Changes to the Register of Members' Interests
Clive Betts

List all MPs and Register editions

This page shows how Clive Betts's entry in the Register of Members' Interests has changed over time, starting at the most recent and working back to the earliest we have managed to parse. Please be aware that changes in typography/styling at the source might mean something is marked as changed (ie. removed and added) when it hasn't; sorry about that, but we do our best with the source material.


2 September 2024 - View full entry

3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources

  • Name of donor: English Football League
    Address of donor: EFL House, 10-12 West Cliff, Preston PR1 8HU
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: EFL Cup Final ticket and hospitality, value £350
    Date received: 26 February 2023
    Date accepted: 26 February 2023
    Donor status: company, registration 80612
  • (Registered 14 August 2023)
  • Name of donor: English Football League
    Address of donor: EFL House, 10-12 West Cliff, Preston PR1 8HU
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: EFL League One Play Off Final ticket and hospitality, value £350
    Date received: 29 May 2023
    Date accepted: 29 May 2023
    Donor status: company, registration 80612
  • (Registered 14 August 2023)

4 August 2024 - View full entry

8. Miscellaneous

  • Chair of the Attercliffe Area Board.
    Date interest arose: 1 August 2023
  • Chair of the Attercliffe Area Board. This is an unpaid role.
    Date interest arose: 1 August 2023

15 April 2024 - View full entry

3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources

  • Name of donor: English Football League
    Address of donor: EFL House, 10-12 West Cliff, Preston PR1 8HU
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: EFL Cup Final ticket and hospitality, total value £350
    Date received: 26 February 2023
    Date accepted: 26 February 2023
    Donor status: company, registration 80612
    (Registered 14 August 2023)
  • Name of donor: English Football League
    Address of donor: EFL House, 10-12 West Cliff, Preston PR1 8HU
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: EFL League One Play Off Final ticket and hospitality, total value £350
    Date received: 29 May 2023
    Date accepted: 29 May 2023
    Donor status: company, registration 80612
    (Registered 14 August 2023)
  • Name of donor: English Football League
    Address of donor: EFL House, 10-12 West Cliff, Preston PR1 8HU
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: EFL League One Play Off Final ticket and hospitality, value £350
    Date received: 29 May 2023
    Date accepted: 29 May 2023
    Donor status: company, registration 80612
  • (Registered 14 August 2023)
  • Name of donor: English Football League
    Address of donor: EFL House, 10-12 West Cliff, Preston PR1 8HU
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: EFL Cup Final ticket and hospitality, value £350
    Date received: 26 February 2023
    Date accepted: 26 February 2023
    Donor status: company, registration 80612
  • (Registered 14 August 2023)
  • Name of donor: English Football League (EFL)
    Address of donor: EFL House, 10-12 West Cliff, Preston PR1 8HU
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: EFL Cup Final ticket and hospitality, value £400
    Date received: 25 February 2024
    Date accepted: 25 February 2024
    Donor status: company, registration 80612
  • (Registered 22 March 2024)

8. Miscellaneous

  • From 28 January 2021, a Trustee of Fields in Trust (FiT), a charity which champions and supports our parks and green spaces. This is an unpaid role. (Registered 29 September 2022)
  • A Trustee of Fields in Trust (FiT), a charity which champions and supports our parks and green spaces. This is an unpaid role.
    Date interest arose: 28 January 2021
  • (Registered 29 September 2022)
  • Chair of the Attercliffe Area Board.
    Date interest arose: 1 August 2023
  • (Registered 15 April 2024)

9. Family members employed and paid from parliamentary expenses

  • I employ my partner, James Thomas, as Senior Parliamentary Assistant.
  • Name: James Thomas
    Relationship: Partner
    Role: Senior Parliamentary Assistant
    Working pattern: Full time

13 November 2023 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • Payments from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas Moore Square, London E1W 1YW, for surveys. Fees paid direct to my constituency party.
  • 24 February 2022, payment of £225. Hours: 50 mins. (Registered 31 October 2022)

4 September 2023 - View full entry

3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources

  • Name of donor: English Football League
    Address of donor: EFL House, 10-12 West Cliff, Preston PR1 8HU
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: EFL Cup Final ticket and hospitality, total value £350
    Date received: 26 February 2023
    Date accepted: 26 February 2023
    Donor status: company, registration 80612
    (Registered 14 August 2023)
  • Name of donor: English Football League
    Address of donor: EFL House, 10-12 West Cliff, Preston PR1 8HU
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: EFL League One Play Off Final ticket and hospitality, total value £350
    Date received: 29 May 2023
    Date accepted: 29 May 2023
    Donor status: company, registration 80612
    (Registered 14 August 2023)

