John Park

Former Labour MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife


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Former Labour MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife

Entered the Scottish Parliament on 3 May 2007 — Election

Left the Scottish Parliament on 7 December 2012 — Resigned

Social Media

Recent appearances

  • Scottish Parliament: St Andrew’s Day 27 Nov 2012

    Is Stewart Stevenson saying that the Scottish Government’s position is that it would create an extra holiday on this day if the powers were available?
  • Scottish Parliament: St Andrew’s Day 27 Nov 2012

    I will try my best to keep to that time, Presiding Officer. It is nice to have a few extra minutes in what has been an excellent debate. I will say a bit more about the spirit in which it has been conducted later. Twice in the past two or three weeks, I have stood in the chamber and realised that I should have stuck in at school a bit more. We had a debate about Malawi a couple of weeks ago...
  • Scottish Parliament: St Andrew’s Day 27 Nov 2012

    I am not brave enough to comment on people of Mr Stevenson’s generation. It is one of the benefits of devolution, with what has happened in the Scottish Parliament and the work that Dennis Canavan took forward to put the focus on St Andrew’s day as a holiday, that there is now a far greater awareness of the day. Everybody in the chamber should take credit for that, along with previous...

More of John Park’s recent appearances

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