Wendy Alexander

Former Labour MSP for Paisley North

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Former Labour MSP for Paisley North

Entered the Scottish Parliament on 6 May 1999 — Election

Left the Scottish Parliament on 23 March 2011 — Election

Recent appearances

  • Scottish Parliament: “Low Carbon Scotland: Meeting the Emissions Reductions Targets 2010-2022 — Report on Proposals and Policies” 16 Mar 2011

    I have a helpful question for the minister. Last summer, the Scottish Government was helpful enough to provide to the independent budget review a figure of £8 billion for the estimated costs to the public purse of delivery of the RPP by 2020. Given the refinement work that has been going on over the past six months, is there an updated figure? Does the £8 billion figure stand or has it...
  • Scottish Parliament written answers — Planning: Planning 14 Mar 2011

    To ask the Scottish Executive what level of committed grid investment there is and planned grid investment it envisages over the next 10 years, broken down by (a) year, (b) project and (c) investor.
  • Scottish Parliament: Scotland Bill 10 Mar 2011

    I pay tribute to my committee colleagues, who are all highly experienced parliamentarians in their own right, and to the clerks, to the Scottish Parliament information centre and to our advisers. Ours was the first-ever committee dedicated to considering a bill. According to the spin, we would simply rubber-stamp it, we would not study the Government’s alternative and we would make few...

More of Wendy Alexander’s recent appearances

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