Baroness Black of Strome

Crossbench Peer

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Crossbench Peer

Entered the House of Lords on 26 April 2021

Recent appearances

  • Assisted Dying Bill [HL] - Second Reading: Amendment to the Motion 22 Oct 2021

    My Lords, I congratulate my noble friend Lady Davidson of Lundin Links on her remarkable maiden speech, which she expressed with such clarity, passion and eloquence. So much has been said, so I will try not to repeat. My friend Geoffrey Hillyard committed suicide last year at the age of 90. His aphorism was “I will choose when to die” and he was fortunate to be able to do so. He...
  • Skills and Post-16 Education Bill [HL] - Second Reading 15 Jun 2021

    My Lords, it is a great honour to have been appointed to your Lordships’ House and to speak here today for the first time. I draw the attention of the House to my current employment in higher education. I am sure that most noble Lords will remember only too clearly how they felt in those first few days and how grateful they were for the generosity of spirit shown to them by others. That...

More of Baroness Black of Strome’s recent appearances

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