Angus MacDonald

Former Scottish National Party MSP for Falkirk East


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Former Scottish National Party MSP for Falkirk East

Entered the Scottish Parliament on 6 May 2011 — Election

Left the Scottish Parliament on 5 May 2021 — Dissolved for election

Social Media

Recent appearances

  • Scottish Parliament: Climate Change Plan 9 Mar 2021

    I am grateful to have the opportunity to contribute to the debate, as I serve on the ECCLR and REC Committees. This is my final speech, so I hope, with the Presiding Officer’s indulgence, to sign off with a few words of thanks and farewell. I, too, send my best wishes to the cabinet secretary. Since the four committee reports on the CCPU were published, it has been heartening to see the...
  • Scottish Parliament: Green Recovery Inquiry 9 Feb 2021

    I a m pleased to contribute to the debate in the week that it was confirmed that Scotland’s carbon footprint has hit another record low. Analysis by the Scottish Government shows that Scotland’s carbon footprint fell by 30 per cent between 2007 and 2017. That compares with a 21 per cent decrease in the rest of the UK. During the 10 years of SNP governance, Scotland’s greenhouse gas...
  • Scottish Parliament: Health Services (Impact of Long Covid) 4 Feb 2021

    5. To ask the Scottish Government what research has been undertaken regarding the long-term impact of long Covid on Scotland’s health services, and whether it is considering establishing long Covid clinics. (S5O-04973)

More of Angus MacDonald’s recent appearances

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This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

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