Peter Kyle

The Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology

Labour MP for Hove and Portslade


Academy Schools

Schools with "Academy Status" are given financial independence and freedom from local authority control. Votes have also been held on what requirements ought be made of Academy Schools in relation to admissions, exclusions and personal, social and health education.

Photo: Anna Armstrong

Peter Kyle consistently voted against academy schools

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Major votes

Minor votes

  • On 25 May 2016: Peter Kyle voted to oppose good or outstanding schools being forced to become an academy and to oppose further increases in university tuition fees. Show vote
  • On 13 Apr 2016: Peter Kyle voted against turning all primary and secondary schools in England into academies, shifting control over them from local councils to central government. Show vote

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This data was produced by TheyWorkForYou from a variety of sources.

For an explanation of the vote descriptions please see our page about voting information on TheyWorkForYou.

Profile photo: © Parliament (CC-BY 3.0)