12 December 2022 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • 6 September 2021, payment of £275. Hours: 50 mins. (Registered 04 November 2021)
  • Payments from Savanta ComRes, 3 Melville St, Edinburgh EH3 7PE, for surveys. All fees paid direct to my constituency party.
  • 22 July 2021, payment of £75. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 08 November 2021)
  • 3 September 2021, payment of £130. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 08 November 2021)
  • 7 September 2021, payment of £75. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 08 November 2021)
  • 1 November 2021, payment of £75. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 08 November 2021)

31 October 2022 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • 6 September 2021, payment of £275 from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW, for a survey. Hours: 50 mins. Fee paid direct to my constituency party. (Registered 04 November 2021)
  • Payments from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas Moore Square, London E1W 1YW, for surveys. Fees paid direct to my constituency party.
  • 6 September 2021, payment of £275. Hours: 50 mins. (Registered 04 November 2021)
  • 24 February 2022, payment of £225. Hours: 50 mins. (Registered 31 October 2022)

3 October 2022 - View full entry

8. Miscellaneous

  • From 28 January 2021, a Trustee of Fields in Trust (FiT), a charity which champions and supports our parks and green spaces. This is an unpaid role. (Registered 29 September 2022)

15 November 2021 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • 6 September 2021, payment of £275 from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW, for a survey. Hours: 50 mins. Fee paid direct to my constituency party. (Registered 04 November 2021)
  • Payments from Savanta ComRes, 3 Melville St, Edinburgh EH3 7PE, for surveys. All fees paid direct to my constituency party.
  • 22 July 2021, payment of £75. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 08 November 2021)
  • 3 September 2021, payment of £130. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 08 November 2021)
  • 7 September 2021, payment of £75. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 08 November 2021)
  • 1 November 2021, payment of £75. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 08 November 2021)

1 February 2021 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • Payments from ComRes, Four Millbank, London SW1P 3JA, for opinion surveys. All fees are paid direct to my constituency party:
  • 13 December 2019, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 11 January 2020)

9 November 2020 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • 31 July 2019, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 17 October 2019)
  • 27 August 2019, payment of £150. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 17 October 2019)

10 August 2020 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • 6 September 2018, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • 29 October 2018, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • 17 December 2018, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • 8 February 2019, payment of £150. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • 16 May 2019, payment of £150. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • Payments from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT, for opinion surveys. All fees are paid direct to my constituency party:
  • 25 July 2018, payment of £100. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • 22 August 2018, payment of £60. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • 20 September 2018, payment of £60. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • 16 October 2018, payment of £60. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • 17 January 2019, payment of £200 from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW, for a survey. Hours: 45 mins. Fee paid direct to my constituency party. (Registered 12 July 2019)

11 January 2020 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • 13 December 2019, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 11 January 2020)

21 October 2019 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • 31 July 2019, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 17 October 2019)
  • 27 August 2019, payment of £150. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 17 October 2019)

12 August 2019 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • 19 March 2018, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 2 April 2018, payment of £50. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 20 April 2018, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 28 May 2018, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 23 July 2018, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 15 February 2018, payment of £60. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 21 March 2018, payment of £80. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 8 May 2018, payment of £80. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 20 June 2018, payment of £20. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 5 July 2018, payment of £70. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)

6. Land and property portfolio: (i) value over £100,000 and/or (ii) giving rental income of over £10,000 a year

  • Until 25 June 2018, one residential property in London: (i) and (ii). (Updated 31 July 2018)

15 July 2019 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • 6 September 2018, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • 29 October 2018, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • 17 December 2018, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • 8 February 2019, payment of £150. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • 16 May 2019, payment of £150. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • 25 July 2018, payment of £100. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • 22 August 2018, payment of £60. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • 20 September 2018, payment of £60. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • 16 October 2018, payment of £60. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 12 July 2019)
  • 17 January 2019, payment of £200 from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW, for a survey. Hours: 45 mins. Fee paid direct to my constituency party. (Registered 12 July 2019)

