Andrew Wilson

Former Scottish National Party MSP for Central Scotland

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Former Scottish National Party MSP for Central Scotland

Entered the Scottish Parliament on 6 May 1999 — Election

Left the Scottish Parliament on 31 March 2003 — Election

Recent appearances

  • Scottish Parliament written answers — Environment: Environment 31 Mar 2003

    To ask the Scottish Executive what assistance it can provide any residents of the Luggiebank area of the Cumbernauld and Kilsyth parliamentary constituency who have concerns about the potential environmental and personal impact of activities associated with a local plastic coating company and how open the process for any such assistance would be with regard to providing information that would...
  • Scottish Parliament written answers — Pensions: Pensions 31 Mar 2003

    To ask the Scottish Executive what consultations it has had, or representations it has made, regarding proposed changes involving bank accounts to the pension payment system, detailing with whom each such contact was made and what the date, purpose and outcome was of each such contact.
  • Scottish Parliament written answers — Pensions: Pensions 31 Mar 2003

    To ask the Scottish Executive whether Citizens Advice Bureaux, Age Concern Scotland or the banks are appropriate means by which pensioners may receive independent financial advice in relation to the proposed changes to the pension payment system and what the reasons are for the position on the matter.

More of Andrew Wilson’s recent appearances

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This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

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