Changes to the Register of Members' Interests
Ian Davidson

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This page shows how Ian Davidson's entry in the Register of Members' Interests has changed over time, starting at the most recent and working back to the earliest we have managed to parse. Please be aware that changes in typography/styling at the source might mean something is marked as changed (ie. removed and added) when it hasn't; sorry about that, but we do our best with the source material.


8 June 2015 - View full entry

6. Overseas visits

  • Name of donor: The Taipei Representative Office in the UK (TRO)
  • Address of donor: 50 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0EB
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): the approximate amount includes accommodation £600, food £300 and return flights £2,400; total £3,300
  • Destination of visit: Taiwan
  • Date of visit: 26 July-2 August 2014
  • Purpose of visit: As part of the British-Taiwanese APPG, to promote the understanding of Taiwan and strengthen UK-Taiwan relations.
  • (Registered 7 August 2014)
  • Name of donor: (1) Vietnam Airlines, London office: (2) Fund for Economic Activities in
  • Support of Economic Development (3) local authorities in Vietnam
  • Address of donor: (1) 4th floor, University House, 11-13 Lower Grosvenor Place, London
  • SW1W 0EN; (2), 7 Chu Va An St, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £1,360, comprising (1) flights costing
  • £650, and a further £710 for accommodation and meals, which was shared equally between
  • donors (2) and (3)
  • Destination of visit: Vietnam
  • Date of visit: 10-16 December 2011
  • Purpose of visit: to gain greater familiarity with the current socio-economic development of
  • Vietnam and to contribute to improving relations between Vietnam and the UK in my
  • capacity as a member of the Vietnam APG
  • (Registered 9 January 2015)

8. Land and Property

  • Part ownership of a house in Galashiels. (Updated 3 December 2014)
  • Part ownership of a flat in London from which rental income is received. (Registered 20 August 2012; updated 3 December 2014)

26 January 2015 - View full entry

6. Overseas visits

  • Name of donor: (1) Vietnam Airlines, London office: (2) Fund for Economic Activities in
  • Support of Economic Development (3) local authorities in Vietnam
  • Address of donor: (1) 4th floor, University House, 11-13 Lower Grosvenor Place, London
  • SW1W 0EN; (2), 7 Chu Va An St, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £1,360, comprising (1) flights costing
  • £650, and a further £710 for accommodation and meals, which was shared equally between
  • donors (2) and (3)
  • Destination of visit: Vietnam
  • Date of visit: 10-16 December 2011
  • Purpose of visit: to gain greater familiarity with the current socio-economic development of
  • Vietnam and to contribute to improving relations between Vietnam and the UK in my
  • capacity as a member of the Vietnam APG
  • (Registered 9 January 2015)

8. Land and Property


    6 January 2015 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • Name of donor: Results UK
    • Address of donor: 31-33 Bondway, London SW8 1SJ
    • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Flights and other transport with a value of £934; accommodation with a value of £440 and meals with a value of £95; a total value of £1,467
    • Destination of visit: Malawi
    • Date of visit: 18-22 August 2013
    • Purpose of visit: To see how key global health issues ae being confronted
    • (Registered 10 December 2013)

    8. Land and Property

    • Half share of a house in Galashiels.
    • Flat in London from which I receive rental income. (Registered 20 August 2012)
    • Part ownership of a house in Galashiels. (Updated 3 December 2014)
    • Part ownership of a flat in London from which rental income is received. (Registered 20 August 2012; updated 3 December 2014)

    26 August 2014 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • (Registered 10 December 2013 )
    • (Registered 10 December 2013)
    • Name of donor: The Taipei Representative Office in the UK (TRO)
    • Address of donor: 50 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0EB
    • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): the approximate amount includes accommodation £600, food £300 and return flights £2,400; total £3,300
    • Destination of visit: Taiwan
    • Date of visit: 26 July-2 August 2014
    • Purpose of visit: As part of the British-Taiwanese APPG, to promote the understanding of Taiwan and strengthen UK-Taiwan relations.
    • (Registered 7 August 2014)

    6 January 2014 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • Name of donor: Results UK
    • Address of donor: 31-33 Bondway, London SW8 1SJ
    • Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Flights and other transport with a value of £934; accommodation with a value of £440 and meals with a value of £95; a total value of £1,467
    • Destination of visit: Malawi
    • Date of visit: 18-22 August 2013
    • Purpose of visit: To see how key global health issues ae being confronted
    • (Registered 10 December 2013 )

    3 September 2012 - View full entry

    8. Land and Property

    • Flat in London from which I receive rental income. (Registered 20 August 2012)