1 April 2019 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • 5 October 2017, payment of £150. Hours: 40 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 16 November 2017, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 8 February 2017, payment of £20. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 21 March 2017, payment of £80. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 25 April 2017, payment of £20. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 26 July 2017, payment of £80. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 2 October 2017, payment of £40. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 26 October 2017, payment of £40. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 14 November 2017, payment of £100. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 14 November 2017, payment of £100. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 8 December 2017, payment of £60. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 20 December 2017, payment of £30. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)

21 January 2019 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings


7 January 2019 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings


19 November 2018 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • 28 February 2017, payment of £100. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 11 April 2017, payment of £50. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 30 May 2017, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 30 August 2017, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 22 September 2017, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 3 September 2017, received £200 from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW, for an opinion survey. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)

13 August 2018 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • 19 March 2018, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 2 April 2018, payment of £50. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 20 April 2018, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 28 May 2018, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 23 July 2018, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 15 February 2018, payment of £60. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 21 March 2018, payment of £80. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 8 May 2018, payment of £80. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 20 June 2018, payment of £20. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)
  • 5 July 2018, payment of £70. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 27 July 2018)

6. Land and property portfolio: (i) value over £100,000 and/or (ii) giving rental income of over £10,000 a year

  • One residential property in London: (i) and (ii).
  • Until 25 June 2018, one residential property in London: (i) and (ii). (Updated 31 July 2018)

16 July 2018 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings


2 July 2018 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings


16 April 2018 - View full entry

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Qatar
    Address of donor: Qatar Embassy, 1 South Audley Street, London W1K 1NB

    Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Air travel, food and accommodation with an approximate value of £5,100

    Destination of visit: Qatar

    Dates of visit: 14-17 February 2017

    Purpose of visit: British-Qatar APPG visit to meet Ministers, officials, visit world cup sites to discuss issues of bilateral relations and regional crises.

    (Registered 30 March 2017)

5 March 2018 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • 28 February 2017, received £100. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 11 April 2017, received £50. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 30 May 2017, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 30 August 2017, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 22 September 2017, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 28 February 2017, payment of £100. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 11 April 2017, payment of £50. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 30 May 2017, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 30 August 2017, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 22 September 2017, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 5 October 2017, payment of £150. Hours: 40 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 16 November 2017, payment of £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • Payments from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT, for opinion surveys. All fees are paid direct to my constituency party:
  • 8 February 2017, payment of £20. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 21 March 2017, payment of £80. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 25 April 2017, payment of £20. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 26 July 2017, payment of £80. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 2 October 2017, payment of £40. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 26 October 2017, payment of £40. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 14 November 2017, payment of £100. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 14 November 2017, payment of £100. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 8 December 2017, payment of £60. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)
  • 20 December 2017, payment of £30. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 01 March 2018)

5 February 2018 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • 8 March 2016, received £50. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 8 April 2016, received £100. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 9 May 2016, received £75. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 30 June 2016, received £50. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 22 July 2016, received £75. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 12 October 2016, received £75. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 9 December 2016, received £75. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 21 December 2016, received £50. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • Payments from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT, for opinion surveys. All fees are paid direct to my constituency party:
  • 7 January 2016, received £50. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 23 March 2016, received £20. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 6 May 2016, received £80. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 17 June 2016, received £40. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 3 August 2016, received £80. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 25 November 2016, received £60. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 14 December 2016, received £60. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)

11 December 2017 - View full entry

3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources

  • Name of donor: English Football League
    Address of donor: 55 Blandford Street, London W1U 7HW

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: two tickets and hospitality to watch Sheffield Wednesday FC at Wembley in the Championship Playoff Final, total estimated value £650

    Date received: 28 May 2016

    Date accepted: 28 May 2016

    Donor status: company, registration 04112553

    (Registered 08 November 2016)

13 November 2017 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • 28 February 2017, received £100. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 11 April 2017, received £50. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 30 May 2017, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 30 August 2017, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 22 September 2017, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)
  • 3 September 2017, received £200 from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW, for an opinion survey. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 24 October 2017)

11 September 2017 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • Payments from Ipsos MORI, 79-81 Borough Road, London SE1 1FY for opinion surveys. All fees are paid direct to my constituency party:
  • 18 November 2015, received £200. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 01 August 2016)
  • 20 September 2015, received £75. Hours 30 mins. (Registered 01 August 2016)
  • 22 October 2015, received £75. Hours 30 mins. (Registered 01 August 2016)
  • 25 November 2015, received £75. Hours 30 mins. (Registered 01 August 2016)

10 April 2017 - View full entry

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: Fateh Movement UK branch
    Address of donor: 5 Galena Rd, London W6 0LT

    Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): for a member of staff and me, air tickets £700, hotel and food £600, total £1,300

    Destination of visit: Jerusalem and the West Bank

    Date of visit: 14-18 February 2016

    Purpose of visit: fact finding political delegation to Israel and the West Bank.

