Changes to the Register of Members' Interests
Richard Bacon

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This page shows how Richard Bacon's entry in the Register of Members' Interests has changed over time, starting at the most recent and working back to the earliest we have managed to parse. Please be aware that changes in typography/styling at the source might mean something is marked as changed (ie. removed and added) when it hasn't; sorry about that, but we do our best with the source material.


4 August 2024 - View full entry

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: (1) The Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce (2) Cyprus Premier (3) The Arkin Group
    Address of donor: (1) 90 Bedrettin Demirel Caddesi Yenişehir, Lefkoşa, Cyprus (2) 239-241 Kennington Lane, London SE11 5QU (3) PO Box 309 Girne- Kıbrıs, 99300, Cyprus
    Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): (1) Subsistence, value £250 (2) Flights, value £690 (3) Accommodation, value £300
    Destination of visit: Cyprus (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus)
    Dates of visit: 3 January 2024 to 6 January 2024
    Purpose of visit: Parliamentary fact-finding delegation to learn about the country's political system, history, culture, and economy.
  • (Registered 15 January 2024)

8. Miscellaneous

  • I am a member of the board (unpaid) of the Right to Build Task Force, which is part of the National Custom and Self-Build Association, and I serve as the task force ambassador.
  • (Registered 6 March 2018)

15 April 2024 - View full entry

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: (1) The Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce (2) Cyprus Premier ( 3) The Arkin Group
    Address of donor: (1) 90 Bedrettin Demirel Caddesi Yenişehir, Lefkoşa, Cyprus ( 2) 239-241 Kennington Lane, London SE11 5QU (3) PO Box 309 Girne- Kıbrıs, 99300, Cyprus
    Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): (1) Subsistence, value £250 (2) Flights, value £690 (3) Accommodation, value £300
    Destination of visit: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
    Dates of visit: 3-6 January 2024
    Purpose of visit: Parliamentary fact-finding delegation to learn about the country's political system, history, culture, and economy.
    (Registered 15 January 2024)
  • Name of donor: (1) The Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce (2) Cyprus Premier (3) The Arkin Group
    Address of donor: (1) 90 Bedrettin Demirel Caddesi Yenişehir, Lefkoşa, Cyprus (2) 239-241 Kennington Lane, London SE11 5QU (3) PO Box 309 Girne- Kıbrıs, 99300, Cyprus
    Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): (1) Subsistence, value £250 (2) Flights, value £690 (3) Accommodation, value £300
    Destination of visit: Cyprus (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus)
    Dates of visit: 3 January 2024 to 6 January 2024
    Purpose of visit: Parliamentary fact-finding delegation to learn about the country's political system, history, culture, and economy.
  • (Registered 15 January 2024)

8. Miscellaneous

  • I am a member of the board (unpaid) of the Right to Build Task Force, which is part of the National Custom and Self-Build Association, and I serve as the task force ambassador. (Registered 06 March 2018)
  • I am a member of the board (unpaid) of the Right to Build Task Force, which is part of the National Custom and Self-Build Association, and I serve as the task force ambassador.
  • (Registered 6 March 2018)

22 January 2024 - View full entry

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: (1) The Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce (2) Cyprus Premier ( 3) The Arkin Group
    Address of donor: (1) 90 Bedrettin Demirel Caddesi Yenişehir, Lefkoşa, Cyprus ( 2) 239-241 Kennington Lane, London SE11 5QU (3) PO Box 309 Girne- Kıbrıs, 99300, Cyprus
    Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): (1) Subsistence, value £250 (2) Flights, value £690 (3) Accommodation, value £300
    Destination of visit: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
    Dates of visit: 3-6 January 2024
    Purpose of visit: Parliamentary fact-finding delegation to learn about the country's political system, history, culture, and economy.
    (Registered 15 January 2024)

17 April 2023 - View full entry

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
    Address of donor: King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud Street, Al Bateen 1, Abu Dhabi, UAE
    Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights, accommodation, food and transport, value £5,800.67
    Destination of visit: Abu Dhabi and Dubai
    Dates of visit: 12-16 February 2022
    Purpose of visit: United Arab Emirates APPG visit to meet with government officials including the Minister of Foreign Affairs & International Co-operation, as well as business leaders and a wide range of interlocutors in civil society.
    (Registered 09 March 2022)

6 March 2023 - View full entry

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
    Address of donor: King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud Street, Al Bateen 1, Abu Dhabi, UAE

    Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights, accommodation, food and transport, value £5,800.67

    Destination of visit: Abu Dhabi and Dubai

    Dates of visit: 12-16 February 2022

    Purpose of visit: United Arab Emirates APPG visit to meet with government officials including the Minister of Foreign Affairs & International Co-operation, as well as business leaders and a wide range of interlocutors in civil society.

