The key there is the fact that Nia is working in a practice that is being directly managed by the health board, rather than one that's being managed by a GP practice. Clearly, there are different ways in which we need to look at the GP contract to have a more holistic service for what people need in primary care.
We've done some great work on getting better use out of the community pharmacists, because they're highly skilled individuals, and them dealing with the common ailments scheme seems to me just a much better use of their skills than simply dishing out somebody else's prescriptions. I'm a little bit confused about the way in which GP practices work, because I've yet to come across a GP...
Thank you for all the wonderful work you described, going across the whole of Wales. I particularly want to thank you for sticking to your guns on ensuring that anybody entering the sustainable farming scheme will have to have 10 per cent of their farm for habitat restoration. That's incredibly important. I look forward to the legislation, which will enable us to have robust and stretching...
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