    (Registered 14 March 2016)
  • Name of donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Qatar
    Address of donor: Qatar Embassy, 1 South Audley Street, London W1K 1NB

    Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Air travel, food and accommodation with an approximate value of £5,100

    Destination of visit: Qatar

    Dates of visit: 14-17 February 2017

    Purpose of visit: British-Qatar APPG visit to meet Ministers, officials, visit world cup sites to discuss issues of bilateral relations and regional crises.

    (Registered 30 March 2017)

23 January 2017 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • 8 March 2016, received £50. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 8 April 2016, received £100. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 9 May 2016, received £75. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 30 June 2016, received £50. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 22 July 2016, received £75. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 12 October 2016, received £75. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 9 December 2016, received £75. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 21 December 2016, received £50. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • Payments from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT, for opinion surveys. All fees are paid direct to my constituency party:
  • 7 January 2016, received £50. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 23 March 2016, received £20. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 6 May 2016, received £80. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 17 June 2016, received £40. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 3 August 2016, received £80. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 25 November 2016, received £60. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)
  • 14 December 2016, received £60. Hours: approx. 30 mins. (Registered 19 January 2017)

5 December 2016 - View full entry

3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources

  • Name of donor: English Football League
    Address of donor: 55 Blandford Street, London W1U 7HW

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: two tickets and hospitality to watch Sheffield Wednesday FC at Wembley in the Championship Playoff Final, total estimated value £650

    Date received: 28 May 2016

    Date accepted: 28 May 2016

    Donor status: company, registration 04112553

    (Registered 08 November 2016)
  • Name of donor: English Football League
    Address of donor: 55 Blandford Street, London W1U 7HW

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: two tickets and hospitality to watch Sheffield Wednesday FC at Wembley in the Championship Playoff Final, total estimated value £650

    Date received: 28 May 2016

    Date accepted: 28 May 2016

    Donor status: company, registration 04112553

    (Registered 08 November 2016)

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: Fateh Movement UK branch
    Address of donor: 5 Galena Rd, London W6 0LT

    Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): for a member of staff and me, air tickets £700, hotel and food £600, total £1,300

    Destination of visit: Jerusalem and the West Bank

    Date of visit: 14-18 February 2016

    Purpose of visit: fact finding political delegation to Israel and the West Bank.

    (Registered 14 March 2016)
  • Name of donor: Fateh Movement UK branch
    Address of donor: 5 Galena Rd, London W6 0LT

    Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): for a member of staff and me, air tickets £700, hotel and food £600, total £1,300

    Destination of visit: Jerusalem and the West Bank

    Date of visit: 14-18 February 2016

    Purpose of visit: fact finding political delegation to Israel and the West Bank.

    (Registered 14 March 2016)

6. Land and property portfolio: (i) value over £100,000 and/or (ii) giving rental income of over £10,000 a year

  • One residential property in London: (i) and (ii).
  • One residential property in London: (i) and (ii).

21 November 2016 - View full entry

3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources

  • Name of donor: English Football League
    Address of donor: 55 Blandford Street, London W1U 7HW

    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: two tickets and hospitality to watch Sheffield Wednesday FC at Wembley in the Championship Playoff Final, total estimated value £650

    Date received: 28 May 2016

    Date accepted: 28 May 2016

    Donor status: company, registration 04112553

    (Registered 08 November 2016)

1 August 2016 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • Payments from Ipsos MORI, 79-81 Borough Road, London SE1 1FY for opinion surveys. All fees are paid direct to my constituency party:
  • 18 November 2015, received £200. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 01 August 2016)
  • Payments from ComRes, Four Millbank, London SW1P 3JA, for opinion surveys. All fees are paid direct to my constituency party:
  • 20 September 2015, received £75. Hours 30 mins. (Registered 01 August 2016)
  • 22 October 2015, received £75. Hours 30 mins. (Registered 01 August 2016)
  • 25 November 2015, received £75. Hours 30 mins. (Registered 01 August 2016)

6 June 2016 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • Payments from ComRes, Four Millbank, London SW1P 3JA, for opinion surveys. All fees are paid direct to my constituency party:
  • April 2015, received £75. Hours 30 mins (Registered 13 May 2015)
  • Payment from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC17 8RT:
  • April 2015, received £100. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 13 May 2015)

