Changes to the Register of Members' Interests
Brian Wilson

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This page shows how Brian Wilson's entry in the Register of Members' Interests has changed over time, starting at the most recent and working back to the earliest we have managed to parse. Please be aware that changes in typography/styling at the source might mean something is marked as changed (ie. removed and added) when it hasn't; sorry about that, but we do our best with the source material.


1 November 2005 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Core Technical Services, Aberdeen (non-executive).

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Adviser to Windsave Ltd.
  • Adviser to Scottish BioPower Ltd and Pipsa Energy.
  • Adviser to Renewable Technology Ventures Ltd.
  • Adviser to Englefield Capital (Renewables Fund).
  • Fees for journalism from: Guardian, Observer, Times Newspapers, Daily Telegraph, Scotsman Publications, The Herald (Glasgow). (Up to £5,000 in each case).

11 April 2005 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc..

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Fees for journalism from: Guardian, Observer, Times Newspapers, Daily Telegraph, Scotsman Publications, The Herald (Glasgow). (Up to £5,000 in each case)
  • Fees for journalism from: Guardian, Observer, Times Newspapers, Daily Telegraph, Scotsman Publications, The Herald (Glasgow). (Up to £5,000 in each case).

28 January 2005 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc..

  • Adviser to Scottish Biofuels and Pipsa Energy.
  • Fees for journalism from: Guardian, Observer, Times Newspapers, Daily Telegraph. (Up to £5,000 in each case).
  • Adviser to Scottish BioPower Ltd and Pipsa Energy.
  • Adviser to Renewable Technology Ventures Ltd.
  • Adviser to Englefield Capital (Renewables Fund).
  • Fees for journalism from: Guardian, Observer, Times Newspapers, Daily Telegraph, Scotsman Publications, The Herald (Glasgow). (Up to £5,000 in each case)

8 September 2004 - View full entry

6. Overseas visits

  • 19-21 May 2003, to Seville for UEFA Cup Final as guest of Celtic Football Club and UEFA. (Registered 19 August 2003)

21 May 2004 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Adviser to Scottish Biofuels and Pipsa Energy.
  • Fees for journalism from: Guardian, Observer, Times Newspapers, Daily Telegraph. (Up to £5,000 in each case).

6. Overseas visits

  • 27 February 2003, to Stuttgart to attend the Stuttgart v. Celtic UEFA Cup tie, as a guest of J and J Gallagher, whose plane was used for the return journey between London and Stuttgart. (Registered 29 April 2003).

31 January 2004 - View full entry

1. Remunerated directorships

  • Core Technical Services, Aberdeen (non-executive).

4 December 2003 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Adviser to Windsave Ltd.

6. Overseas visits

  • 27 February 2003, to Stuttgart to attend the Stuttgart v. Celtic UEFA Cup tie, as a guest of J and J Gallagher, whose plane was used for the return journey between London and Stuttgart. (Registered 29 April 2003).
  • 19-21 May 2003, to Seville for UEFA Cup Final as guest of Celtic Football Club and UEFA. (Registered 19 August 2003)

10 November 2000 (first entry we have)
