Changes to the Register of Members' Interests
David Hamilton

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This page shows how David Hamilton's entry in the Register of Members' Interests has changed over time, starting at the most recent and working back to the earliest we have managed to parse. Please be aware that changes in typography/styling at the source might mean something is marked as changed (ie. removed and added) when it hasn't; sorry about that, but we do our best with the source material.


8 June 2015 - View full entry

4. Sponsorships

  • (a) Donations to my constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by the party to the Electoral Commission:
  • (a) Name of donor: Unite the Union
  • (a) Address of donor: Unite House, 128 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8TN
  • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £3,000
  • (a) Donor status: trade union
  • (a) (Registered 1 May 2014)

6. Overseas visits

  • Name of donor: The Taipei Representative Office in the UK (TRO)
  • Address of donor: 50 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0EB
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): the approximate amount includes accommodation £600, food £300 and return flights £2,400; total £3,300
  • Destination of visit: Taiwan
  • Date of visit: 26 July-2 August 2014
  • Purpose of visit: As part of the British-Taiwanese APPG, to promote the understanding of Taiwan and strengthen UK-Taiwan relations.
  • (Registered 6 August 2014)

26 January 2015 - View full entry

4. Sponsorships


6. Overseas visits


    26 August 2014 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • Name of donor: The Taipei Representative Office in the UK (TRO)
    • Address of donor: 50 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0EB
    • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): the approximate amount includes accommodation £600, food £300 and return flights £2,400; total £3,300
    • Destination of visit: Taiwan
    • Date of visit: 26 July-2 August 2014
    • Purpose of visit: As part of the British-Taiwanese APPG, to promote the understanding of Taiwan and strengthen UK-Taiwan relations.
    • (Registered 6 August 2014)

    2 June 2014 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • Name of donor: European Azerbaijan Society
    • Address of donor: 2 Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1H 9AA
    • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): costs of visit; £3,100
    • Destination of visit: Baku, Azerbaijan
    • Date of visit: 26-29 March 2013
    • Purpose of visit: to meet with local trade unionists to discuss issues of mutual concern. The trip also included a visit to the British War Memorial, meetings with local MPs and a visit to a BP facility where workers’ terms were discussed.
    • (Registered 17 May 2013)

    12 May 2014 - View full entry

    4. Sponsorships

    • (a) Donations to my constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by the party to the Electoral Commission:
    • (a) Name of donor: Unite the Union
    • (a) Address of donor: Unite House, 128 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8TN
    • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £3,000
    • (a) Donor status: trade union
    • (a) (Registered 1 May 2014)

    28 April 2014 - View full entry

    4. Sponsorships

    • (a) Donations to my constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by my party to the Electoral Commission:
    • (a) Name of donor: Unite the Union
    • (a) Address of donor: Unite House, 128 Theobalds Rd, Holborn WC1X 8TN
    • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £3,000
    • (a) Donor status: trade union
    • (a) (Registered 7 April 2014)

    7 April 2014 - View full entry

    4. Sponsorships

    • (a) Donations to my constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by my party to the Electoral Commission:
    • (a) Name of donor: Unite the Union
    • (a) Address of donor: Unite House, 128 Theobalds Rd, Holborn WC1X 8TN
    • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £3,000
    • (a) Donor status: trade union
    • (a) (Registered 7 April 2014)

    20 May 2013 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • Name of donor: European Azerbaijan Society
    • Address of donor: 2 Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1H 9AA
    • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): costs of visit; £3,100
    • Destination of visit: Baku, Azerbaijan
    • Date of visit: 26-29 March 2013
    • Purpose of visit: to meet with local trade unionists to discuss issues of mutual concern. The trip also included a visit to the British War Memorial, meetings with local MPs and a visit to a BP facility where workers’ terms were discussed.
    • (Registered 17 May 2013)

    20 June 2011 - View full entry

    4. Sponsorships

    • (a) Donations to the constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by the party to the Electoral Commission:
    • (a) Name of donor: FBU
    • (a) Address of donor: Bradley House, 68 Coombe Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT2 7AB.
    • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,750
    • (a) Donor status: trade union
    • (a) (Registered 15 June 2010)

    6 September 2010 - View full entry

    4. Sponsorships

    • (a) Donations to the constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by the party to the Electoral Commission:
    • (a) Name of donor: FBU
    • (a) Address of donor: Bradley House, 68 Coombe Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT2 7AB.
    • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,750
    • (a) Donor status: trade union
    • (a) (Registered 15 June 2010)

    24 February 2010 - View full entry

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    • During a non-registrable flight from Johannesburg to London Heathrow in October 2008 I received an upgrade from premium class to business class from Virgin Airlines. (Registered 12 November 2008)

    19 November 2008 - View full entry

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    • During a non-registrable flight from Johannesburg to London Heathrow in October 2008 I received an upgrade from premium class to business class from Virgin Airlines. (Registered 12 November 2008)