18 April 2016 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • 9 February 2015, received £100. Hours 30 mins. (Registered 26 March 2015)
  • 24 February 2015, received £75. Hours 30 mins (Registered 26 March 2015)

21 March 2016 - View full entry

4. Visits outside the UK

  • Name of donor: Fateh Movement UK branch
    Address of donor: 5 Galena Rd, London W6 0LT

    Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): for a member of staff and me, air tickets £700, hotel and food £600, total £1,300

    Destination of visit: Jerusalem and the West Bank

    Date of visit: 14-18 February 2016

    Purpose of visit: fact finding political delegation to Israel and the West Bank.

    (Registered 14 March 2016)

6. Land and property: (i) value over £100,000 (ii) rental income of over £10,000 a year

  • One residential property in London: (i) and (ii)
  • One residential property in London: (i) and (ii).

8 February 2016 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • March 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • April 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • May 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • June 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • October 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • November 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • December 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • Payments from Ipsos MORI, 79-81 Borough Road, London SE1 1FY for opinion surveys. All fees are paid direct to my constituency party:
  • January 2015, received £200. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)

8 June 2015 - View full entry

1. Employment and earnings

  • Payments from ComRes, Four Millbank, London SW1P 3JA, for opinion surveys. All fees are paid direct to my constituency party:
  • March 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • April 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • May 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • June 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • October 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • November 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • December 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • 9 February 2015, received £100. Hours 30 mins. (Registered 26 March 2015)
  • 24 February 2015, received £75. Hours 30 mins (Registered 26 March 2015)
  • April 2015, received £75. Hours 30 mins (Registered 13 May 2015)
  • Payments from Ipsos MORI, 79-81 Borough Road, London SE1 1FY for opinion surveys. All fees are paid direct to my constituency party:
  • January 2015, received £200. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • Payment from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC17 8RT:
  • April 2015, received £100. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 13 May 2015)

6. Land and property: (i) value over £100,000 (ii) rental income of over £10,000 a year

  • One residential property in London: (i) and (ii)

9. Family members employed and paid from parliamentary expenses

  • I employ my partner, James Thomas, as Senior Parliamentary Assistant.

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Payments from ComRes, Four Millbank, London SW1P 3JA, for opinion surveys. All fees are paid direct to my constituency party:
  • March 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • April 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • May 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • June 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • October 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • November 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • December 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • 9 February 2015, received £100. Hours 30 mins. (Registered 26 March 2015)
  • 24 February 2015, received £75. Hours 30 mins (Registered 26 March 2015)
  • Payments from Ipsos MORI, 79-81 Borough Road, London SE1 1FY for opinion surveys. All fees are paid direct to my constituency party:
  • January 2015, received £200. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)

8. Land and Property

  • One residential property in London, from which rental income is received.

30 March 2015 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 9 February 2015, received £100. Hours 30 mins. (Registered 26 March 2015)
  • 24 February 2015, received £75. Hours 30 mins (Registered 26 March 2015)

26 January 2015 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Payments from ComRes, Four Millbank, London SW1P 3JA, for opinion surveys. All fees are paid direct to my constituency party:
  • March 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • April 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • May 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • June 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • October 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • November 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • December 2014, received £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)
  • Payments from Ipsos MORI, 79-81 Borough Road, London SE1 1FY for opinion surveys. All fees are paid direct to my constituency party:
  • January 2015, received £200. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 26 January 2015)

8. Land and Property

  • One residential property in London, for which rental income is received.
  • One residential property in London, from which rental income is received.

10 November 2014 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Payments from ComRes, Four Millbank, London SW1P 3JA, for completing surveys. All payments are donated directly to my constituency party:
  • 7 October 2013, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 7 October 2013)

26 August 2014 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 20 December 2012, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 28 July 2013)
  • 3 January 2013, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 28 July 2013)
  • 26 February 2013, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 28 July 2013)
  • 13 May 2013, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 28 July 2013)
  • 17 May 2013, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 28 July 2013)
  • Payment of £100 from Leftfield, 51 Clink Street Studios, Clink St, London SE1 9DG, for completing survey. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 28 July 2013)

14 October 2013 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 7 October 2013, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 7 October 2013)