    (Registered 09 March 2022)
  • Name of donor: UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
    Address of donor: King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud Street, Al Bateen 1, Abu Dhabi, UAE
    Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights, accommodation, food and transport, value £5,800.67
    Destination of visit: Abu Dhabi and Dubai
    Dates of visit: 12-16 February 2022
    Purpose of visit: United Arab Emirates APPG visit to meet with government officials including the Minister of Foreign Affairs & International Co-operation, as well as business leaders and a wide range of interlocutors in civil society.
    (Registered 09 March 2022)

28 March 2022 - View full entry

8. Miscellaneous

  • I am a patron of Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales, No 1141287. During the course of overseas visits I may from time to time undertake engagements on behalf of the charity. (Registered 25 January 2013; updated 26 May 2015)

14 March 2022 - View full entry

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
    Address of donor: King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud Street, Al Bateen 1, Abu Dhabi, UAE

    Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights, accommodation, food and transport, value £5,800.67

    Destination of visit: Abu Dhabi and Dubai

    Dates of visit: 12-16 February 2022

    Purpose of visit: United Arab Emirates APPG visit to meet with government officials including the Minister of Foreign Affairs & International Co-operation, as well as business leaders and a wide range of interlocutors in civil society.

    (Registered 09 March 2022)

1 February 2021 - View full entry

2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation

  • Name of donor: Mr Philip Jeans
    Address of donor: private

    Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000

    Donor status: individual

    (Registered 10 January 2020)

11 January 2020 - View full entry

2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation

  • Name of donor: Mr Philip Jeans
    Address of donor: private

    Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000

    Donor status: individual

    (Registered 10 January 2020)

1 April 2019 - View full entry

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: Ministry of Defence, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
    Address of donor: Riyadh, Postal Code 111165, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): flights, accommodation, internal transport and food at a total value of £8,257

    Destination of visit: Riyadh and Saudi/Yemen border region

    Dates of visit: 11-15 January 2018

    Purpose of visit: Parliamentary delegation to see impact of ballistic missile strikes in the Saudi/Yemen border region and gain a deeper understanding of the strategic importance of the Coalition operations in Yemen.

    (Registered 06 March 2018)

7 January 2019 - View full entry

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: Conservative Middle East Council
    Address of donor: 55 Tufton Street, London SW1P 3QL

    Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): accommodation, food and transport with a total value of £2,248

    Destination of visit: Lebanon

    Date of visit: 20-24 April 2017

    Purpose of visit: Parliamentary fact finding.

    (Registered 14 December 2017)
  • Name of donor: Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
    Address of donor: Embassy of Iran, 16 Princes Gate, London SW7 1PT

    Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): transport, food and two nights' accommodation with a total value of £867. (The remaining accommodation was provided by a non-registrable source.)

    Destination of visit: Iran

    Date of visit: 4 – 10 August 2017

    Purpose of visit: To attend the Inauguration of H.E. Hassan Rouhani as President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and to meet Iranian parliamentarians.

    (Registered 14 December 2017)

19 March 2018 - View full entry

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: Ministry of Defence, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
    Address of donor: Riyadh, Postal Code 111165, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): flights, accommodation, internal transport and food at a total value of £8,257

    Destination of visit: Riyadh and Saudi/Yemen border region

    Dates of visit: 11-15 January 2018

    Purpose of visit: Parliamentary delegation to see impact of ballistic missile strikes in the Saudi/Yemen border region and gain a deeper understanding of the strategic importance of the Coalition operations in Yemen.

    (Registered 06 March 2018)

8. Miscellaneous

  • I am a member of the board (unpaid) of the Right to Build Task Force, which is part of the National Custom and Self-Build Association, and I serve as the task force ambassador. (Registered 06 March 2018)

8 January 2018 - View full entry

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: Conservative Middle East Council
    Address of donor: 55 Tufton Street, London SW1P 3QL

    Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): accommodation, food and transport with a total value of £2,248

    Destination of visit: Lebanon

    Date of visit: 20-24 April 2017

    Purpose of visit: Parliamentary fact finding.

