Changes to the Register of Members' Interests
Adrian Sanders

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This page shows how Adrian Sanders's entry in the Register of Members' Interests has changed over time, starting at the most recent and working back to the earliest we have managed to parse. Please be aware that changes in typography/styling at the source might mean something is marked as changed (ie. removed and added) when it hasn't; sorry about that, but we do our best with the source material.


8 June 2015 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Payments from ComRes for completing opinion polls.  Address:  ComRes, 4 Millbank, London:
  • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 12 May 2014)
  • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 17 June 2014)
  • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 5 August 2014)
  • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 8 October 2014)
  • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 27 October 2014)
  • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 2 December 2014)
  • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 24 February 2015)
  • Payments from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT, for completing opinion polls:
  • Received payment of £80. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 10 June 2014)

4. Sponsorships

  • (a) Donations to my constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by the party to the Electoral Commission:
  • (a) Name of donor: Lord Matthew Oakeshott
  • (a) Address of donor: private
  • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £20,000 towards the Mayoral, Council and General Election campaigns
  • (a) Donor status: individual
  • (a) (Registered 20 January 2015)

6. Overseas visits

  • Name of donor: The Qatari Foundation
  • Address of donor: P.O. Box 5825 Doha, Qatar
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): flights, accommodation and some meals at an estimated value of £2,500
  • Destination of visit: Doha
  • Date of visit: 18-18 February 2015
  • Purpose of visit: to attend the World Innovation in Health Summit.
  • (Registered 2 March 2015)

8. Land and Property

  • Residential property in Paignton, from which rental income was derived until October 2014. (Updated 2 March 2015)

30 March 2015 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 13 March 2014)

9 March 2015 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 24 February 2015)

6. Overseas visits

  • Name of donor: The Qatari Foundation
  • Address of donor: P.O. Box 5825 Doha, Qatar
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): flights, accommodation and some meals at an estimated value of £2,500
  • Destination of visit: Doha
  • Date of visit: 18-18 February 2015
  • Purpose of visit: to attend the World Innovation in Health Summit.
  • (Registered 2 March 2015)

8. Land and Property

  • Residential property in Paignton, from which rental income is derived.
  • Residential property in Paignton, from which rental income was derived until October 2014. (Updated 2 March 2015)

9 February 2015 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 22 January 2014)
  • Payments from Ipsos Mori, 79-81 Borough Road, London, SE1 1FY, for completing opinion polls: Received payment of £200. Hours: 1 hr 5 mins. Fee donated to my constituency party. (Registered 29 January 2014)

26 January 2015 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc


4. Sponsorships

  • (a) Donations to my constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by the party to the Electoral Commission:
  • (a) Name of donor: Lord Matthew Oakeshott
  • (a) Address of donor: private
  • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £20,000 towards the Mayoral, Council and General Election campaigns
  • (a) Donor status: individual
  • (a) (Registered 20 January 2015)

8. Land and Property


    6 January 2015 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • Name of donor: International Diabetes Federation
    • Address of donor: 166 Chaussée de la Hulpe, B-1170 Brussels, Belgium
    • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): air fare, hotel accommodation and congress registration, to a total of approx £3,000
    • Destination of visit: Melbourne, Australia
    • Date of visit: 30 November to 4 December 2013
    • Purpose of visit: to attend and speak at the Global Parliamentary Forum for Diabetes on 1 and 2 December, and to attend and speak at the International Diabetes Congress on 3 and 4 December 2013
    • (Registered 17 December 2013)

    8 December 2014 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 26 November 2013)
    • Received payment of £80. Hours: 50 mins. (Registered 20 November 2013)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 2 December 2014)

    27 October 2014 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 27 October 2014)

    13 October 2014 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 16 September 2013)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 8 October 2014)

    26 August 2014 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 5 August 2014)

    30 June 2014 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 17 June 2014)

    16 June 2014 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Payment of £80 from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT, for completing opinion poll. Hours: 50 mins. (Registered 20 November 2013)
    • Payments from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT, for completing opinion polls:
    • Received payment of £80. Hours: 50 mins. (Registered 20 November 2013)
    • Received payment of £80. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 10 June 2014)

    2 June 2014 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 28 May 2013)

    12 May 2014 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 3 April 2013)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 12 May 2014)

    6. Overseas visits

    • (Registered 17 December 2013 )
    • (Registered 17 December 2013)

    7 April 2014 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 45 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 6 March 2013)

    21 March 2014 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 13 March 2014)

    24 February 2014 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

      Payments from Ipsos Mori, 79-81 Borough Road, London, SE1 1FY, for completing opinion polls:
      Payments from Ipsos Mori, 79-81 Borough Road, London, SE1 1FY, for completing opinion polls:

