Monday, 8 November 2021
The Assembly met at 12 noon (Speaker [Mr Maskey] in the Chair). Members observed two minutes' silence.
Before we move to the business in the Order Paper, I advise the House that the Youth Assembly met on Saturday morning. Obviously, due to the restrictions that remain in place, it was not possible...
If Members wish to be called to make a statement, they should indicate that by continually rising in their place. Those Members who are called will have up to three minutes to make their...
Our responsibility as legislators is to create conditions that are fair and equitable for all our constituents. My private Member's Bill to abolish hospital car parking charges is about creating...
Forgive me for not rising. I thank Members from across the Chamber for their very kind sentiments and messages on the passing of my mother; they were greatly appreciated. The subject that I want...
I associate myself with your remarks to Mr Weir. Last night in Rathcoole, a bus was burnt out. Men, apparently in their 40s, entered the bus, intimidated the driver, directed him and burnt the...
Following on from the remarks of my friend from South Belfast, I rise to raise the very concerning issue of the remarks made at the weekend by a senior EU diplomat: "We are ready for peace but...
I am grateful for the chance to wish our colleague Mr Weir a full and speedy recovery and to address the issue of recurring violence in Northern Ireland. I cannot condemn strongly enough the...
I join other Members in offering my best wishes and condolences to our colleague Peter Weir. Thirty-four years ago today, one of the most appalling acts of IRA terrorism took place: the Poppy Day...
First, I wish Mr Weir well, and I add my condolences on the passing of his mother. I raise the issue of the disgraceful, racist attack on a family in Portadown last night. A group of youths...
First, I condemn those responsible for that attack and also those responsible for last night's attack in Rathcoole. My good wishes go to my colleague Peter Weir during what is a difficult time...
I take the opportunity to sympathise with Peter Weir on the death of his mother. I offer my sincere sympathies to Peter and the rest of the family. I also wish Peter a good and fulsome recovery....
I will speak on behalf of the thousands of people across Northern Ireland who regularly experience migraines and yet have no protection under disability legislation. Migraines are a form of...
When I say that the Minister for Infrastructure presides over a crisis in our road network in South Down and across the Newry and Mourne area, I am not overstating the scale of the problem. The...
I wish Peter Weir, who is my colleague and friend, all the best, although he has left the Chamber. In the light of the recent whistle-blower investigation in the 'British Medical Journal' that...
I am very grateful because I know that we are over time, so I will not use too much of it. I extend to my colleague Peter Weir my deepest sympathies on the death of his mother and thank the...
I beg to move That this Assembly takes note of the proposed changes to the Flags Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 as set out in the draft Flags (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) Regulations 2021.
I have received notice from the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Mr Edwin Poots, that he wishes to make a statement. Before I call the Minister, I remind Members in the...
I have been advised that no statement is available in relation to the British-Irish Council meeting. We will therefore move on, following a 15-minute suspension. Hopefully the Infrastructure...
I beg to introduce the Support for Mortgage Interest etc (Security for Loans) Bill [NIA 42/17-22], which is a Bill to provide for loans under article 13 of the Welfare Reform and Work (Northern...
I beg to move That, in accordance with Standing Order 33(4), the period referred to in Standing Order 33(2) be extended to 28 January 2022, in relation to the Committee Stage of the Adoption and...
I beg to move That the Second Stage of the Education (Curriculum) (CPR and AED) Bill [NIA 38/17-22] be agreed.
Questions 6, 7, 13 and 15 have been withdrawn.
1. Mr Muir asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister whether consideration is being given to reopening the Travel Agents (Coronavirus) Financial Assistance Scheme 2021. (AQO 2664/17-22)
2. Mr Dunne asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister, further to the Historical Institutional Abuse inquiry report recommendations, for an update on contributions from six institutions...
3. Mr Buckley asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister what support is provided to those bereaved following the loss of a victim of a Troubles-related incident. (AQO 2666/17-22)
4. Mr G Kelly asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister for an update on their discussions with the Irish and British Governments and the European Union regarding post-Brexit...
T1. Mrs Dodds asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister what the deputy First Minister, who will know and acknowledge that Her Majesty The Queen is much admired across the community in...
T2. Mr G Kelly asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister whether the deputy First Minister agrees that stable political institutions are essential as we continue to navigate our way...
T4. Mr Dickson asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister, in light of the fact that, last week, the Government announced funding for a community prosperity fund, which will be a pilot...
T5. Mr Buckley asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister, in light of the fact that, interestingly, throughout Question Time, the deputy First Minister has talked about reckless and...
T6. Mr McNulty asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister what the joint First Minister will do and say to ease the pain of the families of the disappeared, given that, last Tuesday, All...
T7. Mr Allister asked the First Minister and deputy First Minister what message the deputy First Minister thinks that she has sent today to IRA victims by her refusal to say that the Enniskillen...
Questions 6 and 11 have been withdrawn.
1. Mr O'Toole asked the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs what assessment he has made of the economic impact of increased food exports from Northern Ireland to the Republic...
2. Mr Beggs asked the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs whether he will review the draft notice to approve marine licence ML 28_12 for the Islandmagee gas storage project and...
3. Mrs Dodds asked the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for an update on the independent strategic review of the NI agri-food sector (ISRAF). (AQO 2681/17-22)
4. Mr McCrossan asked the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to outline any departmental legal costs to date as a result of his decision to withdraw from meetings of the...
5. Mrs Cameron asked the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for his assessment of the levels of illegal puppy farming and trade in Northern Ireland. (AQO 2683/17-22)
T2. Mr O'Toole asked the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs who, last week, attended COP26, presumably because he believes that climate change is real and action needs to be...
T3. Dr Archibald asked the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs what he will do to support our farmers who stand to lose out as a result of the British Government’s...
T4. Mrs Barton asked the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs what he can do to support organic egg producers, who, at the moment, are sourcing food that is 95% organic, albeit...
T5. Ms Ní Chuilín asked the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, who will be relieved not to be asked about farms in North Belfast, to provide an update on the...
T9. Mrs D Kelly asked the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs whether he has been able to resolve with the Minister of Justice the data-sharing arrangement in relation to the...
Mrs Pam Cameron has given notice of a question for urgent oral answer to the Minister of Health. I remind Members that, if they wish to ask a supplementary question, they should rise continually...
Debate resumed on motion: That the Second Stage of the Education (Curriculum) (CPR and AED) Bill [NIA 38/17-22] be agreed. — [Mr McGrath.]