    (Registered 14 December 2017)
  • Name of donor: Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
    Address of donor: Embassy of Iran, 16 Princes Gate, London SW7 1PT

    Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): transport, food and two nights' accommodation with a total value of £867. (The remaining accommodation was provided by a non-registrable source.)

    Destination of visit: Iran

    Date of visit: 4 – 10 August 2017

    Purpose of visit: To attend the Inauguration of H.E. Hassan Rouhani as President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and to meet Iranian parliamentarians.

    (Registered 14 December 2017)

9 October 2017 - View full entry

8. Miscellaneous

    I am a patron of Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales, No 1141287. During the course of overseas visits I may from time to time undertake engagements on behalf of the charity. (Registered 25 January 2013; updated 26 May 2015)

  • I am a patron of Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales, No 1141287. During the course of overseas visits I may from time to time undertake engagements on behalf of the charity. (Registered 25 January 2013; updated 26 May 2015)

5 December 2016 - View full entry

8. Miscellaneous

    I am a patron of Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales, No 1141287. During the course of overseas visits I may from time to time undertake engagements on behalf of the charity. (Registered 25 January 2013; updated 26 May 2015)
    I am a patron of Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales, No 1141287. During the course of overseas visits I may from time to time undertake engagements on behalf of the charity. (Registered 25 January 2013; updated 26 May 2015)

18 April 2016 - View full entry

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
    Address of donor: Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

    Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): return business class flights from London to Tehran- value: £1,319, hotel accommodation and meals – value: £464; total £1,783

    Destination of visit: Tehran

    Date of visit: 9-12 December 2014

    Purpose of visit: to attend a conference in Tehran on ‘The World Against Violence and Extremism’ organised by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in my capacity as Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Iran.

    (Registered 19 March 2015)

7 March 2016 - View full entry

8. Miscellaneous

  • I am a patron of Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales, No 1141287. During the course of overseas visits I may from time to time undertake engagements on behalf of the charity (Updated 26 May 2015).
    (Registered 25 January 2013)
    I am a patron of Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales, No 1141287. During the course of overseas visits I may from time to time undertake engagements on behalf of the charity. (Registered 25 January 2013; updated 26 May 2015)

8 June 2015 - View full entry

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
    Address of donor: Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

    Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): return business class flights from London to Tehran- value: £1,319, hotel accommodation and meals – value: £464; total £1,783

    Destination of visit: Tehran

    Date of visit: 9-12 December 2014

    Purpose of visit: to attend a conference in Tehran on ‘The World Against Violence and Extremism’ organised by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in my capacity as Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Iran.

    (Registered 19 March 2015)

8. Miscellaneous

  • I am a patron of Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales, No 1141287. During the course of overseas visits I may from time to time undertake engagements on behalf of the charity (Updated 26 May 2015).
    (Registered 25 January 2013)

6. Overseas visits

  • Name of donor: Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Address of donor: Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): return business class flights from London to Tehran- value: £1,319, hotel accommodation and meals – value: £464; total £1,783
  • Destination of visit: Tehran
  • Date of visit: 9-12 December 2014
  • Purpose of visit: to attend a conference in Tehran on ‘The World Against Violence and Extremism’ organised by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in my capacity as Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Iran.
  • (Registered 19 March 2015)

11. Miscellaneous

    I am a patron of Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales, No 1141287. During the course of visits to Africa I may undertake other engagements on behalf of the charity. (Registered 25 January 2013)

30 March 2015 - View full entry

6. Overseas visits

  • Name of donor: Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Address of donor: Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): return business class flights from London to Tehran- value: £1,319, hotel accommodation and meals – value: £464; total £1,783
  • Destination of visit: Tehran
  • Date of visit: 9-12 December 2014
  • Purpose of visit: to attend a conference in Tehran on ‘The World Against Violence and Extremism’ organised by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in my capacity as Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Iran.
  • (Registered 19 March 2015)

26 January 2015 - View full entry

11. Miscellaneous


    8 December 2014 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • November 2013, received £150 for opening address given at procurement conference organised by Government Knowledge, on 10 September 2013. Address of payer: 1 Northumberland Avenue, Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5BW. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 11 November 2013)

    6. Overseas visits

    • Name of donor: All-Party Parliamentary China Group, sponsored by HSBC, Arup, GKN, Cambridge Assessment, John Swire & Sons and City of London.
    • Address of donor: c/o House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA
    • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): flights, Chinese visas, hotel, food and drink and transport; total cost £1,633
    • Destination of visit: Shanghai and surrounding area
    • Date of visit: 19-24 October 2013
    • Purpose of visit: to promote economic contacts between the UK and China
    • (Registered 7 November 2013)