    6. Overseas visits

    • 11-14 September 2007, to Connecticut, USA, to First Student (yellow school buses) locations in the state on a fact-finding visit on trade union representation and health and safety. The visit was made at the invitation and expense of First Bus. (Registered 7 November 2007)

    4 December 2007 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 11-14 September 2007, to Conneticut, USA, to First Student (yellow school buses) locations in the state on a fact-finding visit on trade union representation and health and safety. The visit was made at the invitation and expense of First Bus. (Registered 7 November 2007)
    • 11-14 September 2007, to Connecticut, USA, to First Student (yellow school buses) locations in the state on a fact-finding visit on trade union representation and health and safety. The visit was made at the invitation and expense of First Bus. (Registered 7 November 2007)

    20 November 2007 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 11-14 September 2007, to Conneticut, USA, to First Student (yellow school buses) locations in the state on a fact-finding visit on trade union representation and health and safety. The visit was made at the invitation and expense of First Bus. (Registered 7 November 2007)

    23 October 2007 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 15-21 September 2006, to Bahrain with my partner, to meet with elected members and Government ministers in order to discuss matters of mutual interest and to study the electoral registration and voting arrangements for the forthcoming Bahrain elections. The visit was made at the invitation and expense of the Bahrain Government. (Registered 13 October 2006)

    6 November 2006 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 18-24 September 2005, to Taiwan as member of parliamentary delegation. Travel and accommodation paid for by the Government of Taiwan. (Registered 5 October 2005)
    • 15-21 September 2006, to Bahrain with my partner, to meet with elected members and Government ministers in order to discuss matters of mutual interest and to study the electoral registration and voting arrangements for the forthcoming Bahrain elections. The visit was made at the invitation and expense of the Bahrain Government. (Registered 13 October 2006)

    19 September 2006 - View full entry

    4. Sponsorship or financial or material support

    • Donation to my constituency party from NUM (Scotland). (Registered 26 July 2005)

    1 November 2005 - View full entry

    4. Sponsorship or financial or material support

    • Donation to my constituency party from NUM (Scotland). (Registered 26 July 2005)

    6. Overseas visits

    • 18-24 September 2005, to Taiwan as member of parliamentary delegation. Travel and accommodation paid for by the Government of Taiwan. (Registered 5 October 2005)

    3 December 2004 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 7-11 September 2003, to Gibraltar to attend the National Day Rally as a guest of the Gibraltar Government. (Registered 3 November 2003)

    21 May 2004 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 6-9 December 2002, to Cyprus to attend the Ayios Amvrosios Association (UK) annual rally in Nicosia. Travel and accommodation paid for by the Ayios Amvrosios Association (UK). (Registered 11 February 2003)

    4 December 2003 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 7-12 December 2001, to Cyprus to attend the Ayios Amvrosios annual rally in Nicosia.
    • Travel and accommodation paid for by the Ayios Amvrosios Association (UK). (Registered 20 December 2001)
    • 17-18 February 2002, to Gibraltar to visit the Gibraltar Government, who paid for my travel and accommodation. (Registered 9 January 2002)
    • 6-9 December 2002, to Cyprus to attend the Ayios Amvrosios Association (UK) annual rally in Nicosia. Travel and accommodation paid for by the Ayios Amvrosios Association (UK). (Registered 11 February 2003)
    • 7-11 September 2003, to Gibraltar to attend the National Day Rally as a guest of the Gibraltar Government. (Registered 3 November 2003)

    26 November 2002 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 7-12 December 2001, to Cyprus to attend the Ayios Amv Ros Ios annual rally in Nicosia. Travel and accommodation paid for by the Ayios Amv Ros Ios Association (UK).
    • 7-12 December 2001, to Cyprus to attend the Ayios Amvrosios annual rally in Nicosia.
    • Travel and accommodation paid for by the Ayios Amvrosios Association (UK). (Registered 20 December 2001)

    10. Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests

    • Chairman (unpaid) of Midlothian Innovative and Technology Trust (M.I.T.T.).
    • Director (unpaid) of Midlothian Chamber of Commerce, Midlothian Enterprise Trust, Cre8te and East of Scotland European Partnership.

    14 May 2002 (first entry we have)

    6. Overseas visits

    • 7-12 December 2001, to Cyprus to attend the Ayios Amv Ros Ios annual rally in Nicosia. Travel and accommodation paid for by the Ayios Amv Ros Ios Association (UK).
    • 17-18 February 2002, to Gibraltar to visit the Gibraltar Government, who paid for my travel and accommodation. (Registered 9 January 2002)

    10. Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests

    • Chairman (unpaid) of Midlothian Innovative and Technology Trust (M.I.T.T.).
    • Director (unpaid) of Midlothian Chamber of Commerce, Midlothian Enterprise Trust, Cre8te and East of Scotland European Partnership.