Free Internal Market Within the United Kingdom
There have been votes in Parliament on the free movement of goods, and mutual recognition of professional qualifications, within the United Kingdom.
Rachel Maclean generally voted for the free movement of goods, and mutual recognition of qualifications, within the United Kingdom
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On 19 Jan 2021:
Rachel Maclean voted not to require international trade agreements to protect the free market in goods and services between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
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On 15 Dec 2020:
Rachel Maclean voted against broader exemptions to the "market access principles" intended to ensure a free internal market within the United Kingdom, and not prioritise rules agreed by the four nations of the United Kingdom over those principles.
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This policy conflicts with:
On 10 Dec 2020:
Rachel Maclean voted not to prioritise rules agreed by the four nations of the United Kingdom via the "common frameworks process" over the "market access principles" intended to ensure a free internal market within the United Kingdom provided for in the Bill.
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This policy conflicts with:
On 10 Dec 2020:
Rachel Maclean voted to replace specific taxation, health and chemicals related exemptions to the laws intended to ensure a free internal market within the United Kingdom with a broader exemption for proportionate requirements which pursue legitimate aims; and also to require consultation with, but not consent from, devolved administrations in relation to many potential future changes to the free internal market laws.
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This policy conflicts with:
On 7 Dec 2020:
Rachel Maclean voted not to prioritise rules agreed by the four nations of the United Kingdom via the "common frameworks process" over the "market access principles" intended to ensure a free internal market within the United Kingdom provided for in the Bill.
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This policy conflicts with:
On 7 Dec 2020:
Rachel Maclean voted not to replace specific taxation, health and chemicals related exemptions to the laws intended to ensure a free internal market within the United Kingdom with a broader exemption for proportionate requirements which pursue legitimate aims.
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This policy conflicts with:
On 29 Sep 2020:
Rachel Maclean voted against a requirement to monitor and promote trade between Northern Ireland and Great Britain, considering businesses and consumers.
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On 29 Sep 2020:
Rachel Maclean voted in favour of the free movement, and sale, of goods, and mutual recognition of professional qualifications, within the UK
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On 29 Sep 2020:
Rachel Maclean voted in favour of the free movement, and sale, of goods, and mutual recognition of professional qualifications, within the UK
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On 21 Sep 2020:
Rachel Maclean voted not to give the Northern Ireland Assembly a veto on any new requirements relating to goods moving from Great Britain to Northern Ireland and against a ban on charges relating to such movements of goods.
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This vote is also related to:
On 21 Sep 2020:
Rachel Maclean voted to empower ministers regulate the movement of goods from Northern Ireland to Great Britain, and to deal with state aid to agriculture in Northern Ireland, irrespective of domestic law and international agreements.
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On 14 Sep 2020:
Rachel Maclean voted in favour of the free movement, and sale, of goods, and mutual recognition of professional qualifications, within the UK; and not to call on the Government to expedite a trade deal with the EU.
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On 14 Sep 2020:
Rachel Maclean voted in favour of the free movement, and sale, of goods, and mutual recognition of professional qualifications, within the UK
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On 8 Jan 2020:
Rachel Maclean voted not to require the publication of an annual assessment of impacts on businesses and consumers arising from the Protocol on trade between Great Britain and Northern Ireland and not to protect the place of Northern Ireland businesses and consumers in the UK internal market.
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On 29 Sep 2020:
Rachel Maclean voted to empower ministers to breach international agreements and other domestic law when making regulations on trade in goods between Northern Ireland and Great Britain and when providing state aid to agriculture in Northern Ireland under the provisions of a United Kingdom Internal Market Act.
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On 14 Sep 2020:
Rachel Maclean voted to authorise the spending of public money for a broad range of economic, cultural, sporting, educational and administrative purposes linked to the Internal Market Bill and regulations made under its provisions.
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Note for journalists and researchers: The data on this page may be used freely, on condition that is cited as the source.
This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.
For an explanation of the vote descriptions please see our page about voting information on TheyWorkForYou.
Profile photo: © Parliament (CC-BY 3.0)