Dave Thompson

Former Scottish National Party MSP for Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch


Former Scottish National Party MSP for Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch

Entered the Scottish Parliament on 3 May 2007 — Election

Left the Scottish Parliament on 23 March 2016 — Election

Also represented Highlands and Islands

Recent appearances

  • Scottish Parliament: Local Control 22 Mar 2016

    Thank you very much, Presiding Officer. I apologise for having another go at a last speech. I had intended to make my last speech last week, but I had not realised that this debate was coming up. When I saw that it was Rob Gibson’s debate, and that it was to do with localism, I could not resist putting my name forward. I have known Rob Gibson for many years. He has been very active in the...
  • Scottish Parliament: Local Control 22 Mar 2016

    It is up to other people to argue for their areas, but my remit is for the Highlands and Islands. We must ensure that people engage again with their local communities. Community councils are failing all over the Highlands. They are disbanding; people are resigning in disgust. They have no power and no money. We would not need more politicians, because we would not need community councils if...
  • Scottish Parliament: Land Reform (Scotland) Bill: Stage 3 16 Mar 2016

    I have no recollection at all of saying such a thing.

More of Dave Thompson’s recent appearances

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