    30 April 2012 - View full entry

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    • Name of donor: National Grid
    • Address of donor : 1-3 Strand, Grand Buildings, London WC2N 5HR
    • Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: two tickets and hospitality for Rugby International at Twickenham; value £1,398
    • Date of receipt of donation: 13 March 2011
    • Date of acceptance of donation: 13 March 2011
    • Donor status: company, registration number 4031152
    • (Registered 15 April 2011)

    6 June 2011 - View full entry

    4. Sponsorships

    • (a) Donations to the constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by the party to the Electoral Commission:
    • (a) Name of donor: RMT
    • (a) Address of donor: Unity House Chalton St London NW1 1JD
    • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2359
    • (a) Donor status: trade union
    • (a) (Registered 4 June 2010)
    • (a) Name of donor: FBU
    • (a) Address of donor: Bradley House 68 Coombe Road Kingston upon Thames Surrey KT2 7AE
    • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £1,750
    • (a) Donor status: trade union
    • (a) (Registered 4 June 2010)

    3 May 2011 - View full entry

    4. Sponsorships

    • (a) 5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
    • (a) Name of donor: National Grid
    • (a) Address of donor : 1-3 Strand, Grand Buildings, London WC2N 5HR
    • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: two tickets and hospitality for Rugby International at Twickenham; value £1,398
    • (a) Date of receipt of donation: 13 March 2011
    • (a) Date of acceptance of donation: 13 March 2011
    • (a) Donor status: company, registration number 4031152
    • (a) (Registered 15 April 2011)

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    • Name of donor: National Grid
    • Address of donor : 1-3 Strand, Grand Buildings, London WC2N 5HR
    • Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: two tickets and hospitality for Rugby International at Twickenham; value £1,398
    • Date of receipt of donation: 13 March 2011
    • Date of acceptance of donation: 13 March 2011
    • Donor status: company, registration number 4031152
    • (Registered 15 April 2011)

    18 April 2011 - View full entry

    4. Sponsorships

    • (a) 5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
    • (a) Name of donor: National Grid
    • (a) Address of donor : 1-3 Strand, Grand Buildings, London WC2N 5HR
    • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: two tickets and hospitality for Rugby International at Twickenham; value £1,398
    • (a) Date of receipt of donation: 13 March 2011
    • (a) Date of acceptance of donation: 13 March 2011
    • (a) Donor status: company, registration number 4031152
    • (a) (Registered 15 April 2011)

    6 September 2010 - View full entry

    4. Sponsorships

    • (a) Donations to the constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by the party to the Electoral Commission:
    • (a) Name of donor: RMT
    • (a) Address of donor: Unity House Chalton St London NW1 1JD
    • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2359
    • (a) Donor status: trade union
    • (a) (Registered 4 June 2010)
    • (a) Name of donor: FBU
    • (a) Address of donor: Bradley House 68 Coombe Road Kingston upon Thames Surrey KT2 7AE
    • (a) Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £1,750
    • (a) Donor status: trade union
    • (a) (Registered 4 June 2010)

    6. Overseas visits

    • 2-8 April 2009, to the Republic of Colombia for meetings on human rights, talks with government ministers and leaders of Colombian trade unions. All costs were borne by the campaigning organisation Justice for Colombia. (Registered 29 May 2009)

    24 February 2010 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 23-30 July 2008, to Cayman, accompanied by my wife to meet political, business and community leaders, to discuss matters of interest to Cayman and its relationship with Britain. The Government of the Cayman Islands paid the cost of one return business class flight and hotel accommodation for us both. (Registered 9 November 2008)

    10 June 2009 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 25-31 May 2008, to Syria, with a parliamentary delegation, funded by the British Syrian Society and the Syrian Parliament. (Registered 10 June 2008)
    • 2-8 April 2009, to the Republic of Colombia for meetings on human rights, talks with government ministers and leaders of Colombian trade unions. All costs were borne by the campaigning organisation Justice for Colombia. (Registered 29 May 2009)

    19 November 2008 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 23-30 July 2008, to Cayman, accompanied by my wife to meet political, business and community leaders, to discuss matters of interest to Cayman and its relationship with Britain. The Government of the Cayman Islands paid the cost of one return business class flight and hotel accommodation for us both. (Registered 9 November 2008)

    16 June 2008 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 25-31 May 2008, to Syria, with a parliamentary delegation, funded by the British Syrian Society and the Syrian Parliament. (Registered 10 June 2008)

    8. Land and Property

    • Half share of a house in Galashiels.