9 September 2013 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 13 February 2012, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 9 August 2012)
  • 11 April 2012, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 9 August 2012)
  • 18 July 2012, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 9 August 2012)
  • Payments from Populus Ltd, 10 Northburgh Street, London EC1V 0AT, for completing surveys. All payments are donated directly to my constituency party:
  • Payment from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT, for completing survey:
  • 23 July 2012, £70. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 9 August 2012)

29 July 2013 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 20 December 2012, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 28 July 2013)
  • 3 January 2013, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 28 July 2013)
  • 26 February 2013, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 28 July 2013)
  • 13 May 2013, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 28 July 2013)
  • 17 May 2013, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 28 July 2013)
  • Payment of £100 from Leftfield, 51 Clink Street Studios, Clink St, London SE1 9DG, for completing survey. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 28 July 2013)

11 March 2013 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 4 January 2012, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 2 February 2012)

4 February 2013 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 1 March 2011, £75. Hours; 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 14 March 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 28 March 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 8 May 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 19 May 2011, £100. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 6 June 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 1 July 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 2 November 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 2 December 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 18 March 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 28 March 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 27 September 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)

3 September 2012 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 13 February 2012, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 9 August 2012)
  • 11 April 2012, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 9 August 2012)
  • 18 July 2012, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 9 August 2012)
  • Payment from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT, for completing survey:
  • 23 July 2012, £70. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 9 August 2012)

20 February 2012 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • £75 for May 2010 survey. Hours: 30 mins.
  • £75 for September 2010 survey. Hours 30 mins.
  • £75 for October 2010 survey. Hours: 30 mins.
  • £75 for November 2010 survey. Hours: 30 mins.
  • £75 for January 2011 survey. Hours: 30 mins.
  • (Registered 16 February 2011)
  • £50 for May 2010 survey. Hours: 15 mins.
  • £50 for September 2010 survey. Hours: 15 mins
  • £50 for December 2010 survey. Hours: 15 mins.
  • (Registered 16 February 2011)
  • Payment of £75 from BPRI, 24-28 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2PX, for completing a survey in May 2010. Hours: 25 mins. Payment donated directly to my constituency party. (Registered 16 February 2011)
  • Payment of £150 from Ipsos MORI, 79-81 Borough Road, London SE1 1FY, for completing a survey in August 2010. Hours: 50 mins. Payment donated directly to my constituency party. (Registered 16 February 2011)
  • Paymentof £80 from YouGov, 50 Featherstone St, London EC1Y 8RT, for completing a survey in February 2011. Payment donated to my constituency party. 9registered 16 February 2011)
  • 4 January 2012, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 2 February 2012)

13 January 2012 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • 1 March 2011, £75. Hours; 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 14 March 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 28 March 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 8 May 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 19 May 2011, £100. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 6 June 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 1 July 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 2 November 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 2 December 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 18 March 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 28 March 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)
  • 27 September 2011, £75. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 4 January 2012)

4. Sponsorship or financial or material support

  • Sheffield City Council provide me with an office at a reduced charge which contributes towards rent and rates. Staff, furniture, telephone and cleaning costs are paid by myself; heating and lighting is provided by the Council.

14 March 2011 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Payments from ComRes, Four Millbank, London SW1P 3JA, for completing surveys. All payments are donated directly to my constituency party:
  • £75 for May 2010 survey. Hours: 30 mins.
  • £75 for September 2010 survey. Hours 30 mins.
  • £75 for October 2010 survey. Hours: 30 mins.
  • £75 for November 2010 survey. Hours: 30 mins.
  • £75 for January 2011 survey. Hours: 30 mins.
  • (Registered 16 February 2011)
  • Payments from Populus Ltd, 10 Northburgh Street, London EC1V 0AT, for completing surveys. All payments are donated directly to my constituency party:
  • £50 for May 2010 survey. Hours: 15 mins.
  • £50 for September 2010 survey. Hours: 15 mins
  • £50 for December 2010 survey. Hours: 15 mins.
  • (Registered 16 February 2011)
  • Payment of £75 from BPRI, 24-28 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2PX, for completing a survey in May 2010. Hours: 25 mins. Payment donated directly to my constituency party. (Registered 16 February 2011)
  • Payment of £150 from Ipsos MORI, 79-81 Borough Road, London SE1 1FY, for completing a survey in August 2010. Hours: 50 mins. Payment donated directly to my constituency party. (Registered 16 February 2011)
  • Paymentof £80 from YouGov, 50 Featherstone St, London EC1Y 8RT, for completing a survey in February 2011. Payment donated to my constituency party. 9registered 16 February 2011)

6 September 2010 - View full entry

8. Land and Property

  • One residential property in London, for which rental income is received.

