Previously called Standing Committees, Public Bill Commitees study proposed legislation (Bills) in detail, debating each clause and reporting any amendments to the Commons for further debate.
There are at least 16 MPs on a Committee, and the proportion of parties reflects the House of Commons, so the government always has a majority.
[Mr. Christopher Chope in the Chair]
[Mr. Christopher Chope in the Chair] AS 05 OCR AS 07 AQA AS 08 Ofqual
[Mr. Christopher Chope in the Chair] AS 09 Alliance for Inclusive Education AS 10 National Union of Teachers AS 11 NASUWT
[Mr. Christopher Chope in the Chair] AS 12 Local Government Employers and Foundation & Aided Schools National Association
[Mrs. Joan Humble in the Chair]
[Mrs. Joan Humble in the Chair] AS 13 GMB, Unison and Unite AS 14 Childrens Rights Alliance for England AS 15 Participation
Duty to issue apprenticeship certificates: England
Issue of certificates by the English certifying authority: supplementary
The English certifying authority
The Welsh certifying authority
Contents of apprenticeship certificate
Apprenticeship frameworks: interpretation
[Mrs. Joan Humble in the Chair]
Apprenticeship frameworks: interpretation
English issuing authority
Submission of draft apprenticeship framework for issue: England
Transitional provision for apprenticeship frameworks: England
Welsh issuing authority
Recognised Welsh frameworks: notification and publication requirements
Transitional provision for apprenticeship frameworks: Wales
Duty to prepare and submit draft specification of apprenticeship standards: England
[Mrs. Joan Humble in the Chair]
Duty to prepare and submit draft specification of appprenticeship standards: England
Modification of specification of apprenticeship standards for England
Replacement or modification of specification of apprenticeship standards: recognised English frameworks
Contents of specification of apprenticeship standards for England
Specification of apprenticeship standards for Wales
Modification of specification of apprenticeship standards for Wales
Meaning of apprenticeship agreement
Crown servants and Parliamentary staff
Careers education
Apprenticeship sectors 2.45 pm
Interpretation of Chapter
Employer support for employee study and training
[Mr. Christopher Chope in the Chair]
Education and training for persons over compulsory school age: general duty
Power to require provision of education by institutions within further education sector
Duties in relation to the core and additional entitlements
Provision of boarding accommodation: persons subject to learning difficulty assessment
Work experience for persons over compulsory school age
[Mr. Christopher Chope in the Chair]
Work experience for persons over compulsory school age
Provision of education for persons subject to youth detention
Persons detained in youth accommodation: application of provisions
Persons detained in youth accommodation: further provisions
Detention of child or young person: local education authority to be notified
Transport policy statements for persons of sixth form age: consultation
Complaints about transport arrangements etc for persons of sixth form age
Local education authorities in England: provision of transport etc for adult learners
LEA functions: minor and consequential amendments
The Young Peoples Learning Agency for England
The Young Peoples Learning Agency for England
Provision of financial resources
Financial resources: conditions
Performance assessments
Means tests
Securing provision of education and training
Intervention for purpose of securing provision of education and training
[Mr. Christopher Chope in the Chair] AS 22 Eileen Richardson (SouthBank Training Ltd) AS 23 Lilian Mains (Zodiac Training)
Guidance by YPLA
Intervention powers: policy statement
Guidance by Secretary of State
Academy arrangements
[Mr. Christopher Chope in the Chair]
Academy arrangements
Grants for purposes of Academy arrangements functions
Academy arrangements: information sharing
Interpretation of Part
The Chief Executive of Skills Funding
Apprenticeship functions
Apprenticeship training for persons aged 16 to 18 and certain young adults
Arrangements and co-operation with local education authorities
Duty to secure availability of apprenticeship places for persons aged 16 to 18
Election for apprenticeship scheme
Suitability and availability of apprenticeship places: further provision
Suspension of scheme
[Mrs. Joan Humble in the Chair] AS 24 National Union of Teachers (Supplementary)
Power to amend apprenticeship scheme
Education and training for persons aged 19 or over and others subject to adult detention
Learning aims for persons aged 19 or over: provisions of facilities
learning aims for persons aged 19 or over
Encouragement of education and training for persons aged 19 or over and others subject to adult detention
Provision of financial resources
Financial resources: conditions
Performance assessments
Assistance and support in relation to apprenticeship places
Research, information and advice
Strategies: duty of Chief Executive
Persons aged 19 or over with learning difficulties
Guidance Amendment made: 293, in clause 114, page 66, line 21, leave out from time to time.(Mr. Simon.)
