Dave Petrie

Former Conservative MSP for Highlands and Islands

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Former Conservative MSP for Highlands and Islands

Entered the Scottish Parliament on 19 April 2006 — Appointed, regional replacement

Left the Scottish Parliament on 2 April 2007 — Election

Recent appearances

  • Scottish Parliament: Education 22 Mar 2007

    The criticism was realistic and positive.
  • Scottish Parliament: Education 22 Mar 2007

    I echo what Donald Gorrie said about extra-curricular activities in schools—which the Conservative party greatly supports—and pay tribute to my esteemed mentor, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, for his support and for his excellent speech in his final parliamentary debate. As a former teacher, I welcome the opportunity to contribute to the debate. When I heard Tony Blair give his triple...
  • Scottish Parliament: Education 22 Mar 2007

    I had not realised that we have reached such an agreement, but I look forward to sending the minister a letter. If the results of the extra money that has been made available are not good enough, I want to know why that money is being wasted. The Executive wants to talk up the successes of its education policy in this debate as much as possible, but it is interesting that there is not a...

More of Dave Petrie’s recent appearances

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