Monday, 2 December 2024
The Assembly met at 12 noon (Speaker [Mr Poots] in the Chair). Members observed two minutes' silence.
I wrote to Members on 31 October 2024 to bring to their attention the notification from the Secretary of State of the start of the democratic consent process under the Windsor framework. I...
I am deeply concerned about the future of ward 15 in Downpatrick. That facility is not just a ward; it is a lifeline for so many patients locally and across the North. It offers a sanctuary of...
I will raise awareness of a campaign by the rugby player Kevin Sinfield, who was famously a friend of Rob Burrow, who died of MND. Kevin has since campaigned very well to raise money for the...
I will speak about the serious matter of road safety, which does not receive the reporting that it deserves. Several years ago, the partner of a constituent of mine was killed while cycling. The...
Over the past few days, a belated light has been shone on the genocide and war crimes that are happening across the Middle East, awakening some to the real and growing horror that is occurring...
I draw attention to the continued infrastructure needs in my constituency of East Derry. On Friday, a number of my constituents who live with special needs, have physical disabilities or are...
Bhí olltoghchán sna Sé Chontae is Fiche an tseachtain seo caite. Ba mhaith liom buíochas ó chroí a ghabháil le gach duine a sheas mar iarrthóir do Shinn...
[Translation: A general election took place last week in the Twenty-six Counties. I take this opportunity to thank those who stood for Sinn Féin in the elections. We in this Chamber, as...
Last week, we celebrated Ulster-Scots Leid Week, when, across Northern Ireland, communities joined in a wide variety of activities, which our Ulster-Scots Agency coordinated, that promoted the...
This morning, I draw attention to some of the issues and difficulties that credit unions across the North face. Within the past week, I have been honoured to attend a meeting with Dungannon...
Today I remember two brave and valiant men on the anniversary of their murders. I remember Warrant Officer 2 John Arthur Maddocks, Royal Army Ordnance Corps. He was 32 when he was killed by...
We now have the Order Papers for the rest of 2024, thanks to your good office. We know that, before the end of this year, we will debate the motion to extend or not extend the protocol. We also...
The front page of the 'Belfast Telegraph' on Saturday exposed, once again, for the world to see, the sectarian and anti-British sentiment at the heart of the Ulster Boxing Council. It read as...
Thank you very much, Mr Speaker. The Civil Service inclusive language guide, which was published by the Finance Minister, amounts to an attack on the basic building blocks of society. In spite of...
Andrew McMurray has sought leave to present a public petition in accordance with Standing Order 22.
Resolved: That Miss Jemma Dolan replace Mrs Sinéad Ennis as a member of the Committee for Justice. — [Ms Ennis.] Resolved: That Mr Peter Martin replace Ms Joanne Bunting as a member of...
I have received notice from the Minister of Justice that she wishes to make a statement.
I beg to move That this Assembly notes Homelessness Awareness Week 2024, from 2 to 8 December 2024; further notes the major impact that homelessness has on the health and well-being of those...
Questions 6 and 12 have been withdrawn.
1. Ms Forsythe asked the Minister for the Economy to outline where data is published on tourism trends and performance over the past four years. (AQO 1213/22-27)
2. Dr Aiken asked the Minister for the Economy for his assessment of the proposed electricity interconnector between Kilroot and Scotland, recently approved by Ofgem. (AQO 1214/22-27)
3. Mr Allen asked the Minister for the Economy to outline his engagement with the Minister for Communities on the development of a fuel poverty strategy. (AQO 1215/22-27)
4. Mr Bradley asked the Minister for the Economy to outline the location of any Invest NI land in East Londonderry. (AQO 1216/22-27)
5. Mr Martin asked the Minister for the Economy for an update on his Department's work regarding post-19 special educational needs (SEN) pupils to ensure they have the support they need to...
7. Mr Buckley asked the Minister for the Economy for his assessment of the impact of the rise in National Insurance contributions in the autumn Budget 2024. (AQO 1219/22-27)
T1. Ms McLaughlin asked the Minister for the Economy whether he is aware of the Utility Regulator's decision to allow NIE Networks to increase the cost of connecting new-build developments by...
T2. Mr Harvey asked the Minister for the Economy, given that the subregional plan recently launched by the Department provides for the creation of new local economic partnerships (LEPs) across...
T3. Ms K Armstrong asked the Minister for the Economy whether he could give his assessment of Carers NI's research, which showed that a statutory right to paid carers' leave and flexible working...
T4. Mr Irwin asked the Minister for the Economy what steps he is taking to promote careers in trade for young people. (AQT 814/22-27)
T5. Mr Dunne asked the Minister for the Economy how he intends to address poor levels of job creation from inward investment in the Ards and North Down Borough Council area. (AQT 815/22-27)
T7. Mr Gaston asked the Minister for the Economy where Intertrade UK will be based, what its annual budget will be and what staff complement will support it. (AQT 817/22-27)
T8. Mr McHugh asked the Minister for the Economy what the 'good jobs' employment rights Bill will do to strengthen trade unions and enhance and secure workers' rights. (AQT 818/22-27)
1. Ms Nicholl asked the Minister of Education whether he is considering the development of a universal 0-3 learning framework. (AQO 1228/22-27)
2. Mr Crawford asked the Minister of Education to outline any support available to assist with maintenance of the exterior of a school building. (AQO 1229/22-27)
3. Mr Tennyson asked the Minister of Education to outline his plans to reform academic selection in the education system. (AQO 1230/22-27)
4. Mr McAleer asked the Minister of Education for an update on his capital investment plans for Dean Maguirc College, Carrickmore. (AQO 1231/22-27)
5. Mr Durkan asked the Minister of Education for an update on the status of the major capital works programme. (AQO 1232/22-27)
6. Mr Donnelly asked the Minister of Education for an update on the action he has taken to resolve the teachers' pay claim for 2024-25. (AQO 1233/22-27)
7. Ms Bradshaw asked the Minister of Education for an update on the new build of Forge Integrated Primary School. (AQO 1234/22-27)
8. Mr Martin asked the Minister of Education whether the new delivery and implementation group, which is examining the development of a management authority to support controlled schools, will...
T1. Ms Hunter asked the Minister of Education, having last week met a range of people, from parents of children with special educational needs and child carers to children who have experienced a...
T2. Mr Clarke asked the Minister of Education to provide an update on the UK Education Ministers Council. (AQT 822/22-27)
T3. Mr Donnelly asked the Minister of Education whether he will publish an action plan for the implementation of the end-to-end review of special educational needs. (AQT 823/22-27)
T4. Dr Aiken asked the Minister of Education what consideration he has given to the use of the National Wealth Fund or the increased use of financial transactions capital (FTC) to deliver...
T6. Ms Sugden asked the Minister of Education whether there is scope in his expected Bill to extend compulsory education to 18 and legislate for post-19 SEN to 25. (AQT 826/22-27)
Minister, I am incredibly proud of my time at Laurelhill and of all the pupils who went through that school. It was truly a child-centred school, which is really important for education.
T10. Mr Middleton asked the Minister of Education when he anticipates the payment to Education Authority support staff arising from the pay and grading review to be made. (AQT 830/22-27)
Debate resumed on motion: That this Assembly notes Homelessness Awareness Week 2024, from 2 to 8 December 2024; further notes the major impact that homelessness has on the health and well-being...
I beg to move That this Assembly recognises the need for greater regulation in the use of aesthetic medicines in non-surgical cosmetic procedures; notes that Save Face, a register of accredited...