Mike Watson

Former Independent MSP for Glasgow Cathcart

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Former Independent MSP for Glasgow Cathcart

Entered the Scottish Parliament on 6 May 1999 — Election

Left the Scottish Parliament on 5 September 2005 — Resigned

Party was Labour until 15 Nov 2004

Recent appearances

  • Scottish Parliament: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis 9 Jun 2005

    I pay tribute to Alex Fergusson for moving with such alacrity to secure the debate following the announcement about the recent research by Dr Gow and his team at the University of Glasgow. Alex Fergusson's work in the cross-party group on ME has been prodigious. It may now be beginning to produce results. I welcome Dr Gow's research. One of the comments that was made about it—I think by Dr...
  • Scottish Parliament: Playing Fields 1 Jun 2005

    I am unequivocal in my belief that the starting point for a debate on the provision of playing fields in Scotland is the need for Scots to tackle the serious state of our health. All members are familiar with the statistics on heart disease, smoking and cancer, but they might not know that every week in Scotland, 42 people die of heart disease because they are inactive. That will continue to...
  • Scottish Parliament: Playing Fields 1 Jun 2005

    I do not have enough time, I am afraid. Playing fields do not cater only for formal pitch sports use; they also offer space for children to play informal ball games, to run about and to enjoy general healthy and energetic activity. Playing fields also form an essential part of the environment, offering space for informal recreation, walks and so on. We should maximise opportunities to ensure...

More of Mike Watson’s recent appearances

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