    3 February 2014 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 22 January 2014)
    • Payments from Ipsos Mori, 79-81 Borough Road, London, SE1 1FY, for completing opinion polls: Received payment of £200. Hours: 1 hr 5 mins. Fee donated to my constituency party. (Registered 29 January 2014)

    20 January 2014 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 45 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 2 January 2013)
    • Payments from Ipsos MORI for completing opinion polls.  Address: 79-81 Borough Road, London SE1 1FY:
    • Received payment of £150 for completing an opinion poll. Hours: 1 hr. Fee donated to local charities. (Registered 14 January 2013)

    6 January 2014 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 45 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 5 December 2012)

    6. Overseas visits

    • Name of donor: International Diabetes Federation
    • Address of donor: 166 Chaussée de la Hulpe, B-1170 Brussels, Belgium
    • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): air fare, hotel accommodation and congress registration, to a total of approx £3,000
    • Destination of visit: Melbourne, Australia
    • Date of visit: 30 November to 4 December 2013
    • Purpose of visit: to attend and speak at the Global Parliamentary Forum for Diabetes on 1 and 2 December, and to attend and speak at the International Diabetes Congress on 3 and 4 December 2013
    • (Registered 17 December 2013 )

    9 December 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 26 November 2013)

    25 November 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Payment of £80 from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT, for completing opinion poll. Hours: 50 mins. (Registered 20 November 2013)

    30 September 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 16 September 2013)

    9 September 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 45 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 31 August 2012)
    • Payments from YouGov, 50 Featherstone St, London EC1Y 8RT, for completing opinion polls:
    • Received payment of £70.  Hours: 50 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 3 August 2012)

    27 August 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 45 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 17 July 2012)

    8 July 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 45 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 26 June 2012)
    • Received payment of £70.  Hours: 50 mins.  Fee donated to local charities. (Registered 7 June 2012)

    10 June 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 28 May 2013)
    • Received payment of £70.  Hours: 50 mins.  Fee donated to local charities. (Registered 7 June 2012)

    7 May 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 25 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 24 April 2012)

    8 April 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 3 April 2013)

    11 March 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 45 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 22 February 2012)
    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 45 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 6 March 2013)

    4 February 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £150 for completing an opinion poll.  Hours: 65 mins.  Fee donated to local charities. (Registered 30 January 2012)

    18 January 2013 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 40 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 29 December 2011)
    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 45 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 2 January 2013)
    • Received payment of £150 for completing an opinion poll. Hours: 1 hr. Fee donated to local charities. (Registered 14 January 2013)

    19 December 2012 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 45 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 5 December 2012)

    19 November 2012 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £87 for an article from Guardian News and Media Ltd, King’s Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU.  Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 14 November 2011)

    3 September 2012 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Payments from ComRes for completing opinion polls. Address: ComRes, 4 Millbank, London:
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 16 August 2011)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 29 December 2011)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 22 February 2012)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 25 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 24 April 2012)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 26 June 2012)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 17 July 2012)
    • Payments from Ipsos MORI for completing opinion polls. Address: 79-81 Borough Road, London SE1 1FY:
    • Received payment of £150 for completing an opinion poll. Hours: 65 mins. Fee donated to local charities. (Registered 30 January 2012)
    • Received payment of £87 for an article from Guardian News and Media Ltd, King’s Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 14 November 2011)
    • Payments from ComRes for completing opinion polls.  Address:  ComRes, 4 Millbank, London:
    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 40 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 29 December 2011)
    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 45 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 22 February 2012)
    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 25 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 24 April 2012)
    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 45 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 26 June 2012)
    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 45 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 17 July 2012)
    • Received payment of £75.  Hours: 45 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 31 August 2012)
    • Payments from YouGov, 50 Featherstone St, London EC1Y 8RT, for completing opinion polls:
    • Received payment of £70.  Hours: 50 mins.  Fee donated to charity. (Registered 3 August 2012)
    • Payments from Ipsos MORI for completing opinion polls.  Address: 79-81 Borough Road, London SE1 1FY:
    • Received payment of £150 for completing an opinion poll.  Hours: 65 mins.  Fee donated to local charities. (Registered 30 January 2012)
    • Received payment of £87 for an article from Guardian News and Media Ltd, King’s Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU.  Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 14 November 2011)

    30 July 2012 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £150 for completing an opinion poll. Hours: 1. Fee donated to local charities. (Registered 26 July 2011)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 17 July 2012)

    9 July 2012 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 3 June 2011)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to my local constituency party. (Registered 21 June 2011)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 7 July 2011)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 26 June 2012)