Directions: funding of qualifications
Directions: funding conditions requiring co-operation
Interpretation of Part
Sharing of information for education and training purposes
dissolution of the Learning and Skills Council for England: Minor and consequential amendments
learning and Skills Council for England: transfer schemes
[Mrs. Joan Humble in the Chair]
The Young Peoples Learning Agency for England
Sixth form college sector
The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation
[Mrs. Joan Humble in the Chair] AS 25 The Foundation and Aided Schools National Association
General duties
Meaning of regulated qualifications etc.
Meaning of regulated assessment arrangements etc.
Criteria for recognition
[Mrs. Joan Humble in the Chair]
Criteria for recognition
General conditions of recognition
Fee capping conditions: supplementary
Entry and inspection conditions: supplementary
Qualifications subject to the accreditation requirement
Criteria for accreditation
Power of secretary of state to determine minimum requirements
Assignment of numbers of hours of guided learning
Criteria for assignment of number of hours of guided learning
Review of activities of recognised bodies
Power to give directions
Power to withdraw recognition
Qualifications regulatory framework
Co-operation and joint working
Power to provide information to other qualifications regulators
EYFS assessment arrangements: duty to consult Ofqual etc.
Review of regulated assessment arrangements
NC assessments regulatory framework
EYFS assessments regulatory framework
Annual and other reports
The Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency
Qualifications: general functions
Assistance etc. in relation functions of Ofqual
Assessment arrangements
Provision of services or other assistance
Co-operation and joint working
Guidance by the Secretary of State
Interpretation of Part
Ofqual and the QCDA: minor and consequential amendments
Arrangements to promote co-operation
Childrens Trust Boards
Arrangements for childrens centres
Inspection of childrens centres
[Mr Christopher Chope in the Chair] [Continuation from column 756]
Free of charge early years provision: budgetary framework: England
Powers in relation to schools causing concern: England
Powers in relation to schools causing concern: England
Power to require LEAs in England to obtain advisory services
Powers in relation to schools causing concern: wales
Complaints to which this chapter applies
Power of Local Commissioner to investigate complaint
Time-limit etc for making complaint
Permitted disclosures of information by Local Commissioner
Annual reports
Secretary of States power of direction
Amendments consequential on Chapter 2
Interpretation of Chapter 2
Interim statements
The School Support Staff Negotiating Body
Referral of matter to SSSNB for consideration
Consideration of other matters by SSSNB
Power of members of staff to search pupils for prohibited items: England
[Mr Christopher Chope in the Chair] [Continuation from column 834]
Recording and reporting the use of force in schools: England
Co-operation with a view to promoting good behaviour, etc.: England
Short stay schools: miscellaneous
Information about planned and actual expenditure
Orders and regulations
Repeals and revocations
Release from detention of child or young person with special educational needs (1) The Education Act 1996 (c. 56) is amended as follows. (2) After section 312 insert 312A...
Free school meals (1) A local education authority may provide registered students at (a) a sixth form college, or (b) a further education college, who are over compulsory school age,...
Sharing of information for education and training purposes (1) A person within subsection (3) may provide information to another person within that subsection, or a person within subsection...
Surrender of recognition (1) A recognised body may give notice to Ofqual that it wishes to cease to be recognised in respect of the award or authentication of a specified qualification or...
Duty not to impose or maintain unnecessary burdens (1) Ofqual must keep its regulatory functions under review. (2) Ofqual must secure that in performing any of its regulatory functions it...
Parental complaints: law of defamation (1) For the purposes of the law of defamation the following are absolutely privileged (a) the publication of any matter in communications...
Parental complaints: consultation with Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration (1) Subsection (2) applies if, at any stage in the course of an investigation under this Chapter, a...
Parental complaints: arrangements etc. to be made by Commission (1) The Commission for Local Administration in England (the Commission) must (a) divide the matters which...
Children to be seen separately After section 16 of the Children Act 2004 insert 16A Children to be seen separately (1) The childrens services authority shall secure that,...
Committee membership and attendance (out of 18)
[ Committee memberships can change partway through ]