Employment Bill: Further Consideration Stage

Executive Committee Business – in the Northern Ireland Assembly at 10:30 am on 23 February 2016.

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Debate [suspended on 22 February 2016] resumed.

Clause 26 (Commencement)

Photo of Mitchel McLaughlin Mitchel McLaughlin Speaker

The first item of business is the consideration of business not concluded on Monday 22 February.

Yesterday, a valid petition of concern was tabled to amendment Nos 26 and 27 during the Further Consideration Stage of the Employment Bill. That means that, under Standing Order 28, the Question on amendment Nos 26 and 27 could not be taken yesterday and requires to be taken on a cross-community basis.

Amendment No 26 proposed:

In page 16, line 14, at end insert


&quot;(1A) The repeal of Article 71 of the Fair Employment and Treatment (Northern Ireland) Order 1998 as set out in Schedule 3 comes into operation one year after this Act receives Royal Assent.&quot;. — [Mrs Overend.]

Question put, That the amendment be made. The Assembly divided:

<SPAN STYLE="font-style:italic;"> Ayes 45; Noes 32



Mr Allen, Mr Allister, Mr Anderson, Ms P Bradley, Mr Buchanan, Mrs Cameron, Mr Clarke, Mr Cochrane-Watson, Mr Cree, Mrs Dobson, Mr Douglas, Mr Dunne, Mr Easton, Mr Frew, Mr Gardiner, Mr Givan, Mrs Hale, Mr Hamilton, Mr Hilditch, Mr Humphrey, Mr Hussey, Mr Irwin, Mr Lyons, Mr McCallister, Mr I McCrea, Miss M McIlveen, Lord Morrow, Mr Moutray, Mr Nesbitt, Mr Newton, Mrs Overend, Mr Patterson, Mrs Pengelly, Mr Ross, Mr Storey, Ms Sugden, Mr Swann, Mr Weir, Mr Wells


Mr Agnew, Mrs Cochrane, Mr Dickson, Dr Farry, Ms Lo, Mr McCarthy

Tellers for the Ayes: Mrs Overend, Mr Patterson



Mr Attwood, Mr Boylan, Mr Diver, Mr Eastwood, Ms Fearon, Mr Flanagan, Mr G Kelly, Mr Lynch, Mr McAleer, Mr F McCann, Ms J McCann, Mr McCartney, Ms McCorley, Mr McElduff, Ms McGahan, Mr McGlone, Mr McKay, Mrs McKevitt, Mr McKinney, Mr McMullan, Mr A Maginness, Mr Maskey, Mr Milne, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mr Ó hOisín, Mr Ó Muilleoir, Mr O'Dowd, Mrs O'Neill, Mr Rogers, Ms Ruane, Mr Sheehan

Tellers for the Noes: Mr Flanagan, Ms McGahan

<TR><TD>Total Votes
77Total Ayes45[58.4%]
Nationalist Votes32Nationalist Ayes0[0.0%]
Unionist Votes39Unionist Ayes39[100.0%]
Other Votes6Other Ayes6[100.0%]

Question accordingly negatived (cross-community vote).

Schedule 3 (Repeals)

Amendment No 27 proposed:

In schedule 3, page 25, line 23, column 2, at end insert





Article 71.



&quot;. — [Mrs Overend.]

Photo of Mitchel McLaughlin Mitchel McLaughlin Speaker

Before I put the Question, I remind Members that amendment No 27 requires cross-community support due to a valid petition of concern.

Question put, That the amendment be made. The Assembly divided:

<SPAN STYLE="font-style:italic;"> Ayes 46; Noes 33



Mr Allen, Mr Allister, Mr Anderson, Ms P Bradley, Mr Buchanan, Mrs Cameron, Mr Clarke, Mr Cochrane-Watson, Mr Cree, Mrs Dobson, Mr Douglas, Mr Dunne, Mr Easton, Mr Frew, Mr Gardiner, Mr Givan, Mrs Hale, Mr Hamilton, Mr Hilditch, Mr Humphrey, Mr Hussey, Mr Irwin, Mr Lyons, Mr McCallister, Mr I McCrea, Miss M McIlveen, Lord Morrow, Mr Moutray, Mr Nesbitt, Mr Newton, Mrs Overend, Mr Patterson, Mrs Pengelly, Mr Ross, Mr Storey, Ms Sugden, Mr Swann, Mr Weir, Mr Wells


Mr Agnew, Mrs Cochrane, Mr Dickson, Dr Farry, Ms Lo, Mr Lyttle, Mr McCarthy

Tellers for the Ayes: Mrs Overend, Mr Patterson



Mr Attwood, Mr Boylan, Mr Diver, Mr Eastwood, Ms Fearon, Mr Flanagan, Mr G Kelly, Mr Lynch, Mr McAleer, Mr F McCann, Ms J McCann, Mr McCartney, Ms McCorley, Mr McElduff, Ms McGahan, Mr McGlone, Mr McKay, Mrs McKevitt, Mr McKinney, Ms Maeve McLaughlin, Mr McMullan, Mr A Maginness, Mr Maskey, Mr Milne, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mr Ó hOisín, Mr Ó Muilleoir, Mr O'Dowd, Mrs O'Neill, Mr Rogers, Ms Ruane, Mr Sheehan

Tellers for the Noes: Mr Flanagan, Mr F McCann

<TR><TD>Total Votes
79Total Ayes46[58.2%]
Nationalist Votes33Nationalist Ayes0[0.0%]
Unionist Votes39Unionist Ayes39[100.0%]
Other Votes7Other Ayes7[100.0%]

Question accordingly negatived (cross-community vote).

Long Title

Amendment No 28 made:

After &quot;disclosure;&quot; insert

&quot;to make provision for disclosure of gender pay information;&quot;. — [Mr Flanagan.]

Amendment No 29 made:

After &quot;disclosure;&quot; insert

&quot;to make provision for zero hours contracts; &quot;. — [Mr Flanagan.]

Photo of Mitchel McLaughlin Mitchel McLaughlin Speaker

That concludes the Further Consideration Stage of the Employment Bill. The Bill stands referred to the Speaker.