    23 October 2007 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 2-8 September 2006, to Taiwan, as a member of a parliamentary delegation. Travel and accommodation paid for by the Government of Taiwan. (Registered 13 October 2006)

    9 October 2007 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 10-15 September 2006, to Israel and Palestine with Labour Friends of Israel (LFI). Travel and hospitality paid for by LFI. Accommodation paid for by LFI at a rate discounted through the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Some hospitality provided by the Palestinian Legislative Council/Palestinian Authority. Travel within Israel/Palestine provided by LFI. Some travel within Israel provided by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (Registered 29 September 2006)

    6 November 2006 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 16-17 September 2005, to Berlin with the Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung to observe the German elections. Travel and accommodation costs were met by the FES Foundation. (Registered 17 October 2005)
    • 10-15 September 2006, to Israel and Palestine with Labour Friends of Israel (LFI). Travel and hospitality paid for by LFI. Accommodation paid for by LFI at a rate discounted through the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Some hospitality provided by the Palestinian Legislative Council/Palestinian Authority. Travel within Israel/Palestine provided by LFI. Some travel within Israel provided by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (Registered 29 September 2006)
    • 2-8 September 2006, to Taiwan, as a member of a parliamentary delegation. Travel and accommodation paid for by the Government of Taiwan. (Registered 13 October 2006)

    13 February 2006 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 23-28 July 2004, to the Cayman Islands with the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Cayman Islands. Travel and accommodation costs were met by the Cayman Islands Government. (Registered 21 December 2004)
    • 29 August-3 September 2004, to Norway with the British-Norwegian All-Party Parliamentary Group. Travel and accommodation costs were met by the Norwegian Government. (Registered 21 December 2004)

    1 November 2005 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 16-17 September 2005, to Berlin with the Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung to observe the German elections. Travel and accommodation costs were met by the FES Foundation. (Registered 17 October 2005)

    28 January 2005 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 23-28 July 2004, to the Cayman Islands with the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Cayman Islands. Travel and accommodation costs were met by the Cayman Islands Government. (Registered 21 December 2004)
    • 29 August-3 September 2004, to Norway with the British-Norwegian All-Party Parliamentary Group. Travel and accommodation costs were met by the Norwegian Government. (Registered 21 December 2004)

    3 December 2004 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 25 September-12 October 2003, visit to Australia with the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Commons and Lords Rugby Union Football Club to participate in Third Parliamentary World Cup Tournament. Members contributed to the cost of flights and hotels. Financial support was secured from Halewood International, the Australian Hotels Association, Canberra Tourism, Aus Trade, Acumen Alliance, AMP and Eurest Supply Services. Rugby kit was provided by Nike. (Registered 17 November 2003)

    8 September 2004 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 17-28 July 2003, to Bermuda for the elections. Accommodation provided by the Progressive Labour Party. (Registered 4 August 2003)

    16 July 2004 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 6-14 October 2002, to New York and Los Angeles in the United States with Commons and Lords Rugby team. Members contributed to the cost of flights and hotels. Financial support was also received from Halewood International, Chase de Vere, Halcrow, GEM Construction, Volt Europe, GlaxoSmithKline. Rugby kit was provided by Nike. (Registered 4 December 2002)

    4 December 2003 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 2-10 February 2002, to Japan for a conference with Japanese Parliamentarians. Half of the cost was met by the Japanese Government and half by the British Government. (Registered 8 March 2002)
    • 28 May-8 June 2002, to Japan as a member of the Parliamentary Football Club, with a contribution towards the cost of the trip from Nomura Bank, First Group, T-Mobile and Waterfront Properties; hospitality and transport provided by Nomura Bank, transport by First Group; sports kit by Nike; and suits and accessories at discounted price by Burtons. (Registered 28 August 2002)
    • 6-14 October 2002, to New York and Los Angeles in the United States with Commons and Lords Rugby team. Members contributed to the cost of flights and hotels. Financial support was also received from Halewood International, Chase de Vere, Halcrow, GEM Construction, Volt Europe, GlaxoSmithKline. Rugby kit was provided by Nike. (Registered 4 December 2002)
    • 17-28 July 2003, to Bermuda for the elections. Accommodation provided by the Progressive Labour Party. (Registered 4 August 2003)
    • 25 September-12 October 2003, visit to Australia with the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Commons and Lords Rugby Union Football Club to participate in Third Parliamentary World Cup Tournament. Members contributed to the cost of flights and hotels. Financial support was secured from Halewood International, the Australian Hotels Association, Canberra Tourism, Aus Trade, Acumen Alliance, AMP and Eurest Supply Services. Rugby kit was provided by Nike. (Registered 17 November 2003)