    21 March 2014 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • Name of donor:
    • 1) All Party Group on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases, with funds from the Malaria consortium, NTD Coalition, Sabin Vaccine Institute, Medicines for Malaria Venture, PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative and Malaria No More 2) SAB Miller
    • Address of donor:
    • 1) c/o All Party Group on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases, House of Commons 2) SAB Miller House, Church Street, West Woking GU21 6HS
    • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value):
    • 1) flight, car hire and meals valued at £1970.19 2) contribution to transport costs and hotel accommodation; £416.66
    • An additional one night’s accommodation donated by Mr Jeremy Lefroy MP and Mrs Lefroy
    • Destination of visit: Tanzania
    • Date of visit: 30 December 2012 to 5 January 2013
    • Purpose of visit: Fact finding visit by the All Party Group on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases
    • (Registered 25 January 2013)

    3 February 2014 - View full entry

    11. Miscellaneous

      I am a patron of Elizabeth ’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales , No 1141287. During the course of visits to Africa I may undertake other engagements on behalf of the charity.
      I am a patron of Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales, No 1141287. During the course of visits to Africa I may undertake other engagements on behalf of the charity.

    20 January 2014 - View full entry

    11. Miscellaneous

      I am a patron of Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales, No 1141287. During the course of visits to Africa I may undertake other engagements on behalf of the charity.
      I am a patron of Elizabeth ’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales , No 1141287. During the course of visits to Africa I may undertake other engagements on behalf of the charity.

    11 November 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

      Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in Tanzania of another charity.) Hours:  18 days, including travel. (Registered 8 October 2012)
    • November 2013, received £150 for opening address given at procurement conference organised by Government Knowledge, on 10 September 2013. Address of payer: 1 Northumberland Avenue, Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5BW. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 11 November 2013)

    6. Overseas visits

    • Name of donor: All-Party Parliamentary China Group, sponsored by HSBC, Arup, GKN, Cambridge Assessment, John Swire & Sons and City of London.
    • Address of donor: c/o House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA
    • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): flights, Chinese visas, hotel, food and drink and transport; total cost £1,633
    • Destination of visit: Shanghai and surrounding area
    • Date of visit: 19-24 October 2013
    • Purpose of visit: to promote economic contacts between the UK and China
    • (Registered 7 November 2013)

    29 July 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

      Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in Tanzania of another charity.) Hours:  18 days, including travel.
      Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in Tanzania of another charity.) Hours:  18 days, including travel.

    11. Miscellaneous

      I am a patron of Elizabeth ’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales , No 1141287. During the course of visits to Africa I may undertake other engagements on behalf of the charity.
      I am a patron of Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales, No 1141287. During the course of visits to Africa I may undertake other engagements on behalf of the charity.

    24 June 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

      Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in Tanzania of another charity.) Hours:  18 days, including travel.
      Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in Tanzania of another charity.) Hours:  18 days, including travel.

    11. Miscellaneous

      I am a patron of Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales, No 1141287. During the course of visits to Africa I may undertake other engagements on behalf of the charity.
      I am a patron of Elizabeth ’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales , No 1141287. During the course of visits to Africa I may undertake other engagements on behalf of the charity.

    10 June 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

      Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in Tanzania of another charity.) Hours:  18 days, including travel.
      Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in Tanzania of another charity.) Hours:  18 days, including travel.

    11. Miscellaneous

      I am a patron of Elizabeth ’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales , No 1141287. During the course of visits to Africa I may undertake other engagements on behalf of the charity.
      I am a patron of Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales, No 1141287. During the course of visits to Africa I may undertake other engagements on behalf of the charity.

    20 May 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

      Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in
      Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in

    7 May 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

      Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in
      Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in

    22 April 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

      Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in
      Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in

    8 April 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

      Received from the OECD/Sigma Programme, payment of £3,301 which included a per diem allowance of £324, for speaking at international symposium in Afyonkarahisar from 23 to 25 September 2010 organised by the Turkish National Assembly in collaboration with the OECD/Sigma Programme, the European Commission, the World Bank and others. Airport transfers and one night’s accommodation in Ankara provided by the Government of the Republic of Turkey . Hours: 4 days in total. (Registered 15 March 2012)

    11 March 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

      Airport transfers and one night’s accommodation in Ankara provided by the Government of the Republic of Turkey. Hours: 4 days in total. Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in Tanzania of another charity.) Hours:  18 days, including travel.
      Airport transfers and one night’s accommodation in Ankara provided by the Government of the Republic of Turkey . Hours: 4 days in total. Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in Tanzania of another charity.) Hours:  18 days, including travel.