    11 June 2012 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 10 May 2011)

    30 April 2012 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 25 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 24 April 2012)

    16 April 2012 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 10 March 2011)
    • Payments from Populus for completing opinion polls: Address: Populus, Northburgh House, 10 Northburgh Street, London:
    • Payment of £75 for February 2011 opinion poll, received on 18 March 2011. Hours: 15 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 28 March 2011)

    5 March 2012 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 22 February 2012)

    20 February 2012 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 18 February 2011)
    • Received payment of £80 for completing an opinion poll. Address: YouGov, 50 Featherstone St, London EC1Y 8RT, Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 8 February 2011)
    • Received payment of £150 for completing an opinion poll. Hours: 65 mins. Fee donated to local charities. (Registered 30 January 2012)

    30 January 2012 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 19 October 2010)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to my local constituency party. (Registered 24 November 2010)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 17 January 2011)
    • Received payment of £50. Hours: 20 mins. Fee donated to local constituency party. (Registered 6 October 2010)
    • Received payment of £50. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 7 December 2010)
    • Payment of £50 for November 2010 opinion poll, received on 16 December 2010. Hours: 15 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 24 December 2010)
    • Received payment of £100 for completing an opinion poll. Address: Dods, 4 Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7DL. Hours: 60 mins. Fee donated to local charity. (Registered 11 October 2010).

    13 January 2012 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 29 December 2011)

    16 November 2011 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £87 for an article from Guardian News and Media Ltd, King’s Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 14 November 2011)

    30 August 2011 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 20 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 9 August 2010)
    • Received payment of £150 for completing an opinion poll. Address: Ipsos, 79-81 Borough Road, London SE1 1FY. Hours: 1. Fee donated to local constituency party. (Registered 11 August 2010)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 16 August 2011)
    • Payments from Ipsos MORI for completing opinion polls. Address: 79-81 Borough Road, London SE1 1FY:
    • Received payment of £150 for completing an opinion poll. Hours: 1. Fee donated to local charities. (Registered 26 July 2011)

    19 July 2011 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 20 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 30 June 2010)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 7 July 2011)

    6 July 2011 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to my local constituency party. (Registered 21 June 2011)

    20 June 2011 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 3 June 2011)

    16 May 2011 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 10 May 2011)

    28 March 2011 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Payment of £75 for February 2011 opinion poll, received on 18 March 2011. Hours: 15 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 28 March 2011)

    14 March 2011 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 10 March 2011)

    28 February 2011 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Payment of £50 for November 2010 opinion poll, received on 16 December 2010. Hours: 15 mins. Payment donated to charity. (Registered 24 December 2010)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 18 February 2011)
    • Payment of £50 for November 2010 opinion poll, received on 16 December 2010. Hours: 15 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 24 December 2010)
    • Received payment of £80 for completing an opinion poll. Address: YouGov, 50 Featherstone St, London EC1Y 8RT, Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 8 February 2011)

    24 January 2011 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 17 January 2011)

    10 January 2011 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Payment of £50 for November 2010 opinion poll, received on 16 December 2010. Hours: 15 mins. Payment donated to charity. (Registered 24 December 2010)

    20 December 2010 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £50 for completing an opinion poll. Address: Populus, Northburgh House, 10 Northburgh Street, London. Hours: 20 mins. Fee donated to local constituency party. (Registered 6 October 2010).
    • Payments from Populus for completing opinion polls: Address: Populus, Northburgh House, 10 Northburgh Street, London:
    • Received payment of £50. Hours: 20 mins. Fee donated to local constituency party. (Registered 6 October 2010)
    • Received payment of £50. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 7 December 2010)

    6 December 2010 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75 for completing an opinion poll. Address: ComRes, 4 Millbank, London. Hours: 20 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 30 June 2010)
    • Received payment of £75 for completing an opinion poll. Address: ComRes, 4 Millbank, London. Hours: 20 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 9 August 2010)
    • Received payment of £75 for completing an opinion poll. Address: ComRes, 4 Millbank, London. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 19 October 2010)
    • Payments from ComRes for completing opinion polls. Address: ComRes, 4 Millbank, London:
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 20 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 30 June 2010)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 20 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 9 August 2010)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 19 October 2010)
    • Received payment of £75. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to my local constituency party. (Registered 24 November 2010)

    25 October 2010 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75 for completing an opinion poll. Address: ComRes, 4 Millbank, London. Hours: 40 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 19 October 2010)
    • Received payment of £50 for completing an opinion poll. Address: Populus, Northburgh House, 10 Northburgh Street, London. Hours: 20 mins. Fee donated to local constituency party. (Registered 6 October 2010).
    • Received payment of £100 for completing an opinion poll. Address: Dods, 4 Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7DL. Hours: 60 mins. Fee donated to local charity. (Registered 11 October 2010).

