. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 14 February 2011)
  • Payment of £700. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 14 February 2011)
  • Fees for articles published by the Times, News International Group, 1 Virginia Street, London E98 1XY

5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

  • Honorary membership of the Chelsea Arts Club.

30 January 2012 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • I ceased to be a Director and have received no further fees as of January 2012. (Registered 24 January 2012)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • November 2011, fee of £700 for advice and analysis. Hours: 2-3 hrs. (Registered 24 January 2012)
  • Payment of £750 received for article in professional magazine. Hours: 2-3 hrs. (Registered 24 January 2012)

30 August 2011 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Payment of £700 for article for Daily Telegraph, 111 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 0DT. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 14 February 2011)
  • Senior Counsellor, Dragoman, Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia, specialist advisory firm. Communicate by email and occasional meetings in London. Quarterly payments of Australian $12,500. (Registered 12 July 2011)
  • Series of four 8 hour presentations on international affairs for UBS Investment Bank, 1 Finsbury Avenue, London EC2M 2PP) in London, Edinburgh and New York during recess and on Friday. Fee £25,000. (Registered 12 July 2011)
  • Speech for Rathbones, 159 New Bond Street, London W1S 2UD. Fee £3,000. (Registered 12 July 2011)
  • Payments of £600, £500 and £500 for three articles. Hours: 2 hrs each. (Registered 30 August 2011)
  • Payments for articles for Daily Telegraph, 111 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 0DT:
  • Payment of £700. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 14 February 2011)
  • Payments of £500, £475 and £588 for three articles. Hours: 2 hrs each. (Registered 30 August 2011)
  • Payments for articles for the Guardian, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU:
  • Payment of £285. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 30 August 2011)
  • Payments for articles in the Evening Standard, Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5EE:
  • Payment of £500. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 30 August 2011)
  • Senior Counsellor, Dragoman, Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia, specialist advisory firm. No regular meetings, communication by email and occasional meetings in London as might be required. Retainer of Australian $12,500 paid every three months.
  • July 2011: one hour meeting in London. (Updated 30 August 2011)
  • Payments from UBS Investment Bank, 1 Finsbury Avenue, London EC2M 2PP for presentations in London, Edinburgh and New York
  • Series of four 8 hour presentations on international affairs for during recess and on Friday. Fee £25,000. (Updated 30 August 2011)
  • Payments from Rathbone Brothers Plc, 159 New Bond Street, London W1S 2UD:
  • Payment of £3,000.Hours: 1.5 hrs (Updated 30 August 2011)

19 July 2011 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Monthly ongoing payment of £4,580 gross, July 2011 (Registered 12 July 2011)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Senior Counsellor, Dragoman, Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia, specialist advisory firm. Communicate by email and occasional meetings in London. Quarterly payments of Australian $12,500. (Registered 12 July 2011)
  • Series of four 8 hour presentations on international affairs for UBS Investment Bank, 1 Finsbury Avenue, London EC2M 2PP) in London, Edinburgh and New York during recess and on Friday. Fee £25,000. (Registered 12 July 2011)
  • Speech for Rathbones, 159 New Bond Street, London W1S 2UD. Fee £3,000. (Registered 12 July 2011)

6 July 2011 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Monthly ongoing payment of £4,166.67 gross. (Registered 8 September 2009)
  • Unilever plc (non-executive), 100 Victoria Embankment London. Appproximately eight board meetings a year each lasting a morning and afternoon with a dinner the previous evening. Most meetings in London, two or three in The Netherlands and one elsewhere . Also member of Board Committee, three hours the day before each board meeting. Attendance may be by video conference.
  • Unilever plc (non-executive), 100 Victoria Embankment London. Approximately eight board meetings a year each lasting a morning and afternoon with a dinner the previous evening. Most meetings in London, two or three in The Netherlands and one elsewhere . Also member of Board Committee, three hours the day before each board meeting. Attendance may be by video conference.

