Paul Wheelhouse

Former Scottish National Party MSP for South Scotland


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Former Scottish National Party MSP for South Scotland

Entered the Scottish Parliament on 6 May 2011 — Election

Left the Scottish Parliament on 5 May 2021 — Dissolved for election

Social Media

Recent appearances

  • Scottish Parliament: Broadband Roll-out (Dumfries and Galloway) 11 Mar 2021

    Thinkbroadband reports that superfast coverage in Dumfries and Galloway stands at 87 per cent, up from 17 per cent in January 2014. Dumfries and Galloway has 8,300 properties in scope for the R100 south lot contract, which delivered its first live connections in Biggar in Lanarkshire in December. Eligible south lot premises will receive a full-fibre solution, which allows gigabit...
  • Scottish Parliament: Broadband Roll-out (Dumfries and Galloway) 11 Mar 2021

    Joan McAlpine is correct: mobile connectivity is reserved, as is broadband. However, we intervene through our own measures to address market failure. She will be aware that the Scottish 4G infill programme has been important for us. The first mast that we delivered was at New Luce in Galloway, and that site has been operational for more than a year. Four more sites in Dumfries and Galloway...
  • Scottish Parliament: Broadband Roll-out (Dumfries and Galloway) 11 Mar 2021

    Colin Smyth raises an important point. It is true that the full-fibre needs of new developments must also be addressed. I know that BT provides a package for any development of more than 20 properties—it is largely free full fibre, because of the scale of the development. I know that Mr Stewart, the Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning, is closely examining the matter in...

More of Paul Wheelhouse’s recent appearances

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This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

For an explanation of the vote descriptions please see our page about voting information on TheyWorkForYou.

Profile photo: Contains Scottish Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Scottish Parliament Licence v1.0