    11. Miscellaneous

      I am a patron of Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales, No 1141287. During the course of visits to Africa I may undertake other engagements on behalf of the charity.
      I am a patron of Elizabeth ’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales , No 1141287. During the course of visits to Africa I may undertake other engagements on behalf of the charity.

    25 February 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

      Airport transfers and one night’s accommodation in Ankara provided by the Government of the Republic of Turkey . Hours: 4 days in total. Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in Tanzania of another charity.) Hours:  18 days, including travel.
      Airport transfers and one night’s accommodation in Ankara provided by the Government of the Republic of Turkey. Hours: 4 days in total. Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in Tanzania of another charity.) Hours:  18 days, including travel.

    11. Miscellaneous

      I am a patron of Elizabeth ’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales , No 1141287. During the course of visits to Africa I may undertake other engagements on behalf of the charity.
      I am a patron of Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales, No 1141287. During the course of visits to Africa I may undertake other engagements on behalf of the charity.

    4 February 2013 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • Name of donor:
    • 1) All Party Group on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases, with funds from the Malaria consortium, NTD Coalition, Sabin Vaccine Institute, Medicines for Malaria Venture, PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative and Malaria No More 2) SAB Miller
    • Address of donor:
    • 1) c/o All Party Group on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases, House of Commons 2) SAB Miller House, Church Street, West Woking GU21 6HS
    • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value):
    • 1) flight, car hire and meals valued at £1970.19 2) contribution to transport costs and hotel accommodation; £416.66
    • An additional one night’s accommodation donated by Mr Jeremy Lefroy MP and Mrs Lefroy
    • Destination of visit: Tanzania
    • Date of visit: 30 December 2012 to 5 January 2013
    • Purpose of visit: Fact finding visit by the All Party Group on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases
    • (Registered 25 January 2013)

    11. Miscellaneous

      I am a patron of Elizabeth ’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales , No 1141287. During the course of visits to Africa I may undertake other engagements on behalf of the charity. (Registered 25 January 2013)

    22 October 2012 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

      Flights to and from Tanzania, plus accommodation and internal flights,  with a total value of £976 provided by VSO Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, Putney, London SW15 2BS for a volunteer placement for the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), 13-30 August 2011. No fee paid.  (VSO also provided accommodation and one internal flight for a member of my family , who joined me from 24 to 30 August 2011 to support the work in Tanzania of another charity.) Hours:  18 days, including travel. (Registered 8 October 2012)

    19 March 2012 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

      Received from the OECD/Sigma Programme, payment of £3,301 which included a per diem allowance of £324, for speaking at international symposium in Afyonkarahisar from 23 to 25 September 2010 organised by the Turkish National Assembly in collaboration with the OECD/Sigma Programme, the European Commission, the World Bank and others. Airport transfers and one night’s accommodation in Ankara provided by the Government of the Republic of Turkey . Hours: 4 days in total. (Registered 15 March 2012)

    6 September 2010 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Initial part of advance on contract with Aurum Press to write a book connected with public expenditure and the management of central government and its agencies. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 23 May 2008)

    16 June 2008 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Initial part of advance on contract with Aurum Press to write a book connected with public expenditure and the management of central government and its agencies. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 23 May 2008)

    18 December 2007 - View full entry

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    • 13 October-11 November 2006, the temporary use of a Lotus Europa car provided as part of a promotion by Lotus Cars. (Registered 14 December 2006)

    6. Overseas visits

    • 2-8 September 2006, to Rwanda and Kenya with other members of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Tuberculosis, to study the treatment of tuberculosis and HIV/Aids. Flights, hotel and food during visit were funded by a charity, Results UK. (Registered 14 December 2006)

    19 June 2007 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 1-4 June 2006, to Paris, to speak at a conference: "Public Intervention - reporting accounts and rendering accounts", at the invitation of the French Ministry of Finance and the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development, who met hotel and travel costs for me and my wife. No fee paid. (Registered 9 June 2006)