14 March 2011 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Payment of £500 for an article. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 8 March 2010)

28 February 2011 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Monthly ongoing payment of £4,666.66 effective from 1 February 2011. (Registered 14 February 2011)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Payment of £1,000 for two articles. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 14 February 2011)
  • Payment of £700 for article for Daily Telegraph, 111 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 0DT. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 14 February 2011)

24 January 2011 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Payment of £1,500 for three articles. Hours: 4½ hrs. (Registered 8 December 2009)
  • Daily Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group, 11 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W ODT. Payment of £820 for two articles. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 8 December 2009)

6. Overseas visits

  • Name of donor: Global Zero Operations
  • Address of donor: 1779 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036, USA.
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Estimated cost of flight, £4,000; estimated cost of hotel for two nights, £370.
  • Destination of visit: Washington, USA
  • Date of visit: 27-29 June 2009
  • Purpose of visit: to attend and participate in Global Zero Commission.
  • (Registered 9 December 2009)
  • Name of donor: Global Zero Operations
  • Address of donor: 1779 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036, USA.
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Estimated cost of flight, £1,178; estimated cost of hotel for two nights, £400.
  • Destination of visit: Moscow
  • Date of visit: 25-27 October 2009
  • Purpose of visit: to attend and participate in Global Zero Commission.
  • (Registered 9 December 2009)
  • Name of donor: 1) Aspen Atlantic Group
  • 2) Bertelsmann Foundation
  • Address of donor: 1) One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036, USA.
  • 2) Bertelsmann Stiftung Carl-Bertelsmann-Straße 256, 33311 Gütersloh, Germany
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Estimated cost of flight, £3,779; estimated cost of hotel for two nights, £400.
  • Destination of visit: Washington, USA
  • Date of visit: 3-5 December 2009
  • Purpose of visit: to attend and participate in meeting
  • (Registered 9 December 2009)

8 November 2010 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Payment of £300 gross for an article. Hours: 1-2 hours. (Registered 8 September 2009)

6 September 2010 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Monthly ongoing payment of £3,750 gross (June 2009) (Registered 25 July 2009)
  • £242 net (July 2009); monthly board meeting, approximately 3 hours. (Registered 25 July 2009)I
  • Unilever plc (non-executive), 100 Victoria Embankment London. Appproximately eight board meetings a year each lasting a morning and afternoon with a dinner the previous evening. Most meetings in London, two or three in The Netherlands and one elsewhere . Also member of Board Committee, three hours the day before each board meeting. Attendance may be by video conference.
  • Monthly ongoing payment of £2,719 gross plus 4,167 euros gross (Registered 10 June 2010)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Consultant, BHP Billiton, Petroleum, Houston, USA. Advice given by e-mail as required. Contract terminated. Payment is monthly in respect of 3 months notice which concludes in October 2009.
  • £4,166 gross. (Registered 25 July 2009)
  • £4,166 gross. (Registered 8 September 2009)
  • Financial Times, Number One Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HL. £300 (Up to £5,000)
  • The Times, News International Group, 1 Virginia Street, London E98 1XY
  • Payment of £1,500 for three articles. Hours: 4½ hrs. (Registered 8 December 2009)
    Financial Times, Number One Southwark Bridge , London SE1 9HL . £300 (Up to £5,000)
  • The Times, News International Group, 1 Virginia Street, London E98 1XY
  • Payment of £1,500 for three articles. Hours: 4½ hrs. (Registered 8 December 2009)

6. Overseas visits

  • 23-26 April 2009, to Ankara, to participate in Aspen Atlantic Conference. Flights and accommodation expenses paid by conference organisers. (Registered 28 April 2009)
  • 2) Bertelsmann Stiftung Carl-Bertelsmann-Straße 256, 33311 Gütersloh, Germany
  • 2) Bertelsmann Stiftung Carl-Bertelsmann-Straße 256, 33311 Gütersloh, Germany

10 March 2010 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • The Times, News International Group, 1 Virginia Street, London E98 1XY Payment of £1,500 for three articles. Hours: 4½ hrs. (Registered 8 December 2009)
  • The Times, News International Group, 1 Virginia Street, London E98 1XY
  • Payment of £1,500 for three articles. Hours: 4½ hrs. (Registered 8 December 2009)
  • Payment of £500 for an article. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 8 March 2010)

24 February 2010 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Consultancy fee from Promethean Investments. (£10,001-£15,000) (Registered 18 December 2008)
  • 16 September 2008, Intelligence Squared Debate, London and 6-7 October, New York, Intelligence Squared Debate. Hotel accommodation paid for by Intelligence Squared. Combined fees (Up to £5,000). (Registered 18 December 2008)

6. Overseas visits

  • 13-15 June 2008, to Washington, for Edinburgh University General Council. Travel and accommodation expenses were paid by the University. (Registered 18 December 2008)
  • 31 July-2 August 2008, to Moscow, for lecture to Moscow School of Political Studies. Travel and accommodation expenses were paid for by MSPC. (Registered 18 December 2008)
  • 6-12 September 2008, to Beijing, China, to attend the second UK-China Leadership of the Future Forum. The visit was arranged and paid for by the UK-China Forum with sponsorship from Barclays Capital, BP and Rolls-Royce, and the International Department of the Chinese Communist Party. (Registered 10 December 2008)
  • 8-9 December 2008, to Paris, to attend Global Zero Conference as speaker and member. Travel and accommodation expenses were paid by the Conference organisers. (Registered 18 December 2008)

