Ministerial Appointments

Assembly Business – in the Northern Ireland Assembly at 3:00 pm on 3 February 2024.

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Photo of Edwin Poots Edwin Poots DUP 3:00, 3 February 2024

I will conduct the process for filling these offices in accordance with the procedure set out in section 18 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 and Standing Order 44. I will ask the nominating officer of each political party in the order required by the formula contained in section 18(5) to select an available ministerial office and nominate a person to hold it who is a member of his or her party and a Member of the Assembly.

I have received notification that the nominating officers for this item of business for the Alliance Party will be Paula Bradshaw; for the SDLP, Ms Cara Hunter; and for the UUP, Mr John Stewart. If a nominating officer declines to nominate, I will invite the nominating officer of the next political party determined by the formula to nominate a Member to hold ministerial office.

I call Michelle O'Neill, as nominating officer of the political party to which the formula laid down in section 18 gives the highest figure, to select a ministerial office and nominate a person to hold it who is a member of her party and a Member of the Assembly.

Photo of Edwin Poots Edwin Poots DUP

Does Conor Murphy confirm that he is willing to take up office and affirm the terms of the Pledge of Office.

Photo of Conor Murphy Conor Murphy Sinn Féin

Tá mé sásta, a Cheann Comhairle, agus tá mé toilteanach glacadh leis an oifig.

[Translation: I confirm, Mr Speaker, that I am willing to take up the office of Minister for the Economy.]

I affirm the terms of the Pledge of Office as set out in schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

Photo of Edwin Poots Edwin Poots DUP

Conor Murphy is now Minister for the Economy.

I call on Keith Buchanan, as nominating officer of the political party for which the formula laid down in section 18 gives the highest figure, to select a ministerial office and nominate a person to hold it who is a member of his party and a Member of the Assembly.

Photo of Keith Buchanan Keith Buchanan DUP

I select the Department of Education, and I nominate Paul Givan MLA.

Photo of Edwin Poots Edwin Poots DUP

Does Mr Givan confirm that he is willing to take up office and affirm the Pledge of Office?

Photo of Paul Givan Paul Givan DUP

I confirm that I am willing to take up the office of Minister of Education, and I affirm the terms of the Pledge of Office as set out in schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

Photo of Edwin Poots Edwin Poots DUP

Paul Givan is now the Minister of Education.

Photo of Sinéad Ennis Sinéad Ennis Sinn Féin

May we have a slight suspension? Proceedings have run contrary to how we expected.

Photo of Edwin Poots Edwin Poots DUP

OK. We will suspend for 15 minutes.

The sitting was suspended at 3.42 pm and resumed at 3.54 pm.

Photo of Edwin Poots Edwin Poots DUP

I call on Michelle O'Neill, as nominating officer of the political party for which the formula laid down in section 18 gives the highest figure, to select a ministerial office and nominate a Member to hold it who is a member of her party and of the Assembly.

Photo of Michelle O'Neill Michelle O'Neill Sinn Féin

I choose the Department of Finance and nominate Dr Caoimhe Archibald.

Photo of Edwin Poots Edwin Poots DUP

Will the Member confirm that she is willing to take up office and affirm the terms of the Pledge of Office?

Photo of Caoimhe Archibald Caoimhe Archibald Sinn Féin

I confirm that I am willing to take up the office of Minister of Finance, and I affirm the terms of the Pledge of Office as set out in schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

Dr Caoimhe Archibald appointed Minister of Finance.

Photo of Edwin Poots Edwin Poots DUP

I call on Keith Buchanan, as nominating officer of the political party for which the formula laid down in section 18 gives the highest figure, to select a ministerial office and nominate a Member to hold it who is a member of his party and of the Assembly.

Photo of Keith Buchanan Keith Buchanan DUP

I select the Department for Communities and nominate Gordon Lyons MLA.

Photo of Edwin Poots Edwin Poots DUP

Will the Member confirm that he is willing to take up office and affirm the terms of the Pledge of Office?

Photo of Gordon Lyons Gordon Lyons DUP

I confirm that I am willing to take up the office of Minister for Communities, and I affirm the terms of the Pledge of Office as set out in schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

Mr Gordon Lyons appointed Minister for Communities.

Photo of Edwin Poots Edwin Poots DUP

I call on John Stewart, as nominating officer of the political party for which the formula laid down in section 18 gives the highest figure, to select a ministerial office and nominate a Member to hold it who is a member of his party and of the Assembly.

Photo of John Stewart John Stewart UUP

I select the Department of Health and nominate Robin Swann MLA.

Photo of Edwin Poots Edwin Poots DUP

Mr Swann, are you willing to accept the nomination?

Photo of Robin Swann Robin Swann UUP

I confirm that I am willing to take up the office of Minister of Health, and I affirm the terms of the Pledge of Office as set out in schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

Mr Robin Swann appointed Minister of Health.

Photo of Edwin Poots Edwin Poots DUP

I call on Michelle O'Neill, as nominating officer of the political party for which the formula laid down in section 18 gives the highest figure, to select a ministerial office and nominate a Member to hold it who is a member of her party and of the Assembly.

Photo of Michelle O'Neill Michelle O'Neill Sinn Féin

I choose the Department for Infrastructure and nominate John O'Dowd.

Photo of Edwin Poots Edwin Poots DUP

Will the Member confirm that he is willing to take up office and affirm the terms of the Pledge of Office?

Photo of John O'Dowd John O'Dowd Sinn Féin

I confirm that I am willing to take up the office of Minister for Infrastructure, and I affirm the terms of the Pledge of Office as set out in schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

Mr John O'Dowd appointed Minister for Infrastructure.

Photo of Edwin Poots Edwin Poots DUP

I call on Paula Bradshaw, as nominating officer of the political party for which the formula laid down in section 18 gives the highest figure, to select a ministerial office and nominate a Member to hold it who is a member of her party and of the Assembly.

Photo of Paula Bradshaw Paula Bradshaw Alliance

On behalf of the Alliance Party, we will be taking Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, and we nominate Andrew Muir.

Photo of Edwin Poots Edwin Poots DUP

Will the Member confirm that he is willing to take up office and affirm the terms of the Pledge of Office?

Photo of Andrew Muir Andrew Muir Alliance

I confirm that I am willing to take up the office of Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, and I affirm the terms of the Pledge of Office as set out in schedule 4 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

Mr Andrew Muir appointed Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs.

Photo of Edwin Poots Edwin Poots DUP

I thank the Assembly for its patience. That concludes the appointment of Ministers under the d'Hondt process. I offer my congratulations to all those who have taken up office.