10 June 2009 - View full entry

6. Overseas visits

  • 7-12 February 2008, to Ghana, to play a football match against the Ghanaian Parliament at their invitation to celebrate their 50th anniversary of independence, to visit an SOS Villages project and a refugee camp at the invitation of PLAY Ghana, and to attend the African Nations Cup Final, with accommodation, food and local transport provided by the Parliament of Ghana and a contribution towards the air fare provide by our club sponsors National Grid,who also helped provide a charitable donation to SOS Villages. (Registered 9 June 2008)
  • 15-17 May 2008, to Guernsey at the invitation of the States of Guernsey, to play a football match with accommodation and hospitality provided by the States of Guernsey and a contribution to the air fare provided by our club sponsors National Grid. (Registered 9 June 2008)

22 July 2008 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Fees for lectures given for Neil Stewart Associates. (Up to £5,000)

16 June 2008 - View full entry

6. Overseas visits

  • 7-12 February 2008, to Ghana, to play a football match against the Ghanaian Parliament at their invitation to celebrate their 50th anniversary of independence, to visit an SOS Villages project and a refugee camp at the invitation of PLAY Ghana, and to attend the African Nations Cup Final, with accommodation, food and local transport provided by the Parliament of Ghana and a contribution towards the air fare provide by our club sponsors National Grid,who also helped provide a charitable donation to SOS Villages. (Registered 9 June 2008)
  • 15-17 May 2008, to Guernsey at the invitation of the States of Guernsey, to play a football match with accommodation and hospitality provided by the States of Guernsey and a contribution to the air fare provided by our club sponsors National Grid. (Registered 9 June 2008)

9 October 2007 - View full entry

6. Overseas visits

  • 8-11 June 2006, to Germany as a member of the UK Parliamentary Football Club, to attend the World Cup and play football matches for charity. I received match ticket, hospitality and coach transport from McDonald's, and hospitality and coach transport from National Grid. (Registered 29 August 2006)

19 September 2006 - View full entry

6. Overseas visits

  • 8-11 June 2006, to Germany as a member of the UK Parliamentary Football Club, to attend the World Cup and play football matches for charity. I received match ticket, hospitality and coach transport from McDonald's, and hospitality and coach transport from National Grid. (Registered 29 August 2006)

1 November 2005 - View full entry

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

  • Fees for lectures given for Neil Stewart Associates. (Up to £5,000)

6. Overseas visits

  • 13-16 February 2004, to Saudi Arabia, at the invitation of the Advisory Council of Saudi Arabia, who provided flights, accommodation and meals, and arrangements made by the Council for Arab-British Understanding. (Registered 20 April 2004)
  • 4-7 April 2004, to Qatar, to attend the Conference on Democracy and Free Trade, with flights, accommodation and meals provided by the Government of Qatar. (Registered 20 April 2004)
  • 11-14 June 2004, to Portugal as a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Football Team, with travel, accommodation and hospitality provided by McDonalds, and football facilities and hospitality by the Portuguese Parliament. (Registered 5 July 2004)

16 July 2004 - View full entry

6. Overseas visits

  • 11-14 June 2004, to Portugal as a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Football Team, with travel, accommodation and hospitality provided by McDonalds, and football facilities and hospitality by the Portuguese Parliament. (Registered 5 July 2004)

21 May 2004 - View full entry

6. Overseas visits

  • 6-14 October 2002, to New York and Los Angeles in the United States with Commons and Lords Rugby team. Members contributed to the cost of flights and hotels. Financial support was also received from Halewood International, Chase de Vere, Halcrow, GEM Construction, Volt Europe, GlaxoSmithKline. Rugby kit was provided by Nike. (Registered 4 December 2002)
  • 13-16 February 2004, to Saudi Arabia, at the invitation of the Advisory Council of Saudi Arabia, who provided flights, accommodation and meals, and arrangements made by the Council for Arab-British Understanding. (Registered 20 April 2004)
  • 4-7 April 2004, to Qatar, to attend the Conference on Democracy and Free Trade, with flights, accommodation and meals provided by the Government of Qatar. (Registered 20 April 2004)

4 December 2003 - View full entry

4. Sponsorship or financial or material support

  • Sheffield City Council provide me with an office at a reduced charge towards rent and rates. Staff, furniture, telephone and cleaning costs are paid by myself; heating and lighting is provided by the Council.
  • Sheffield City Council provide me with an office at a reduced charge which contributes towards rent and rates. Staff, furniture, telephone and cleaning costs are paid by myself; heating and lighting is provided by the Council.