    26 November 2002 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 26 June-16 July 2001, to Australia and Japan, representing the British and Irish Parliamentary Rugby Union team against the Japanese Diet and Australian Parliament. Over 70% of the tour expenses were funded by contributions from the players and the balance from sponsorship and advertising generated on behalf of the Club/Parliamentary Lions. The sponsors and advertisers were: Arlington Lodge, Ashurst Morris Crisp, Bell Design, GEM Construction, Glaxosmithkline, HIFX Ltd., Irish Independent News & Media, Japan Airlines, ntl, Rickitt Grant & Partners, Rickitt Mitchell, Rolls Royce, R Smith, Sweet Chariot, Toyota, Waterford Crystal. (Registered 5 October 2001)
    • 28 May-8 June 2002, to Japan as a member of the Parliamentary Football Club, with a contribution towards the cost of the trip from Nomura Bank, First Group, T-Mobile and Waterfront Properties; hospitality and transport provided by Nomura Bank, transport by First Group; sports kit by Nike; and suits and accessories at discounted price by Burtons. (Registered 28 August 2002)

    4. Sponsorship or financial or material support

    • Glasgow City Council provides me with the use of a room at a swimming pool for surgeries twice a month.
    • Glasgow Careers Service gives me use of two rooms as an office.

    8. Land and Property

    • Joint ownership of a flat in Glasgow from which I receive rental income.

    10. Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests

    • Unpaid adviser to Association of University Teachers (Scotland).

    14 May 2002 - View full entry

    4. Sponsorship or financial or material support

    • Glasgow Careers Service gives me use of two rooms as an office.

    6. Overseas visits

    • 20-31 March 2000, to the People's Republic of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Flights paid for by All-Party Britain-China Parliamentary Group, costs in China paid for by People's Republic of China, costs in Hong Kong paid for by Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. (Registered 20 April 2000)
    • 16-22 September 2000, to the Republic of Korea. Air travel and hotel costs were met by the Korean Government. (Registered 23 November 2000)
    • 29 September-8 October 2000, to India, sponsored by Labour Friends of India, which is funded by many individual donors in the UK. Particular sponsorship for flights to India came from the Chamber of Indian Industry and internal hospitality was provided by the Indian Government. (Registered 23 November 2000)
    • 26 June-16 July 2001, to Australia and Japan, representing the British and Irish Parliamentary Rugby Union team against the Japanese Diet and Australian Parliament. Over 70% of the tour expenses were funded by contributions from the players and the balance from sponsorship and advertising generated on behalf of the Club/Parliamentary Lions. The sponsors and advertisers were: Arlington Lodge, Ashurst Morris Crisp, Bell Design, GEM Construction, Glaxosmithkline, HIFX Ltd., Irish Independent News & Media, Japan Airlines, ntl, Rickitt Grant & Partners, Rickitt Mitchell, Rolls Royce, R Smith, Sweet Chariot, Toyota, Waterford Crystal. (Registered 5 October 2001)
    • 2-10 February 2002, to Japan for a conference with Japanese Parliamentarians. Half of the cost was met by the Japanese Government and half by the British Government. (Registered 8 March 2002)

    14 May 2001 - View full entry

    6. Overseas visits

    • 2-12 October 1998, to Japan with the Commons and Lords Rugby Team. I paid for all my flights and hotels; the cost of rugby kit, rail pass in Japan and all other expenses were met by the sponsors, INALPHA (the Japanese offshoot of a Dutch autoparts company) and Rolls-Royce Aeroengines (Japan). (Registered 7 June 1999)
    • 24 -25 November 1998, to Hungary, organised by the Parliamentary Football Team in aid of Hungarian Flood Relief Fund. Flights, accommodation and hospitality in Hungary were funded by Malev Airlines, Danubius Hotels, PowerGen, the Hungarian National Assembly and the Hungarian Football Association. (Registered 15 February 1999)
    • 31 January-5 February 1999, to Japan. Flights and accommodation were provided by Japan Airlines and the Imperial Hotel Group respectively. Additional hospitality was provided by the Japanese Parliament. (Registered 15 February 1999)
    • 24 July-1 August 1999, to Cayman Islands to attend CPA Conference for the Caribbean, the Americas and the Atlantic Region of the CPA as observer and to meet various Ministers, legislators and others in the Cayman Islands. Cost of travel and accommodation for self and wife paid for by the Government of the Cayman Islands. Cost of son's travel to Cayman paid by me; extra accommodation and meals paid for by the Government of the Cayman Islands. (Registered 10 December 1999)
    • 8-11 September 1999, to Gibraltar for a series of meetings with the Chief Minister, Ministers, the Leader of the Opposition and others to participate in National Day Celebrations. Cost of travel and accommodation paid for by the Government of Gibraltar. (Registered 10 December 1999)
    • 4-11 November 1999, to Falkland Islands for a series of meetings with the Governor, Councillors and others. Cost of travel and accommodation paid for by the Government of the Falkland Islands. (Registered 10 December 1999)
    • 16-22 September 2000, to the Republic of Korea. Air travel and hotel costs were met by the Korean Government. (Registered 23 November 2000)
    • 29 September-8 October 2000, to India, sponsored by Labour Friends of India, which is funded by many individual donors in the UK. Particular sponsorship for flights to India came from the Chamber of Indian Industry and internal hospitality was provided by the Indian Government. (Registered 23 November 2000)

