Changes to the Register of Members' Interests
Syd Rapson
List all MPs and Register editions
This page shows how Syd Rapson's entry in the Register of Members' Interests has changed over time, starting at the most recent and working back to the earliest we have managed to parse.
Please be aware that changes in typography/styling at the source might mean something is marked as changed (ie. removed and added) when it hasn't; sorry about that, but we do our best with the source material.
Removed | Added |
6. Overseas visits |
- 8-12 October 2004, to Cyprus to participate in the annual Morphou Rally. My travel and accommodation were paid by the Mayor of Morphou. (Registered 1 November 2004)
- 9-12 March 2005, to Cape Canaveral, USA, to attend the launch of Inmarsat 4 Communications Satellite. My travel and hotel costs were paid by EADS Space, which controls Astrium which is situated in my constituency. (Registered 14 March 2005)
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6. Overseas visits |
| - 9-12 March 2005, to Cape Canaveral, USA, to attend the launch of Inmarsat 4 Communications Satellite. My travel and hotel costs were paid by EADS Space, which controls Astrium which is situated in my constituency. (Registered 14 March 2005)
6. Overseas visits |
| - 8-12 October 2004, to Cyprus to participate in the annual Morphou Rally. My travel and accommodation were paid by the Mayor of Morphou. (Registered 1 November 2004)
6. Overseas visits |
- 20-27 August 2003, with my wife to Cyprus. Fares and accommodation paid for by the House of Representatives of Cyprus. (Registered 9 September 2003)
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6. Overseas visits |
- 21-29 August 2002, to Cyprus, accompanied by my wife, at the invitation of the House of Representatives of Cyprus, who paid for our fares and accommodation. (Registered 24 September 2002)
| - 20-27 August 2003, with my wife to Cyprus. Fares and accommodation paid for by the House of Representatives of Cyprus. (Registered 9 September 2003)
6. Overseas visits |
| - 21-29 August 2002, to Cyprus, accompanied by my wife, at the invitation of the House of Representatives of Cyprus, who paid for our fares and accommodation. (Registered 24 September 2002)
5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK) |
- £500 received from a member of the Showman's Guild of Great Britain in unsolicited recognition of my support for businesses affected by the Budd Report on Gambling. (Cheque passed on to the EC Roberts Centre.) (Registered 25 March 2002)
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10. Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
- I am a member of the Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union, which makes donations to my constituency party.
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5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK) |
| - £500 received from a member of the Showman's Guild of Great Britain in unsolicited recognition of my support for businesses affected by the Budd Report on Gambling. (Cheque passed on to the EC Roberts Centre.) (Registered 25 March 2002)
10. Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| - I am a member of the Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union, which makes donations to my constituency party.
10 November 2000 (first entry we have) |
Nothing |