– in the Northern Ireland Assembly on 2 December 2024.
1. Ms Nicholl asked the Minister of Education whether he is considering the development of a universal 0-3 learning framework. (AQO 1228/22-27)
2. Mr Crawford asked the Minister of Education to outline any support available to assist with maintenance of the exterior of a school building. (AQO 1229/22-27)
3. Mr Tennyson asked the Minister of Education to outline his plans to reform academic selection in the education system. (AQO 1230/22-27)
4. Mr McAleer asked the Minister of Education for an update on his capital investment plans for Dean Maguirc College, Carrickmore. (AQO 1231/22-27)
5. Mr Durkan asked the Minister of Education for an update on the status of the major capital works programme. (AQO 1232/22-27)
6. Mr Donnelly asked the Minister of Education for an update on the action he has taken to resolve the teachers' pay claim for 2024-25. (AQO 1233/22-27)
7. Ms Bradshaw asked the Minister of Education for an update on the new build of Forge Integrated Primary School. (AQO 1234/22-27)
8. Mr Martin asked the Minister of Education whether the new delivery and implementation group, which is examining the development of a management authority to support controlled schools, will...
T1. Ms Hunter asked the Minister of Education, having last week met a range of people, from parents of children with special educational needs and child carers to children who have experienced a...
T2. Mr Clarke asked the Minister of Education to provide an update on the UK Education Ministers Council. (AQT 822/22-27)
T3. Mr Donnelly asked the Minister of Education whether he will publish an action plan for the implementation of the end-to-end review of special educational needs. (AQT 823/22-27)
T4. Dr Aiken asked the Minister of Education what consideration he has given to the use of the National Wealth Fund or the increased use of financial transactions capital (FTC) to deliver...
T6. Ms Sugden asked the Minister of Education whether there is scope in his expected Bill to extend compulsory education to 18 and legislate for post-19 SEN to 25. (AQT 826/22-27)
Minister, I am incredibly proud of my time at Laurelhill and of all the pupils who went through that school. It was truly a child-centred school, which is really important for education.
T10. Mr Middleton asked the Minister of Education when he anticipates the payment to Education Authority support staff arising from the pay and grading review to be made. (AQT 830/22-27)