    8. Land and Property

    • Joint ownership of a flat in Glasgow from which I receive rental income.

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    • 24-30 September 1999, I participated in the Parliamentary Rugby world cup organised by the House of Commons and Lords rugby team, against teams from the parliaments of New Zealand, South Africa, France, Ireland and Japan. I played three games of rugby and received hospitality and accommodation in Rugby, London and Cardiff. The whole event was sponsored by a large number of companies, including Ford, Lloyds TSB, Rolls Royce, Glaxo Wellcome, Welsh Development Agency, Cardiff City Council, Rugby Borough Council, Birmingham International Airport, Alstom, Gardner Merchant, Shoosmiths solicitors, Rugby Chamber of Commerce, Rugby Advertiser, Gilberts and London-Irish. (Registered 10 December 1999)

    10 November 2000 (first entry we have)

    4. Sponsorship or financial or material support

    • Glasgow City Council provides me with the use of a room at a swimming pool for surgeries twice a month.

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    • 24-30 September 1999, I participated in the Parliamentary Rugby world cup organised by the House of Commons and Lords rugby team, against teams from the parliaments of New Zealand, South Africa, France, Ireland and Japan. I played three games of rugby and received hospitality and accommodation in Rugby, London and Cardiff. The whole event was sponsored by a large number of companies, including Ford, Lloyds TSB, Rolls Royce, Glaxo Wellcome, Welsh Development Agency, Cardiff City Council, Rugby Borough Council, Birmingham International Airport, Alstom, Gardner Merchant, Shoosmiths solicitors, Rugby Chamber of Commerce, Rugby Advertiser, Gilberts and London-Irish. (Registered 10 December 1999)

    6. Overseas visits

    • 2-12 October 1998, to Japan with the Commons and Lords Rugby Team. I paid for all my flights and hotels; the cost of rugby kit, rail pass in Japan and all other expenses were met by the sponsors, INALPHA (the Japanese offshoot of a Dutch autoparts company) and Rolls-Royce Aeroengines (Japan). (Registered 7 June 1999)
    • 24 -25 November 1998, to Hungary, organised by the Parliamentary Football Team in aid of Hungarian Flood Relief Fund. Flights, accommodation and hospitality in Hungary were funded by Malev Airlines, Danubius Hotels, PowerGen, the Hungarian National Assembly and the Hungarian Football Association. (Registered 15 February 1999)
    • 31 January-5 February 1999, to Japan. Flights and accommodation were provided by Japan Airlines and the Imperial Hotel Group respectively. Additional hospitality was provided by the Japanese Parliament. (Registered 15 February 1999)
    • 24 July-1 August 1999, to Cayman Islands to attend CPA Conference for the Caribbean, the Americas and the Atlantic Region of the CPA as observer and to meet various Ministers, legislators and others in the Cayman Islands. Cost of travel and accommodation for self and wife paid for by the Government of the Cayman Islands. Cost of son's travel to Cayman paid by me; extra accommodation and meals paid for by the Government of the Cayman Islands. (Registered 10 December 1999)
    • 8-11 September 1999, to Gibraltar for a series of meetings with the Chief Minister, Ministers, the Leader of the Opposition and others to participate in National Day Celebrations. Cost of travel and accommodation paid for by the Government of Gibraltar. (Registered 10 December 1999)
    • 4-11 November 1999, to Falkland Islands for a series of meetings with the Governor, Councillors and others. Cost of travel and accommodation paid for by the Government of the Falkland Islands. (Registered 10 December 1999)
    • 20-31 March 2000, to the People's Republic of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Flights paid for by All-Party Britain-China Parliamentary Group, costs in China paid for by People's Republic of China, costs in Hong Kong paid for by Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. (Registered 20 April 2000)

    10. Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests

    • Unpaid adviser to Association of University Teachers (Scotland).