6. Overseas visits

  • 2-10 February 2002, to Japan for a conference with Japanese Parliamentarians. Half of the cost was met by the Japanese Government and half by the British Government. (Registered 8 March 2002)
  • 4-6 May 2002, to Qatar, on behalf of the Council for the Advancement of Arab British Understanding, to meet Prime Minister and other Government representatives. Return flight and accommodation paid for by the State of Qatar. (Registered 20 October 2002)
  • 28 May-8 June 2002, to Japan as a member of the Parliamentary Football Club, with a contribution towards the cost of the trip from Nomura Bank, First Group, T-Mobile and Waterfront Properties; hospitality and transport provided by Nomura Bank, transport by First Group; sports kit by Nike; and suits and accessories at discounted price by Burtons. (Registered 20 October 2002)
  • 6-14 October 2002, to New York and Los Angeles in the United States with Commons and Lords Rugby team. Members contributed to the cost of flights and hotels. Financial support was also received from Halewood International, Chase de Vere, Halcrow, GEM Construction, Volt Europe, GlaxoSmithKline. Rugby kit was provided by Nike. (Registered 4 December 2002)

26 November 2002 - View full entry

4. Sponsorship or financial or material support

  • Office provided by Sheffield City Council at an annual charge of £2000 towards rent and rates. Staff, furniture, telephone and cleaning costs are paid by myself; heating and lighting is provided by the Council.
  • Sheffield City Council provide me with an office at a reduced charge towards rent and rates. Staff, furniture, telephone and cleaning costs are paid by myself; heating and lighting is provided by the Council.

6. Overseas visits

  • 4-6 May 2002, to Qatar, on behalf of the Council for the Advancement of Arab British Understanding, to meet Prime Minister and other Government representatives. Return flight and accommodation paid for by the State of Qatar. (Registered 20 October 2002)
  • 28 May-8 June 2002, to Japan as a member of the Parliamentary Football Club, with a contribution towards the cost of the trip from Nomura Bank, First Group, T-Mobile and Waterfront Properties; hospitality and transport provided by Nomura Bank, transport by First Group; sports kit by Nike; and suits and accessories at discounted price by Burtons. (Registered 20 October 2002)

14 May 2002 - View full entry

4. Sponsorship or financial or material support

  • Office provided by Sheffield City Council at an annual charge of £1000 towards rent and rates, together with a one-off £1000 charge towards adaptation costs. Staff, furniture, telephone and cleaning costs are paid by myself; heating and lighting is provided by the Council.
  • Office provided by Sheffield City Council at an annual charge of £2000 towards rent and rates. Staff, furniture, telephone and cleaning costs are paid by myself; heating and lighting is provided by the Council.

6. Overseas visits

  • 2-10 February 2002, to Japan for a conference with Japanese Parliamentarians. Half of the cost was met by the Japanese Government and half by the British Government. (Registered 8 March 2002)

14 May 2001 - View full entry

5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

  • May 1999, tickets and hospitality at the three play-off finals provided by the Football League. (Registered 22 June 1999)
  • September 1999, during the visit of the Hungarian Parliamentary Football Team to the UK, I received hospitality sponsored by Powergen Ltd., Provident Finance and West Ham FC. (Registered 17 December 1999)

6. Overseas visits

  • 10 September 1999, to Portugal with the Parliamentary Football Team, travel costs met by National Express Ltd., cost of football kit met by Spall Sports. (Registered 17 December 1999)

10 November 2000 (first entry we have)

4. Sponsorship or financial or material support

  • Office provided by Sheffield City Council at an annual charge of £1000 towards rent and rates, together with a one-off £1000 charge towards adaptation costs. Staff, furniture, telephone and cleaning costs are paid by myself; heating and lighting is provided by the Council.

5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

  • May 1999, tickets and hospitality at the three play-off finals provided by the Football League. (Registered 22 June 1999)
  • September 1999, during the visit of the Hungarian Parliamentary Football Team to the UK, I received hospitality sponsored by Powergen Ltd., Provident Finance and West Ham FC. (Registered 17 December 1999)

6. Overseas visits

  • 10 September 1999, to Portugal with the Parliamentary Football Team, travel costs met by National Express Ltd., cost of football kit met by Spall Sports. (Registered 17 December 1999)