3 February 2010 - View full entry

6. Overseas visits

  • Name of donor:1) Aspen Atlantic Group
  • Name of donor: 1) Aspen Atlantic Group

6 January 2010 - View full entry

6. Overseas visits

  • Name of donor: 1) Aspen Atlantic Group
  • Name of donor:1) Aspen Atlantic Group

10 December 2009 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • The Times, News International Group, 1 Virginia Street, London E98 1XY Payment of £1,500 for three articles. Hours: 4½ hrs. (Registered 8 December 2009)
  • Daily Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group, 11 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W ODT. Payment of £820 for two articles. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 8 December 2009)

6. Overseas visits

  • Name of donor: Global Zero Operations
  • Address of donor: 1779 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036, USA.
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Estimated cost of flight, £4,000; estimated cost of hotel for two nights, £370.
  • Destination of visit: Washington, USA
  • Date of visit: 27-29 June 2009
  • Purpose of visit: to attend and participate in Global Zero Commission.
  • (Registered 9 December 2009)
  • Name of donor: Global Zero Operations
  • Address of donor: 1779 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036, USA.
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Estimated cost of flight, £1,178; estimated cost of hotel for two nights, £400.
  • Destination of visit: Moscow
  • Date of visit: 25-27 October 2009
  • Purpose of visit: to attend and participate in Global Zero Commission.
  • (Registered 9 December 2009)
  • Name of donor: 1) Aspen Atlantic Group
  • 2) Bertelsmann Foundation
  • Address of donor: 1) One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036, USA.
  • 2) Bertelsmann Stiftung Carl-Bertelsmann-Straße 256, 33311 Gütersloh, Germany
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Estimated cost of flight, £3,779; estimated cost of hotel for two nights, £400.
  • Destination of visit: Washington, USA
  • Date of visit: 3-5 December 2009
  • Purpose of visit: to attend and participate in meeting
  • (Registered 9 December 2009)

25 November 2009 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • £242 net (July 2009) ; monthly board meeting, approximately 3 hours. (Registered 25 July 2009) I
  • £242 net (July 2009); monthly board meeting, approximately 3 hours. (Registered 25 July 2009)I

11 November 2009 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • £242 net (July 2009); monthly board meeting, approximately 3 hours. (Registered 25 July 2009)I
  • £242 net (July 2009) ; monthly board meeting, approximately 3 hours. (Registered 25 July 2009) I

14 October 2009 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Aberdeen Asset Management plc (non-executive)
  • £3,750 gross (June 2009) (Registered 25 July 2009)
  • Adam Smith International (non-executive), 3 Albert Embankment, London; consultancy and project implementation overseas.
  • £242 net (July 2009); monthly board meeting, approximately 3 hours. (Registered 25 July 2009)
  • Aberdeen Asset Management plc (non-executive), 10 Queens Terrace, Aberdeen; global fund management. Non-executive member of board, board committees and related activities. Approximately 10 board meetings a year each lasting up to 4 hours. Three involve travel abroad. Similar number of committee meetings plus preparation for meetings.
  • Monthly ongoing payment of £4,166.67 gross. (Registered 8 September 2009)
  • Monthly ongoing payment of £3,750 gross (June 2009) (Registered 25 July 2009)
  • Monthly ongoing payment of £3,750 gross (July 2009) (Registered 8 September 2009)
  • Adam Smith International (including Amphion Group Ltd and Adam Smith Services Ltd) (non-executive), 3 Albert Embankment, London; consultancy and project implementation overseas.
  • £242 net (July 2009); monthly board meeting, approximately 3 hours. (Registered 25 July 2009)I
  • Monthly ongoing payment of £2,916.66 gross. (Registered 8 September 2009)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Consultant, BHP Billiton, Petroleum, Houston, USA. Advice given by e-mail as required. (Contract terminates in October 2009.)
  • Member of Advisory Board, L.E.K. Consulting LLP, 40 Grosvenor Place, London. Advisory Board meeting 4 times a year. Occasional advice by e-mail.
  • £6,250 gross; quarterly payment April-June 2009; 4 hours approximately.
  • Financial Times £300 (Up to £5,000)
  • Consultant, BHP Billiton, Petroleum, Houston, USA. Advice given by e-mail as required. Contract terminated. Payment is monthly in respect of 3 months notice which concludes in October 2009.
  • £4,166 gross. (Registered 8 September 2009)
  • Member of Advisory Board, L.E.K. Consulting LLP, 40 Grosvenor Place, London. Advisory Board meeting 4 times a year. Each meeting 4 hours approximately. Occasional advice by e-mail.
  • Quarterly payment of £6,250 gross; 4 hours approximately.
  • Financial Times, Number One Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HL. £300 (Up to £5,000)
  • Payment of £300 gross for an article. Hours: 1-2 hours. (Registered 8 September 2009)

