John McAllion

Former Labour MSP for Dundee East

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Former Labour MSP for Dundee East, Former Labour MP for Dundee East

Entered the House of Commons on 11 June 1987 — General election

Left the House of Commons on 14 May 2001 — General election

Entered the Scottish Parliament on 6 May 1999 — Election

Left the Scottish Parliament on 31 March 2003 — Election

Previous MPs in this constituency

Future MPs in this constituency

Recent appearances

  • Scottish Parliament: Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Bill: Stage 3 20 Mar 2003

    I add my thanks and congratulations to anyone who had anything to do with the bill, even the ministers, whom I do not usually congratulate on such occasions. In particular, I mention the clerks to the Health and Community Care Committee, who have performed truly heroically during the passage of the bill. Even to my jaundiced eyes, the civil servants who were on the bill team seemed to be...
  • Scottish Parliament: Question Time — Scottish Executive: Mental Health (Elderly People) 20 Mar 2003

    Is the minister aware that the recently announced review of adult mental health services in Tayside proposes the closure of acute beds in Angus and Perth and the concentration of services at the Carseview hospital in Dundee, which is a public-private partnership hospital that is run for profit by the private sector on a 25-year lease? Given that Carseview was built to service Dundee, what...
  • Scottish Parliament: International Situation (Contingency Planning) 19 Mar 2003

    Does the First Minister accept that in a democracy such as ours the real betrayal of our armed forces would have been not to challenge and go on challenging the political decisions that are forcing them to lay their lives on the line? If so, will he assure me that our democracy will not now be confined to the boundaries of either Westminster or Holyrood but will continue to include the...

More of John McAllion’s recent appearances

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