Iain Gray

Former Labour MSP for East Lothian


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Former Labour MSP for East Lothian

Entered the Scottish Parliament on 6 May 1999 — Election

Left the Scottish Parliament on 5 May 2021 — Dissolved for election

Also represented Edinburgh Pentlands

Social Media

Recent appearances

  • Scottish Parliament: Education (Attainment Gap) 24 Mar 2021

    My apologies to the cabinet secretary for extending his sentence for slightly longer, but I promise that it will not be for too long. For the whole of this parliamentary session, the Government has had the good will and support of the whole chamber for its top priority of closing the poverty-related attainment gap. This week’s Audit Scotland report shows that it is true, as the cabinet...
  • Scottish Parliament: College Staff (Industrial Action) 23 Mar 2021

    1. To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had regarding planned industrial action by college staff this week. (S5T-02721)
  • Scottish Parliament: College Staff (Industrial Action) 23 Mar 2021

    Given that students are trying to maintain their studies in spite of the pandemic, strike action in colleges is undesirable and in this case unnecessary. Equally, this is no time to attack the terms and conditions of college staff. More than a week ago, the national joint negotiating committee agreed the principle that there is no national plan to replace lecturers with instructor-type posts...

More of Iain Gray’s recent appearances

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