2 September 2009 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • CFG plc (non-executive)
  • Adam Smith International (non-executive)
  • Continental Farmers Group plc (non-executive), 33 Athol St, Douglas Isle of Man; farming in Eastern Europe. Approximately 6 board meetings per year, each lasting around 4 hours. Occasional ad hoc meetings. Travel time to Douglas or Dublin to be added.
  • £3,750 gross (June 2009) (Registered 25 July 2009)
  • Adam Smith International (non-executive), 3 Albert Embankment, London; consultancy and project implementation overseas.
  • £242 net (July 2009); monthly board meeting, approximately 3 hours. (Registered 25 July 2009)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Consultant, BHP Billiton, Petroleum
  • Member of Advisory Board, L.E.K. Consulting LLP
  • Financial Times (Up to £5,000)
  • International Herald Tribune (Up to £5,000)
  • Independent on Sunday (Up to £5,000)
  • Observer (Up to £5,000)
  • Scotsman (Up to £5,000)
  • Spectator (Up to £5,000)
  • Sunday Times (Up to £5,000)
  • Washington Post (Up to £5,000)
  • The Times (Up to £5,000)
  • Sunday and Daily Telegraph (Up to £5,000)
  • Consultant, BHP Billiton, Petroleum, Houston, USA. Advice given by e-mail as required. (Contract terminates in October 2009.)
  • £4,166 gross. (Registered 25 July 2009)
  • Member of Advisory Board, L.E.K. Consulting LLP, 40 Grosvenor Place, London. Advisory Board meeting 4 times a year. Occasional advice by e-mail.
  • £6,250 gross; quarterly payment April-June 2009; 4 hours approximately.
  • Financial Times £300 (Up to £5,000)
  • International Herald Tribune £200-£300 (Up to £5,000)
  • Independent on Sunday £300-£500(Up to £5,000)
  • Observer £210 (Up to £5,000)
  • Scotsman £300 (Up to £5,000)
  • Spectator £250(Up to £5,000)
  • Sunday Times £750 (Up to £5,000)
  • Washington Post £455(Up to £5,000)
  • The Times £300(Up to £5,000)
  • Sunday and Daily Telegraph £400-£800 (Up to £5,000)

20 May 2009 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Interview for Al Jazeera TV. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 12 May 2008)
  • Fee for speech to ABN-Amro in London on 20 May 2008. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 20 May 2008)

6. Overseas visits

  • 13-16 April 2008, to Doha to attend 8th Doha Forum on Democracy, Development and Free Trade. Travel and accommodation expenses were paid by conference organisers. (Registered 12 May 2008)

6 May 2009 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Sunday and Daily Telegraph (Up to £5,000)

6. Overseas visits

  • 23-26 April 2009, to Ankara, to participate in Aspen Atlantic Conference. Flights and accommodation expenses paid by conference organisers. (Registered 28 April 2009)

11 February 2009 - View full entry

6. Overseas visits

  • 8-10 December 2006, to Bahrain to attend Third IISI Gulf Dialogue. Travel and accommodation expenses were paid by the conference organisers. (Registered 29 January 2008)
  • 22-24 February 2007, to Nice to attend Club de Monaco. Travel and accommodation expenses were paid by the conference organisers. (Registered 29 January 2008)
  • 29-31 March 2007, to Tallinn to attend Lenart Meri Conference. Travel and accommodation expenses were paid by the conference organisers. (Registered 29 January 2008)

14 January 2009 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Aberdeen Asset Management plc (non executive)
  • Aberdeen Asset Management plc (non-executive)
  • CFG plc (non-executive)
  • Adam Smith International (non-executive)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Member of Advisory Board, Promethean Investments.
  • Consultancy fee from Promethean Investments. (£10,001-£15,000) (Registered 18 December 2008)
  • 16 September 2008, Intelligence Squared Debate, London and 6-7 October, New York, Intelligence Squared Debate. Hotel accommodation paid for by Intelligence Squared. Combined fees (Up to £5,000). (Registered 18 December 2008)