    9 January 2007 - View full entry

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    • 13 October-11 November 2006, the temporary use of a Lotus Europa car provided as part of a promotion by Lotus Cars. (Registered 14 December 2006)

    6. Overseas visits

    • 2-8 September 2006, to Rwanda and Kenya with other members of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Tuberculosis, to study the treatment of tuberculosis and HIV/Aids. Flights, hotel and food during visit were funded by a charity, Results UK. (Registered 14 December 2006)

    21 June 2006 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 1-4 June 2006, to Paris, to speak at a conference: "Public Intervention - reporting accounts and rendering accounts", at the invitation of the French Ministry of Finance and the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development, who met hotel and travel costs for me and my wife. No fee paid. (Registered 9 June 2006)

    14 December 2005 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 20-25 September 2004, to lecture in five German cities on 'The Uses of Nations' at the invitation of the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft. No fee paid but travel and accommodation covered. (Registered 4 November 2004)
    • 21-23 October 2004, to Boston, Massachusetts, at the invitation of Boston College to lecture on 'The US Presidential Election: A View from Parliament, a View from Europe'. No fee paid but travel and accommodation covered. (Registered 4 November 2004)

    1 November 2005 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 21-23 October 2004, to Boston, Massachusetts, at the invitation of Boston College to lecture on 'The US Presidential Election: A view from Parliament, a View from Europe'. No fee paid but travel and accommodation covered. (Registered 4 November 2004)
    • 21-23 October 2004, to Boston, Massachusetts, at the invitation of Boston College to lecture on 'The US Presidential Election: A View from Parliament, a View from Europe'. No fee paid but travel and accommodation covered. (Registered 4 November 2004)

    11 April 2005 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 20-25 September 2004, to lecture in five German cities on The Uses of Nations' at the invitation of the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft. No fee paid but travel and accommodation covered. (Registered 4 November 2004)
    • 21-23 October 2004, to Boston, Massachusetts, at the invitation of Boston College to lecture on The US Presidential Election: A view from Parliament, a View from Europe'. No fee paid but travel and accommodation covered. (Registered 4 November 2004)
    • 20-25 September 2004, to lecture in five German cities on 'The Uses of Nations' at the invitation of the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft. No fee paid but travel and accommodation covered. (Registered 4 November 2004)
    • 21-23 October 2004, to Boston, Massachusetts, at the invitation of Boston College to lecture on 'The US Presidential Election: A view from Parliament, a View from Europe'. No fee paid but travel and accommodation covered. (Registered 4 November 2004)

    28 January 2005 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 20-25 September 2004, to lecture in five German cities on 'The Uses of Nations' at the invitation of the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft. No fee paid but travel and accommodation covered. (Registered 4 November 2004)
    • 21-23 October 2004, to Boston, Massachusetts, at the invitation of Boston College to lecture on 'The US Presidential Election: A view from Parliament, a View from Europe'. No fee paid but travel and accommodation covered. (Registered 4 November 2004)
    • 20-25 September 2004, to lecture in five German cities on The Uses of Nations' at the invitation of the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft. No fee paid but travel and accommodation covered. (Registered 4 November 2004)
    • 21-23 October 2004, to Boston, Massachusetts, at the invitation of Boston College to lecture on The US Presidential Election: A view from Parliament, a View from Europe'. No fee paid but travel and accommodation covered. (Registered 4 November 2004)

    3 December 2004 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 20-25 September 2004, to lecture in five German cities on 'The Uses of Nations' at the invitation of the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft. No fee paid but travel and accommodation covered. (Registered 4 November 2004)
    • 21-23 October 2004, to Boston, Massachusetts, at the invitation of Boston College to lecture on 'The US Presidential Election: A view from Parliament, a View from Europe'. No fee paid but travel and accommodation covered. (Registered 4 November 2004)

    4 December 2003 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 14-22 February 2002, to the Falkland Islands, at the invitation of the Falkland Islands Government. (Registered 12 March 2002)
    • 21-25 July 2002, to Israel, at the invitation of the Conservative Friends of Israel. (Registered 31 July 2002)

    26 November 2002 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 21-25 July 2002, to Israel, at the invitation of the Conservative Friends of Israel. (Registered 31 July 2002)

    14 May 2002 (first entry we have)

    6. Overseas visits

    • 14-22 February 2002, to the Falkland Islands, at the invitation of the Falkland Islands Government. (Registered 12 March 2002)