    6 September 2010 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Received payment of £75 for completing an opinion poll. Address: ComRes, 4 Millbank, London. Hours: 20 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 30 June 2010)
    • Received payment of £75 for completing an opinion poll. Address: ComRes, 4 Millbank, London. Hours: 20 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 9 August 2010)
    • Received payment of £150 for completing an opinion poll. Address: Ipsos, 79-81 Borough Road, London SE1 1FY. Hours: 1. Fee donated to local constituency party. (Registered 11 August 2010)

    25 February 2009 - View full entry

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    • 20 February 2008, one ticket to the Brit Awards as guest of the Brit Trust and the BPI. (Registered 25 February 2008)

    25 March 2008 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 11-14 March 2007, to New York, to attend the Global Leadership Diabetes Forum. Flights, accommodation and registration fee were met by Novo Nordisk. (Registered 18 March 2007)

    26 February 2008 - View full entry

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    • 14 February 2007, two tickets to the Brit Awards as guest of the BPI. (Registered 21 February 2007)
    • 20 February 2008, one ticket to the Brit Awards as guest of the Brit Trust and the BPI. (Registered 25 February 2008)

    1 May 2007 - View full entry

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    • 15 February 2006, one ticket to the Brit Awards as guest of the Brit Trust. (Registered 7 March 2006)

    26 March 2007 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 11-14 March 2007, to New York, to attend the Global Leadership Diabetes Forum. Flights, accommodation and registration fee were met by Novo Nordisk. (Registered 18 March 2007)

    13 March 2007 - View full entry

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    • 14 February 2007, two tickets to the Brit Awards as guest of the BPI. (Registered 21 February 2007)

    24 March 2006 - View full entry

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    • 15 February 2006, one ticket to the Brit Awards as guest of the Brit Trust. (Registered 7 March 2006)

    3 December 2004 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • 7 November 2003, honorarium for speech to Diabetes Attitudes, Wishes and Needs (DAWN) conference in London. I have donated the amount, less tax, to Diabetes UK. (Registered 3 December 2003)

    16 July 2004 - View full entry

    8. Land and Property

    • Residential property in Paignton, from which rental income is derived.

    21 May 2004 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 8-9 April 2003, to Frankfurt in my capacity as the Liberal Democrat spokesman on Tourism, to attend the EIBTM/IMEX conference and trade exhibition. Flights and accommodation were paid for by the organisers of the conference and exhibition. (Registered 15 April 2003)

    31 January 2004 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • 7 November 2003, honorarium for speech to Diabetes Attitudes, Wishes and Needs (DAWN) conference in London. I have donated the amount, less tax, to Diabetes UK. (Registered 3 December 2003)

    4 December 2003 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 8-9 April 2003, to Frankfurt in my capacity as the Liberal Democrat spokesman on Tourism, to attend the EIBTM/IMEX conference and trade exhibition. Flights and accommodation were paid for by the organisers of the conference and exhibition. (Registered 15 April 2003)

    26 November 2002 - View full entry

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Occasional fees for articles and broadcasting.

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    • Honorary membership of The Paignton Club, Paignton, Devon.

    8. Land and Property

    • I own the lease on the ground floor flat of my home in Paignton and receive a nominal annual ground rent.

    10. Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests

    • Non-remunerated directorship of Savage (Southern Association of Voluntary Action Groups for Europe), a not for profit limited company that assists charities and voluntary sector organisations secure funding for employment training projects.
    • Ten Ordinary shares in the Dart Valley Light Railway Company.

    14 May 2002 - View full entry

    8. Land and Property

    • I own the lease on the ground floor flat of my home in Paignton and receive a nominal annual ground rent.

    10. Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests

    • Non-remunerated directorship of Savage (Southern Association of Voluntary Action Groups for Europe), a not for profit company limited by guarantee set up for the benefit of voluntary organisations and charities involved in training and employment measures for the unemployed.
    • Non-remunerated directorship of Savage (Southern Association of Voluntary Action Groups for Europe), a not for profit limited company that assists charities and voluntary sector organisations secure funding for employment training projects.

    10 November 2000 (first entry we have)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

    • Occasional fees for articles and broadcasting.

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    • Honorary membership of The Paignton Club, Paignton, Devon.

    10. Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests

    • Non-remunerated directorship of Savage (Southern Association of Voluntary Action Groups for Europe), a not for profit company limited by guarantee set up for the benefit of voluntary organisations and charities involved in training and employment measures for the unemployed.
    • Ten Ordinary shares in the Dart Valley Light Railway Company.