6. Overseas visits

  • 13-15 June 2008, to Washington, for Edinburgh University General Council. Travel and accommodation expenses were paid by the University. (Registered 18 December 2008)
  • 31 July-2 August 2008, to Moscow, for lecture to Moscow School of Political Studies. Travel and accommodation expenses were paid for by MSPC. (Registered 18 December 2008)
  • 8-9 December 2008, to Paris, to attend Global Zero Conference as speaker and member. Travel and accommodation expenses were paid by the Conference organisers. (Registered 18 December 2008)

17 December 2008 - View full entry

6. Overseas visits

  • 6-12 September 2008, to Beijing, China, to attend the second UK-China Leadership of the Future Forum. The visit was arranged and paid for by the UK-China Forum with sponsorship from Barclays Capital, BP and Rolls-Royce, and the International Department of the Chinese Communist Party. (Registered 10 December 2008)

22 July 2008 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Fee for speech to Swiss Investment Forum in Zurich on 19 June 2007, plus travel expenses. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 28 June 2007)

16 June 2008 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • ArmorGroup International plc (non-executive); security systems

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • The Times (Up to £5,000)
  • Interview for Al Jazeera TV. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 12 May 2008)
  • Member of Advisory Board, Promethean Investments.
  • Fee for speech to ABN-Amro in London on 20 May 2008. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 20 May 2008)

6. Overseas visits

  • 13-16 April 2008, to Doha to attend 8th Doha Forum on Democracy, Development and Free Trade. Travel and accommodation expenses were paid by conference organisers. (Registered 12 May 2008)

9. Registrable shareholdings

  • Share options in ArmorGroup International plc.

5 February 2008 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Fees for articles published by:
  • Financial Times (Up to £5,000)
  • International Herald Tribune (Up to £5,000)
  • Independent on Sunday (Up to £5,000)
  • Observer (Up to £5,000)
  • Scotsman (Up to £5,000)
  • Spectator (Up to £5,000)
  • Sunday Times (Up to £5,000)
  • Washington Post (Up to £5,000)

6. Overseas visits

  • 8-10 December 2006, to Bahrain to attend Third IISI Gulf Dialogue. Travel and accommodation expenses were paid by the conference organisers. (Registered 29 January 2008)
  • 22-24 February 2007, to Nice to attend Club de Monaco. Travel and accommodation expenses were paid by the conference organisers. (Registered 29 January 2008)
  • 29-31 March 2007, to Tallinn to attend Lenart Meri Conference. Travel and accommodation expenses were paid by the conference organisers. (Registered 29 January 2008)

4. Sponsorship or financial or material support

  • The employment of temporary staff in relation to political activity provided by Abbey Business Banking Ltd.

3 July 2007 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Fee for speech to Swiss Investment Forum in Zurich on 19 June 2007, plus travel expenses. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 28 June 2007)

9. Registrable shareholdings

  • Exit bonus received from Alliance Medical Ltd on demitting office (Registered 27 June 2006)

5 June 2007 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Fee for article written for African Analyst. (£1,410) (Up to £5,000) (Registered 23 May 2006)

1 May 2007 - View full entry

5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

  • Honorary membership of the Chelsea Arts Club. (Registered 9 November 2005)
  • Honorary membership of the Chelsea Arts Club.

23 January 2007 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Member of Advisory Board, Tactica Fund

25 July 2006 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Alliance Medical Ltd (non-executive); provider of imaging services

9. Registrable shareholdings

  • Entitlement of share in equity of Alliance Medical Ltd in event of sale.
  • Exit bonus received from Alliance Medical Ltd on demitting office (Registered 27 June 2006)

21 June 2006 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Fee for article written for African Analyst. (£1,410) (Up to £5,000) (Registered 23 May 2006)
  • Member of Advisory Board, L.E.K. Consulting LLP

14 December 2005 - View full entry

5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

  • Honorary membership of the Chelsea Arts Club. (Registered 9 November 2005)

1 November 2005 (first entry we have)

1. Remunerated directorships

  • ArmorGroup International plc (non-executive); security systems
  • Alliance Medical Ltd (non-executive); provider of imaging services
  • Aberdeen Asset Management plc (non executive)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Consultant, BHP Billiton, Petroleum
  • Member of Advisory Board, Tactica Fund

4. Sponsorship or financial or material support

  • The employment of temporary staff in relation to political activity provided by Abbey Business Banking Ltd.

9. Registrable shareholdings

  • Share options in ArmorGroup International plc.
  • Entitlement of share in equity of Alliance Medical Ltd in event of sale.